Chapter 154

It is not Ge Hong's style to be timid before fighting.

As the captain, Ge Hong thinks he can lose, but he just has to have the courage to dare to challenge!
Perhaps for the victory of the game, you have this courage, which is even more precious.

You can lose, but you have to challenge your talents.

For no other reason, Ge Hong thought that he would entrust the representative of the university to work hard to try to overcome talent!
However, Lin Kai has the determination to win!
In the 100-meter test, it is acceptable for him to be 0.01 seconds slower than Ge Hong, but in the 200-meter test, Lin Kai will try to open the gap of 0.2 seconds behind Ge Hong.

"Lin Kai, Ge Hong, you two are the first group, hurry up and prepare!"

Coach Wang had obviously almost finished setting up the 200-meter test venue and shouted to Lin Kai and Ge Hong.

The team members murmured in their hearts, it will be another wonderful game!
The plot that only exists in TV dramas, the confrontation between the captain and the new team members.

Now it seems to have moved from TV drama to reality.

Zhang Ze, who chose Lin Kai's side, thought that Lin Kai had a higher chance of defeating Captain Ge.

Who put Lin Kai's talent and hard work here, not to mention that Captain Ge was defeated by Lin Kai in the 200-meter test on the first day of summer training.

For this reason, Zhang Ze doesn't think it's a coincidence or luck.

If you believe it's chance or luck, you'd be ridiculously generous!
Know that only a fool would think that choosing to trust other people's luck and chance in track and field.

The moment Lin Kai and Captain Ge stood in front of the starting block, the team members knew that the upcoming game would definitely be another bloodbath!
In the showdown between freshmen and old students, the team members hope that Captain Ge can regain this face.

As a senior, losing to a junior, no matter what the reason, would be more or less embarrassing.

Squatting on the starting block, what Ge Hong thinks most is that the distance of the track and field remains unchanged, and only the strength of the athletes themselves becomes.

Don't think too much, choose to believe in yourself, Lin Kai can hear his own heartbeat.

"Everyone take your place!"



Instant power, no sloppiness at all!
Lin Kai, who stepped off the starting block, tried to improve his running speed in the shortest time with the blessing of mature technical movements!
The game was on the verge of breaking out at the moment the gun fired, and the emotions of the onlookers became tense.

Run with your head down, run with your mind, not with brute force.

30 meters is very short and fast, Lin Kai knows he is fast, and hopes to be faster!
The stubbornness of the young man hinted at Ge Hong to surpass and defeat Lin Kai.

This is exactly the case for young people, don't look back if you don't hit the south wall!
Before he was covered in bruises, Ge Hong never gave up his pursuit of standing on the top domestic stage.

The 30 meters are fleeting, but there is no advantage between the players!
At least in the running positions of Lin Kai and Ge Hong, it will not be clear who is ahead of whom for a while.

"I am called Lao Wang, but I can't protect myself!"

Coach Wang's tone was a little teasing, but also gratifying.

At least this summer training has become meaningful because of Lin Kai.

It is not a hobby to discover every genius.

"By the way, if this guy Lin Kai calls you Old Wang, who is he?"

"The third!"

Coach Wang pulled out three fingers and made a three sign.

"I thought it was the first one!"

Smiling but not saying anything, Coach Wang still had something left unsaid in his heart.

If Lin Kai achieves the goal he set, call himself Lao Wang, although it is the third one, it is the most difficult one!
It’s just that Coach Wang intends to hide these words in his heart.

Only a few seconds passed, Lin Kai and Ge Hong had reached 50 meters.

A quarter of the test has passed, and Ge Hong forced himself not to look at Lin Kai's figure, trying to focus on himself and race against time on the track and field.

As for defeating Lin Kai, Ge Hong thinks he has a chance, it depends on human effort!
60 meters, 70 meters, the distance shortened rapidly under the feet of Lin Kai and Ge Hong.

Concerns lead to chaos, Zhang Ze was a little worried about Lin Kai and Captain Ge's 200-meter test.

On the first day of summer training, Captain Ge and Lin Kai were evenly matched after a 100-meter bend.

I don't know if the summer training organized by Beijin University is over today, whether the two are still evenly matched!
When he was about to enter the 100-meter straight, Lin Kai spotted Ge Hong from the corner of his eyes.

After all, at this distance, the gap caused by the curve is still made up, and the rest is the strength gap between the players.

For this reason, Lin Kai thinks that he has to work hard to try to widen the gap with Ge Hong.

What Lin Kai wants is not only to surpass Ge Hong, but also to try his best to widen the gap with Ge Hong by more than 0.2 seconds.

However, putting Ge Hong's strength here is not a simple matter.

Some team members murmured in their hearts that the freshmen of this class are too strong and they need to be ignored. They cannot treat each other as freshmen.

Otherwise, it is really self-defeating!
Entering the 100-meter straight, Lin Kai and Captain Ge were almost in sync. Without careful observation, it was impossible to tell who was ahead of whom.

It was the second time to keep pace with each other. Captain Ge didn't want this. He gritted his teeth, swung his arms, kicked his legs, stabilized his core, and tried to let himself surpass the opponent.

90 meters, 80 meters, my mind and focus were not on Ge Hong, but on steadying my own rhythm and running with my head down.

Regardless, when running, how can there be so many complicated ideas!
Some just want to be faster, and faster!
Only able to squint and see two outlines, Cai Quande simply focused his gaze on the constantly beating fluorescent red numbers.

The constant beating represents the passage of time bit by bit!
It's just that the game is not over yet, and Lin Kai has also won a slight advantage.

Lin Kai, who ran first, sprinted with all his strength, so he didn't have time to worry about how much he was ahead!
Being led by Lin Kai, Ge Hong tried to catch up.

However, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't close this small gap.

Zhang Ze, one of the team members, clenched his fists and secretly said to Lin Kai, please go faster!
Of course, he would definitely not say it out of his mouth. You must know that there are seniors around.

The weak advantage was being drawn away, and Ge Hong only felt that his body was at the end of his strength.

The body is like a sponge that has been squeezed dry, but no water can be squeezed out.

He could only watch as Lin Kai widened the gap with himself.

This feeling of watching helplessly is simply a kind of torture for Ge Hong.

But Ge Hong couldn't stop. Stopping meant that the gap widened even further.

Lin Kai, who didn't know it, only felt that he was getting closer to the finish line.

30 meters, 20 meters, ten meters, I no longer think about the distance that I must lead Ge Hong by more than 0.2 seconds.

Press the line, sprint, all in one go!
(End of this chapter)

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