The king of sprinting: I am an Olympic champion

Chapter 161: Take off your glasses, full energy

Chapter 161 Once the glasses are taken off, the vitality is fully activated!
Perhaps the observation of demeanor is more difficult for other athletes.

However, Lin Kai had experience in his previous life, so he could figure it out.

The main thing is not to be nervous, otherwise there is no reason to observe the demeanor of the same group of players.

This also made Lin Kai a little worried. He was confident that his strength should not be underestimated. Don't let the opponent mess up his rhythm.

In the 100-meter race, being disrupted by the rhythm can be a big mistake.

But Lin Kai felt vaguely uneasy. His guess might be right. He might have encountered a big boss in the 100-meter preliminaries.

Without too many grades to record, Lin Kai could be said to have a blank page, so it was understandable that he was placed in the first line.

There is nothing wrong with the arrangement of the Jiangsu organizers.

No one thought that Lin Kai was just here to be a running companion.

Looking around, Hu Kai thought that he had finally achieved what he had dreamed of.

I brought my talent to the National Games.

Now is the age of playing, Hu Kai can say that he has confidence in his heart.

I am not afraid of the top athletes in the country.

As for the 100-meter preliminaries, Hu Kai felt that if there were no accidents, there should be no pressure.

Under the guidance of the staff, we walked into the track and field of the sports center.

The audience is just a small number of coaches, including Coach Cai.

When seeing Lin Kai, he even waved to Lin Kai.

Lin Kai also waved in response to Coach Cai. Of all the coaches, only Coach Cai waved at the players.

It's truly unique!
However, considering that Coach Cai's mind is not particularly mature, and he is also a young man, he can't bear his temper, so it is very normal to make this kind of action!
A strange flower on the track and field - Lin Kai, and a strange flower among coaches - Cai Quande.

Lin Kai's gesture of waving naturally attracted the attention of other players in the same group.

Among them was Hu Kai. Hu Kai looked at this handsome guy with a strange look, a handsome guy with a face full of youthfulness, compared to a new recruit.

It should be brought out by the coach in the auditorium to train soldiers, participate in competitions, and accumulate experience.

However, Hu Kai did not pay too much attention to Lin Kai.

The focus of attention is the upcoming 100-meter preliminaries in this group.

The previous group of 100-meter preliminaries ended, and Lin Kai thought that his group would start to fiddle with the starting blocks.

After fiddling with the starting blocks, Lin Kai inadvertently saw an inexplicably familiar scene.

Hu Kai in the fourth lane took off his glasses and handed them over to the staff for safekeeping.

As soon as you take off your glasses, you'll be full of firepower!
Squatting on the starting block, Lin Kai felt that the scene just now was very familiar, but he just couldn't remember it.

Put your distracting thoughts behind, the game is about to begin!
"Everyone take your place!"



The moment the gun rings, the game is about to begin!
Lin Kai, who stepped off the starting block, quickly began to transition to the start and accelerate.

What about the location of the first track?
It doesn't affect your game performance at all.

If you are underestimated by the Jiangsu organizers, then use your strength to prove it to others.

Lin Kai's skillful technical movements, coupled with his unrivaled physical fitness among his peers, are Lin Kai's confidence.

Cai Quande in the auditorium had no intention of sitting down at all.

Standing with a nervous look on his face, he was paying attention to the current progress of the game.

It is worthy of the National Games, even in the 100-meter preliminaries, the strength of the players should not be underestimated.

My teammate Lin Kai did not fall behind, which shows that his apprentice's starting and accelerating runs are indeed impeccable!
If you want to find out the flaws, I'm afraid it's more about the physical quality that you still need to lack.

Hu Kai, who was running with his head buried in his head, seemed to be accumulating energy for the mech that was using a big move, and he was in the lead when he thought about raising his head.

Of course, Lin Kai, who was running with his head buried in his head, thought so too.

I am afraid that it will be difficult for me to gain an advantage in the future, so let myself be slightly ahead in the future.

After 30 meters, Lin Kai looked up, not lost or frustrated, but just catching up bravely.

It doesn't matter if you fall behind, but you must not lose your rhythm or lose your fighting spirit.

Chaotic rhythm and lack of fighting spirit are taboos in the game.

This is no different from a tiger whose fangs have been pulled out, and its combat effectiveness has plummeted.

At a glance, Hu Kai, who was running first, was ahead of himself.

As for the other players, they are on par with Lin Kai!
For this reason, Lin Kai brazenly called himself the runner-up, which is not an exaggeration at all!
Tied for second with other players, it can be regarded as second.

Head up and lead, everything is under control.

Hu Kai, who ran first, only felt that there was no pressure in the 100-meter preliminaries of the Tenth National Games.

Of course, Hu Kai knew in his heart that from beginning to end, he was here to win the 100-meter championship in the Tenth National Games!
40 meters, 50 meters, and more than half of the [-] meters, Hu Kai always maintained the lead.

Lin Kai's restless heart was actually mostly suppressed by Hu Kai.

In Lin Kai's eyes, Hu Kai, who ran first, was right in his guess. He met the big boss in the 100-meter preliminaries.

But it doesn't matter, Lin Kai's goal is to advance, not to be the first in the group.

But Lin Kai also did not dare to take it lightly, everything is possible before crossing the finish line!
60 meters, 70 meters, when Lin Kai ran in the second position, except for Hu Kai, other runners had to look at Lin Kai's back and struggle to catch up.

Hu Kai, who ran first, had the advantage, no pressure in his heart, and his goal was straight to the finish line.

80 meters, 90 meters, line pressing sprint, all in one go!
Lin Kai, who crossed the finish line, didn't dare to release water, after all, he was not fully sure of his own strength.

So Lin Kai chose to go all out after all.

It's just that he went all out, and Lin Kai didn't catch up with Hu Kai.

The gap opened by Hu Kai is like an insurmountable mountain, which makes people daunting.

This can be called a gap in strength, or a gap in talent.

After all, at this level, every step up requires the innate condition of talent.

If you don't have enough talent, you can only use hard work to carry the burden forward.

Lin Kai, who was gradually slowing down, let out a breath. The 100-meter preliminaries were over. Lin Kai was thinking about the familiar scene just now.

Why do I always feel like we have seen each other before?
Lin Kai felt that he had definitely met Hu Kai, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

Hu Kai stopped, took the glasses from the staff and put them on. His temperament suddenly changed from that of an athlete who had just dominated the track and field to that of a frail scholar with an elegant temperament.

At this moment, Lin Kai remembered who the other party was!
Hu Kai, the real Hu Kai!
Although there were only a few people competing on the same stage in his previous life, Lin Kai had an impression of Hu Kai.

(End of this chapter)

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