Chapter 171
Subconsciously, he thought that he could defeat Lin Kai.

Being behind for a while, for Gao Jianmin, nervousness is inevitable, but he still believes that he can surpass Lin Kai.

It seems to surpass Lin Kai, the strength is stronger than Lin Kai, this is the fact that Gao Jianmin himself believes.

However, what he believed to be the truth was completely different from the actual situation.

At 40 meters, Lin Kai has caught up with the third Wang Chengliang, and the next step is to surpass!
But Gao Jianmin is still in the sixth position, and it is extremely difficult to surpass Zhang Peimeng, let alone Lin Kai who is currently tied for third with Wang Chengliang.

Cai Quande in the auditorium was all emotional.

From No. 5 to No. 4, there is even a chance to reach No. 3.

Cai Quande only felt that there was nothing that Lin Kai could not do!
At least Lin Kai now ran from No.200 to No. 5 in the [-]-meter final of the Tenth National Games.

It seems that the position of No.3 should be in the next second.

But before taking the third position, Lin Kai needed to do one thing first - to overtake Wang Chengliang, who was running in third.

Wang Chengliang, who ran in third, originally wanted to overtake Deng Yijun, who was second, but noticed a dark shadow appearing out of the corner of his eye.

This also shows that his original third position has become a threat.

Some people try to outdo themselves.

Then Wang Chengliang was naturally trying to prevent Lin Kai from surpassing.

Perhaps the best way to prevent the opponent from overtaking is to try to run faster.

In fact, there is no delay between preventing Lin Kai from surpassing himself and catching up with Deng Yijun.

Furthermore, Deng Yijun, who was running second, and Wang Chengliang, who was third, were only separated by less than half a body position.

In any second, the track and field can change, everything is possible.

Players are surpassed by players, but it is a fleeting thing.

It's just that Lin Kai's actions on the track and field also made some coaches notice Lin Kai.

In the track and field, apart from the most dazzling Yang Yaozu, it is Lin Kai who is constantly surpassing his opponents.

Besides, such an unfamiliar face also made some coaches wonder which coach taught this player.

Not to mention the late sprint speed, it is indeed worth learning from.

Whether it is Lin Kai as a player or Cai Quande as a coach, in the track and field circle, it can be said that the popularity is better than nothing.

Naturally, there are no coaches, or the participating athletes know Lin Kai, or Cai Quande.

Wang Chengliang wanted to stop Lin Kai from overtaking, but Lin Kai was gnashing his teeth and trying to overtake Wang Chengliang.

The proper belonging of the two is mutual refusal.

It's stuck like this for now!
30 meters, 20 meters, but the distance is still shortening, getting closer and closer to the end.

Unknowingly, Lin Kai, Wang Chengliang and Deng Yijun were like three carriages running parallel to each other.

And this also surprised Cai Quande who was standing in the auditorium. For a while, he didn't know who was the second, who was the third, and who was the fourth.

It is really tense and exciting.

Cai Quande only felt that his little heart could hardly bear to witness the 200-meter final of the [-]th National Games.

In addition, I placed even greater expectations on Lin Kai's performance from the bottom of my heart.

You must know that Lin Kai may have a chance to be fourth, or third, or even second.

Everything is decided by Lin Kai himself!
After all, no one can make the decision, only Lin Kai can make the decision!
Originally, he still wanted to surpass the number one Deng Yijun, even if the hope of surpassing the number one Yang Yaozu was really slim.

But he was still working hard, but when he was working hard, an unexpected guest appeared.

The uninvited guests tried to take away his second position. How could Deng Yijun get what they wanted!
In the last 20 meters, Lin Kai clearly realized what kind of situation he was in.

Nervousness and panic can't save me, the only thing that can save me is myself who goes all out.

20 meters, ten meters, pressing the line, sprinting, all in one go!
The moment he crossed the finish line, Lin Kai exhaled a breath.

Who is ahead of whom, Lin Kai does not know.

Perhaps the only thing that is known is that the championship belongs to Yang Yaozu.

I tried my best, I tried my best, and used every bit of my physical strength on the track and field of the 200-meter final of the Tenth National Games.

At this moment, what Lin Kai wanted to say was that even if he lost the game and didn't outperform his opponent, he didn't have any resentment or regret in his heart, but at most he was lost and frustrated.

As he gradually stopped running, his sore hands and legs, as well as the dryness in his mouth, could not stop Lin Kai's desire to know the answer.

Of course, when Deng Yijun and Wang Chengliang stopped, they were also extremely eager to know the answer.

Now it is no longer the ownership of the so-called champion, but where he is in the end.

To know the anxious moment of the final sprint, no one can be [-]% sure that they are ahead of the opponent.

Cai Quande, who had witnessed the whole match, did not dare to be [-]% sure of his eyes, after all, the positions between Lin Kai and the three were too close.

For a while, there was a little bit of inseparability!
As for Yang Yaozu who stopped, he was already cheering and applauding for himself.

Just because Yang Yaozu can be 200% sure that if he did it, he will be the champion of the [-]m final of the [-]th National Games.

You have to know how difficult it is to get to this point.

Anyway, Yang Yaozu knew that he could stand on the stage of the National Games and win the most dazzling honor.

The sacrifices he made behind the scenes were beyond the imagination of ordinary people. The sweat he shed and the injuries he suffered were beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

It's just that all of this paid off in the end.

In Yang Yaozu's view, everything is worth it.

And Yang Yaozu's coach only clapped with both hands and cheered for his players. While cheering, tears filled his eyes.

Others may not know how much their team member Yang Yaozu has paid, but as a coach, he still doesn't know!
In a sense, it is not how much you pay, how much you can get in return.

So my teammate Yang Yaozu won the 200-meter final of the [-]th National Games. This honor alone is so rare.

After recovering from the negative impact on his body, Lin Kai looked at Yang Yaozu's back.

Think the other person is lucky.

In the field of track and field, many people work hard but cannot get a satisfactory answer.

It's like the self in the previous life, no matter how hard he tried, he didn't get the happy ending he wanted.

So from the bottom of his heart, Lin Kai was a little envious of Yang Yaozu at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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