Chapter 173 Higher Mountain
"I know I think I may not have much talent. If I were the pride of heaven, how could I be defeated by Lin Kai!"

Since the 200-meter final of the [-]th National Games, Zhang Peimeng also remembered the name "Lin Kai".

"This! Then let me ask you, when you climb over this mountain, what will you see?"

“Beautiful scenery and even better people!”

For player Zhang Peimeng's answer, Zhang Peimeng's coach scoffed. Boys are still boys after all, and their ideas are always too idealistic.

"Behind the mountain is still a mountain, no different from the mountain here, but that mountain is better..."

Listening to the coach's earnest words, Zhang Peimeng was ignorant and probably understood. The coach seemed to be saying that when he climbed a mountain, he had to face a better mountain to challenge him.

Higher mountains?
Could it be that the coach is referring to Lin Kai?
What I was doing before was nothing more than climbing the mountain before me!
Seems to understand, but also doesn't seem to understand, Zhang Peimeng feels that he still has a long way to go in the future.

Lin Kai is a mountain, and he needs to try his best to climb the mountain.

Mountains will be climbed by themselves sooner or later.

For this reason, Zhang Peimeng thinks that he can lose, but he can't keep losing, and he will win sooner or later, right?
In the circle of athletes, "rookie" is used to describe Lin Kai's strong runner-up in the 200 meters of the Tenth National Games.

This made some interested people also interested in Lin Kai.

An unknown athlete became famous in the [-]th National Games!
If you don’t check, you don’t know. If you check, you will be shocked. Lin Kaicai, a freshman at Peking University, came from a small county on the [-]th line before going to university.

All this information about Lin Kai is summed up, plus the title of "200-meter runner-up at the [-]th National Games" above Lin Kai's head.

It feels awkward no matter what!
No matter what, I think all of this is too incredible!
dark horse!
Perhaps the best way to describe Lin Kai is as a dark horse!
No one thought that Lin Kai could achieve any good results, but Lin Kai ran out to impress everyone.

Eye-popping results!
Interested sports reporters also noticed Lin Kai, a young man.

However, Lin Kai walked too fast last time, and did not have time to conduct a special interview with Lin Kai.

However, the interested sports reporter is also thinking in his heart, there is another awards ceremony, this time Lin Kai must not be allowed to run away!
If Lin Kai is allowed to run away again, then I don't need to be a reporter, I can change my career!

He doesn't hear what's going on outside the window, and he only reads the books of sages!
However, Lin Kai is not this type of athlete, the outside world's comments, and the athlete's opinion of himself.

Lin Kai had heard about it, but it didn't affect Lin Kai personally.

In Lin Kai's view, these comments and opinions are just for reference.

Live your own life by yourself, Lin Kai doesn't care too much about other people's eyes and opinions about himself.

Movie audiences are real, movies are fake, but real audiences are fake, but life is real.

Which is more important, Lin Kai has a steelyard in his heart!
On the day of the awards ceremony, Lin Kai attended the whole show.

The award ceremony is the highlight moment for athletes, and there is no reason for Lin Kai not to participate!
It's just the award ceremony, the audience can be said to be pitifully small, basically they are people in the circle.

Standing on the podium, accepting the silver medal awarded to him by the organizer of the competition area, wearing the silver medal around his neck, holding the medal in one hand, and holding flowers in the other...

Cai Quande, who was watching from the side, applauded his teammate Lin Kai sincerely.

There is a sense of sight of seeing your child grow up with your own eyes, isn’t it!
At this National Games, I won the silver medal in the 200 meters. The only drawback was that I was not standing in the middle of the medal podium, but on the side.

The next time, the No.11 National Games, I must stand in the middle of the podium and win the honor of being the champion of the National Games!
Yang Yaozu couldn't help staring sideways at Lin Kai. From this young man, Yang Yaozu could feel strong self-confidence.

Like the rising sun in the sky, full of vigor and vitality!
With such a dazzling light, Yang Yaozu only felt that in the future, among the famous athletes in domestic track and field, there must be this boy's name!
"Wait, can you accept our interview?"

Suddenly a sports reporter with a camera hanging around his neck stopped him.

I have to say that Lin Kai was quite surprised by this sudden phenomenon!
However, Lin Kai was only surprised for a moment, and then turned calm.

Looking at Cai Quande's gaze, he got a nod of approval from the other party.

"Yes, you can ask!"

In fact, Cai Quande was not surprised that a sports reporter actually interviewed Lin Kai.

You must know that in domestic track and field, sports reporters are equivalent to acting on the spot.

Domestic competitions are generally not taken seriously!
Even at the [-]th National Games, there were only a handful of pure spectators!
"Well, what do you think of your winning the 200-meter runner-up in the [-]th National Games? Will it be quite a surprise?"

"It's not an accident. It should be more recognized by the strength."

"Then how do you feel about winning the 200-meter silver medal in the [-]th National Games this year?"

"The road to the future is under your feet, let's take one step at a time!"


The [-]th National Games has a perfect curtain call!
On the way back, Lin Kai sat in the aisle and watched the scenery outside the train, while Cai Quande stroked the texture of the 200-meter silver medal in the National Games.

Everything is like a dream!
His unintentional move actually allowed his team member Lin Kai to bring back a silver medal in the [-]th National Games.

Looking at the scenery outside the window, Lin Kai has also calmed down now.

Indeed, there is still a long way to go in the future, so there is no need to be too nostalgic for the Tenth National Games.

After all, you will grow, not stagnate!
The self that continues to grow is destined to surpass the self that once participated in the [-]th National Games!
The scenery outside the window is constantly skipping at the speed of the car. Recently, the number of train rides has been frequent, and even Lin Kai is immune to the harsh environment of the green train.

Survival of the fittest, the weak will complain about the environment, and the strong will adapt to the environment!
Lin Kai is now accustomed to all this.

A week has passed, and there is still no news about Lin Kai, and it is not certain that Lin Kai and coach Cai Quande will come back.
In the recent training, without the supervision of coach Cai Quande, it is really difficult for Zhang Ze to focus on training.

Mainly because the atmosphere is not good!
The other two players, brothers He Rong and He Xin, were nowhere to be seen when it was time for training!
(End of this chapter)

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