The king of sprinting: I am an Olympic champion

Chapter 176 What’s there to read in the newspaper?

Chapter 176 What’s there to read in the newspaper?
What's the fun thing?
It should be to go to the newspaper office to buy newspapers, so that the newspaper office located on the side of the road and occupying a few square meters will gradually fade from people's sight in the future.

It is a product with the characteristics of the times, and it has also been eliminated by society under the torrent of the times.

There are very few newspapers about sports, but there are only so many that can report!
It didn't take Lin Kai a long time to find it, he found the sports classified newspaper after three times and two divisions.

"Boss, this is it!"

"Okay, two dollars."

Passed two yuan to the boss to buy this few newspapers.

Lin Kai thinks that buying a newspaper that reports on himself is one of the few ways of entertainment he can have.

His previous honors are not only medals and achievements, but also newspaper reports related to him.

After returning home, Lin Kai spread out the newspaper in his dormitory and found something about himself - the teenager won the 200m runner-up at the [-]th National Games.

Unexpectedly, he had a separate small piece of information to introduce. Originally, Lin Kai thought that he could only have a few sentences at most.

Now it seems that I still underestimate the importance of age.

Youth represents infinite possibilities!
"Going out for a walk around campus?"

Zhang Ze, who entered Lin Kai's dormitory, suggested.

It has to be said that after Lin Kai participated in the [-]th National Games, the military training has passed, and the freshmen have already started to study.

However, it is worth mentioning that the one-week long holiday in October is coming soon.

This can be said to be the first holiday after the military training for freshmen.

"Okay, let's go shopping."

Not to mention that Lin Kai didn't want to stay at Peking University for four years, but he didn't even visit the university.

"What's there to read in the newspaper? If you have the time, why not go to an Internet cafe to play games!"

Zhang Ze's snorting tone made Lin Kai smile and say nothing.

Are you reading a newspaper?

I can clearly see the glory of my brother!
However, Zhang Ze would not understand his glorious achievements written in the newspapers!
Lin Kai left the dormitory with Zhang Ze and walked on the campus of Peking University. Lin Kai was bored. As for why He Rong and He Xin, they have not recovered yet.

It is estimated that coach Cai Quande has a lot of majesty in the hearts of He Rong and He Xin.

People were coming and going, but there were still several girls looking specifically at Lin Kai on the street.

Handsome, sometimes it can also be a trouble!
This is not just another girl who came over and wanted to have a story with Lin Kai. However, Lin Kai once again used the reason of "his family is poor and does not have a mobile phone" to ruthlessly reject the other party.

On the side, Zhang Ze, who saw everything in his eyes, just thought it was absurd!
"No, isn't your reason a little too outrageous?"

"Is it outrageous? I think it's quite reasonable!"

To put it bluntly, Lin Kai is rejecting the other party in disguise.

Lin Kai, who was talking, noticed another girl came, and Zhang Ze also noticed it.

It's just that Zhang Ze felt in his heart: Compared with the girl just now, this girl is much more beautiful!
Seeing the other person's face clearly, Lin Kai was also a little surprised that it was Senior Sister Xu Meishu.

What a coincidence!
In fact, there wasn't much contact between the two in high school, and they lost contact directly in college.

I thought that I would never have any contact with this senior Xu Meishu who was in high school.

I didn’t expect that Peking University, which looks quite big, turns out to be so small.

He actually let himself and senior sister Xu Meishu meet again.

This time, the previous bond, Senior Huang Susu, was gone.

Maybe in the new life of college, people have forgotten about themselves a long time ago!
The two looked at each other and smiled. Lin Kai thought that it was the first time he saw Xu Meishu's smile. It was like an iceberg melting, a rare and beautiful scenery!
After entering college, Xu Meishu also thought about meeting junior Lin Kai in college.

After so many days, Xu Meishu felt that this was almost impossible.

Different majors, the campus is too big, it’s not a high school, it’s just a bigger place.

But he didn't expect life to give Xu Meishu an accident!
I really met fellow student Lin Kai!
"Brother Lin Kai, what a coincidence!"

Suppressing the joy in her heart, thanks to Xu Meishu's iceberg beauty, people can't see the clue.

"There's no need to call you Senior Xu Meishu this time, right?"

"Then call me by my name, we seem to be classmates now."

"Xu Meishu, isn't she a friend?"


Zhang Ze was stunned when he heard the conversation between the two.

What senior?
What student?
What classmate?
What friend?
Completed the role reversal in a few words?
But the only thing Zhang Ze could be sure of was that Lin Kai knew the iceberg beauty in front of him.

This also gave Zhang Ze some comfort in his heart. At least such a beautiful iceberg beauty did not come to meet Lin Kai on his own initiative. That was enough.

Otherwise, Zhang Ze would probably complain: Boys are handsome, but girls can really take the initiative!
"This is my friend, Zhang Ze!"

Introducing Zhang Ze on his side to Xu Meishu, he didn't keep Zhang Ze in the cold.


They chatted for a while, left their contact information, and watched Xu Meishu leave, while Zhang Ze stood aside, rubbing his cheeks shyly.

"Lin Kai, ah, bah, bah, bah, Brother Lin, do you still know such a beautiful girl? Introduce me to one?"


These two words dismissed Zhang Ze's thoughts. Furthermore, Lin Kai remembered that Zhang Ze could have a girlfriend. What was this brat thinking?
But don't say it, Xu Meishu is her only fellow at this Peking University.

As for more, there will be no more fellows!
After leaving, Xu Meishu immediately saved Lin Kai's phone number in her mobile phone. She didn't know why she did this.

Recalling the moment when I first met Lin Kai, the joy in my heart, Xu Meishu thought it was the reason why she met a fellow villager in all unfamiliar schools!
In Lin Kai's view, meeting Xu Meishu on campus was an episode at best!
After all, I hardly had much communication with Xu Meishu.

It's like two parallel lines!
Of course, the most regrettable thing is not the parallel lines, but the cross lines!
The National Day holiday is coming soon. According to the school holiday regulations, it is naturally a seven-day holiday.

During the seven-day holiday, Lin Kai thought about it and decided to go home.

For nothing else, it would be good to visit your parents more.

The time I spend with my parents is getting shorter and shorter.

Lin Kai didn't want to be like his previous life, never going home all year round because of his passion for track and field.

As for accompanying his parents, Lin Kai even failed to fulfill his due responsibilities.

It's a lie to say no shame!
So in this life, Lin Kai hopes that he can spend more time with his parents to make up for his failure in the previous life.

(End of this chapter)

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