The king of sprinting: I am an Olympic champion

Chapter 295 If you are famous and have no money, who knows what your family members know?

Chapter 295 If you are famous and have no money, who knows what your family members know!
Otherwise, the school leaders would not pay so much attention to Lin Kai.

The attitude that has never existed before, but now appears out of thin air, is enough to make people feel strange.

As for Zhang Ze, who plays a supporting role, he has been in a daze for a long time. He was given a few polite compliments by the school leaders, and no one could find him.

Seeing Zhang Ze's performance, Lin Kai muttered in his heart: Young people are still too young!
No wonder it is enough to draw big cakes for young people, and Zhang Ze is the best example.

I can just give you a few compliments, but I don’t even know what it’s like when someone packages it up and sells it.

This made Lin Kai slightly worried about Zhang Ze's safety.

Such a fool, fortunately he is staying at school, if he goes out of society, he might be taught a lesson!

After returning to the dormitory to put his luggage, Lin Kai sat down and recalled the hospitality the school leaders had just shown him.

Thinking about being courteous for nothing, it is not accidental to meet fans when you go out of the station.

After turning on the phone, there will be a "didi-didi" notification sound for various messages.

Basically, it is a series of news from Xu Meishu.

You should know that on the flight, passengers are required to turn off their phones.

In addition to Xu Meishu's news, there were also news and missed calls from her parents.

Thinking about it, Lin Kai would still call his parents first, and take a look at what was sent to him by the way.

After finishing the phone call, Lin Kai's first reaction was to fall silent.

Are you famous because of the Doha Asian Games?
Maybe, just from the phone call, even my parents knew about my performance in the Doha Asian Games.

From this point of view, I should be famous like this!
Of course, if compared with Liu Xiang's fame, Lin Kai thinks that he is not even a star behind.

But never underestimate the domestic influence of Olympic champions.

After all, Liu Xiang was reported by various media reporters even when he was in a relationship, and the athlete was treated like a star by these media reporters.

Lin Kai felt inexplicably terrible about this, if he lost his freedom and privacy after becoming famous, he would rather not be famous!
Lin Kai rushed to the downstairs of Xu Meishu's dormitory.

I muttered in my heart, I was famous, but I didn't get any money!
To be honest, it’s quite miserable!
All my sources of income are the bonuses for participating in the competition and the fixed salary that Beijin University gives me every month.

Not to mention that Lin Kai actually has a lot of opportunities to make money.

After a person is famous, wanting to make money couldn't be easier!
Especially for various endorsements, they will come to them on their own initiative.

It's just that Lin Kai has no idea of ​​signing a contract as an endorsement.

In this Doha Asian Games, Lin Kai may be able to make a steady profit, but Beijin University is definitely making a lot of money!
Not only Lin Kai became famous, but also the Peking University where Lin Kai is located is also famous!
This is the result that the leaders of Beijin University are behind the scenes to fuel the flames.

Peking University and Qinghua University have always been secretly competing with each other.

After Lin Kai became famous this time, Beijin University thought it was ahead of Qinghua University.

Without making Lin Kai wait for a long time, Xu Meishu ran towards Lin Kai like a happy deer.

On the way to meet your lover, you must run.

Xu Meishu threw herself into her arms, ignoring the eyes of others.

It seems that Xiao Nizi really missed her during her absence.

Otherwise, the other party specified that they could not make such a move.

To put it bluntly, Xu Meishu is still shy and thin-skinned.

Lin Kai kissed Xu Meishu's forehead. Not to mention that Xiao Nizi missed him, but he also missed Xu Meishu very much.

Holding Xu Meishu in his arms, Lin Kai could even smell the faint fragrance from her body.

This smell fascinated Lin Kai. Who doesn’t want a girlfriend who smells good?
Walking hand in hand with Xu Meishu on the campus of Peking University, Xu Meishu jumped up and down, sharing what happened these days with Lin Kai.

Among them is the admiration for Lin Kai. Lin Kai is very impressed by Xu Meishu's adoring eyes and tone.

One must know that Lin Kai really followed Xu Meishu's tricks.

The adoration of my girlfriend is simpler, more direct and more effective than the media reports on the market.

Originally, Lin Kai didn't know what kind of influence he had achieved in the Doha Asian Games in China.

But after Xu Meishu's narration, he had a specific understanding.

Unexpectedly, there are media reports on his honor in the Doha Asian Games.

In fact, this alone surprised Lin Kai.

But accidents are accidents. After participating in the Doha Asian Games in December, the Chinese New Year is almost here!
The upcoming year should be 2007, the new year.

There are still about ten days to usher in the new year.

For Lin Kai, time really flies by.

I don't know if I can catch up with the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

Since winning the 100-meter and 200-meter double championships in the Doha Asian Games, Lin Kai's ambitions have undeniably grown gradually.

I also hope to achieve good results in the 2008 Beijin Olympic Games!

Lin Kai is still a human being after all, so he must rest for a day or two.

But if you want to talk about rest, it seems to be just a rest for training. As for rest in the body, it can't be talked about.

After all, a strong fire can be ignited at once!
In addition, Lin Kai is always very angry. Sometimes, this does not mean that he can be restrained by restraint.

Besides, the game is over, so a little indulgence is a matter of course.

Athletes are people too, not monks who want nothing.

Back to training on the field, Lin Kai felt refreshed.

Appropriately addressing physiological needs is beneficial to the body and mind, while excessively addressing physical needs is harmful to the body and mind.

This degree must be controlled by oneself.

After resuming training, Lin Kai also expressed his demands to Cai Quande.

"Next time, I want to break the Asian record!"

As a coach, what Cai Quande has to do is to formulate an efficient training plan.

At least Lin Kai's training couldn't be in vain.

And what Lin Kai needs to do is to complete with quality and quantity!
The Asian 0.01-meter record is only 100 seconds away, and the Asian 0.12-meter record is 200 seconds away.

In the bottom of his heart, Lin Kai told himself that in the next competition, which is the 2007 competition, he must break as much as possible.

Some people may ask, how many days can practice to this level?
One day, two days, or half a year, or a year, but what Lin Kai wants to say is every day.

It's easy to stick to these two words, but it's hard to do it.

Recently, the furnishing room has started to be renovated, and Xu Meishu's contribution is indispensable.

As for Lin Kai's effort in decoration design, it can be almost ignored.

People are bound by training matters, and Lin Kai really failed to escape from it.

Especially in the Doha Asian Games, Lin Kai almost devoted himself to the competition.

(End of this chapter)

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