Chapter 309 Out of the mouth
Compared to Koji Ito who sits like a bell, Shingo Suzuki is restless!
The reason is simple. Koji Ito has already experienced the fact that Lin Kai broke his own Asian 100-meter record.

It's just that Mo Xu Shenwu has a sense of déjà vu with a knife on his neck, waiting for the knife to fall and be slaughtered.

From the bottom of my heart, neither Koji Ito nor Shingo Suezue hoped that Lin Kai would break the Asian 200-meter record in this 200-meter final.

It's just that one is for public purposes and the other is for private purposes.

Yu Gong, because Ito Koji thinks that the Asian 200-meter record remains in Japan, which is better than being taken away by a 19-year-old boy.

Personally, I just don't want my Asian 200m record to be broken by others, especially the so-called Chinese athletes.

The two people's eyes and attention returned to the TV again, just because on the TV screen, the 200-meter final of the National Track and Field Championships was shown, and Lin Kai was already making final preparations on the starting block.

Lin Kai, who squatted down on the starting block, thought that good things come in pairs, and only hoped that he could do it!
"Everyone take your place!"



The moment the gun rings, the game is about to begin!
Stepping off the starting block is a curve, but it is hard to see who will be more ahead.

This requires some guesswork and depends on the audience’s personal imagination.

However, it is clear that these intentional audiences already have answers in their hearts.

After all, the reason why I came to watch the 200-meter final was not just to see Lin Kai’s grace!
After Lin Kai immersed himself in running and stepped off the starting block, all thoughts were thrown out of his mind, except for one idea - to go all out to face the current 200-meter final!
"Lin Kai's start was very fast and beautiful. The start was very clean and the speed was very fast. Although I couldn't tell who was in the lead, I think Lin Kai's speed should not lag behind..."

Xu Meishu, who was also following the game, was teased by her roommate next to her.

"It's still rare to see Xiaomei look so nervous."

"That's right, it's Xiaomei's sweetheart who is competing!"

She was shy in her heart, but Xu Meishu didn't want to miss the game, so she could only let her roommate who made fun of her feel embarrassed for a few seconds in her heart.

When the game is over, I have to teach my roommate a lesson.

30 meters passed by in a blink of an eye. After looking up, Lin Kai took a steady stride and continued to increase his speed, striving to reach his fastest running speed in the shortest time.

40 meters, 50 meters, 60 meters, Lin Kai's speed is getting faster and faster, even before entering the 100 meters straight.

But it can already be vaguely seen that Lin Kai is in the leading trend.

Such strength naturally made the audience in the audience affirm that Lin Kai will perform well in the 200-meter final.

70 meters, 80 meters, and about to enter the 100-meter straight, Lin Kai also knows that the answer to the first half will be revealed soon.

It's not Lin Kai who's nervous, it's the other players who are nervous.

You must know that Lin Kai has full confidence in his own strength.

Nowadays, the 100-meter and 200-meter competitions in China are lacking in development, so Lin Kai's current strength has a gap.

Only Lin Kai has this strength alone, and the others will be pulled away by him a lot.

At 90 meters, Lin Kai stepped into the 100-meter straight with the first attitude.

The other players followed closely behind, but even so, Lin Kai opened a small gap.

The audience in the auditorium was not surprised at all, everything was expected.

If Lin Kai didn't take the lead and didn't have an advantage, everyone would feel strange!
Moxu Shenwu, who is far away stupid, has extremely strong unease in his heart.

Shenwu felt so uneasy, but he didn't know who to talk to.

I can only return my mind to the track and field, hoping that my uneasiness is just uneasiness and will not be realized by it!
90 meters, 80 meters, 70 meters, the broad field of vision does not make Lin Kai feel superior.

The opponent is himself. Lin Kai came with a small goal, not to win the championship casually.

Stabilizing his current speed, Lin Kai gritted his teeth and tried to slow down as much as possible.

The other contestants were ignored by Lin Kai, and there was a faint cheer in his ears, accompanied by the sound of heartbeat, rapid breathing and heavy footsteps.

He told Lin Kai all the time that what he was facing now was not a dream, but reality.

You must know that dreaming will never cause such clear pain.

Less than 50 meters away, Lin Kai still excelled, and other players had long been left behind by Lin Kai.

But Lin Kai didn't mean to stop at all, and he was always going all out.

"Steady, steady the current speed, sprint, Lin Kai sprint, the end is close at hand, sprint with all your strength!"

Even the TV commentators were shouting hysterically.

Obviously watching the game, I was brought into the emotion, maybe the opponent still has a feeling of being there.

40 meters, 30 meters, 20 meters, ten meters, press the line, sprint, all in one go!
After crossing the finish line, Lin Kai felt that he was finally liberated!
I let out a breath, not knowing what kind of result I would get, but the 200 meters was much more tiring than the 100 meters.

Otherwise, Lin Kai would not have crossed the finish line with such emotion, and regarded crossing the finish line as liberation!
The television commentator explained in an excited tone.

"Crossing the line, first, first, Lin Kai won the 200-meter champion of the National Athletics Championships, let us congratulate Lin Kai, 20 seconds 01, this time broke the Asian 200-meter record..."

The words are shocking. Originally, the Chinese people in front of the TV had no idea what the score of 20 seconds was.

But when the commentator said this, the Chinese people in front of the TV blinked and muttered in their hearts, this athlete Lin Kai is so good here!
A few days ago, he broke the Asian 100-meter record, and today he broke the Asian 200-meter record in this race.

Why is it that other people have tried so hard to break the record, but when it comes to Lin Kai, it is as simple as eating and drinking.

Is this what is called talent?
Lin Kai, who had his hands on his hips, also looked up and saw his results!
No.1, Lin Kai, 20 seconds 01.

After seeing this result, Lin Kai showed a satisfied smile. After all, he had achieved a good deed in pairs.

In fact, there is no difficulty, the most important thing is the effort!
Lin Kai dismissed Shenwu's Asian 200m record of 20 seconds.

Didn't he just break it casually in a game!
That's it, the so-called stupid Japanese athlete who had a pretty good life in his childhood.

Of course, Lin Kai said this because Lin Kai did it!
If he didn't do it, Lin Kai wouldn't have thought about "speaking arrogantly!"

(End of this chapter)

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