Chapter 313 A Lesson

"After 50 meters, there are still 50 meters left. Lin Kai maintains the first place. If Lin Kai is stable, he will advance..."

The narrator's tone was a little excited, who made Lin Kai now the banner athlete of Huaxia sprint.

As a Chinese athlete, Lin Kai now represents not only an individual, but also the sports development of a country.

In fact, Lin Kai's international influence is faintly catching up with Liu Xiang.

Although Liu Xiang is the Olympic champion and the champion of many competitions, in the final analysis, the 110-meter hurdles, which is so niche that it cannot be more niche, has suffered a lot.

Staggering, the unconsciousness affected Usain Bolt, and all he could think about was going all out.

If he doesn't go all out, Usain Bolt is also worried that he will sink in the 100m preliminaries.

The culprit was running in the first place, and Usain Bolt did not expect that Lin Kai, whom he underestimated, would actually join his team.

60 meters, 70 meters, 80 meters, maintaining the first advantage, reaching his fastest running speed during the run, Lin Kai's speed seemed to be out of control!
A very small number of Chinese who live or work in Japan are also cheering for Lin Kai. They did not expect that athletes from their own country will one day excel in such a weak event as the 100 meters.

90 meters, pressing the line, sprinting, all in one go!
Lin Kai, who crossed the finish line, did not slow down immediately, and only started to slow down after running a certain distance.

Breathing out a mouthful of turbid air, Lin Kai did not feel any threat during the entire 100-meter trip.

"Sprint, Lin Kai sprints, Lin Kai crossed the finish line with the first place in the group, it's great, he still performed well, he deserves to be Lin Kai..."

The TV commentator was excited, and he did not expect that there would be a day when athletes from his own country could also excel in the international arena in the weak 100-meter event.

Just to comment on this game, the commentator will feel that it is an honor for him.

Panting heavily, Usain Bolt crossed the finish line and gradually stopped, admitting that because of his underestimation of the enemy, he almost paid a very painful price.

As for whether he can advance, Usain Bolt thinks it may depend on luck.

Who made a big mistake in the 100m preliminaries of this group?

A stagger can be said to be fatal.

The consequences of underestimating the enemy may also be enough to leave a shadow in Usain Bolt's heart for a while.

Can't help looking at Lin Kai's figure, the other party seems to be relaxed, and he doesn't look stressed at all.

Deep down in his heart, Usain Bolt had a secret belief that the other party might pose a big threat to him in the future.

As for Usain Bolt looking at him, Lin Kai didn't pay attention either. He just looked up and looked at the result of the 100-meter preliminaries in this group.

No.1, Chinese athlete Lin Kai, 9 seconds 97.

When I saw my ranking in the first place, my first reaction was to think, did I really improve myself by 0.01 seconds in every game?
The problem is that when I was interviewed before, all I talked about was Versailles!
Versailles has become a reality, whether it is good or bad!
There is a trace of hypocrisy in his heart. Lin Kai thinks that even if he improves by 0.01 seconds in each game, it seems that he can't satisfy himself. It would be better if he improves faster!
At the same time, Chinese people who were watching the live broadcast on TV in China were also celebrating. Originally, Lin Kai advanced to the 100-meter semi-finals with the first place in the group, which was exciting enough.

Who would have expected that Lin Kai would give everyone another little surprise - moving the Asian 100m record by 0.01 seconds!
And this also made many Chinese people who had heard Lin Kai's sentence of Versailles couldn't help flashing this sentence in their minds.

I just feel as if I have wrongly blamed Lin Kai. I thought the other party was pretending, but who would have thought that the other party was clearly telling the truth.

Isn't this? Another 0.01 second improvement in a game.

As for Usain Bolt, after seeing his results, he also heaved a sigh of relief.

It also made Usain Bolt tell himself from the bottom of his heart that he must never underestimate anyone, otherwise the situation like today will happen.


"Isn't this a reenactment of the scene?"

Unexpectedly, the video of his team's 100-meter preliminaries became popular, so Lin Kai also watched the replay.

In the replay, his start caused Usain Bolt to stumble and almost lost the qualification to advance to the 100m semi-finals.

Seeing this, Lin Kai's first reaction was that it was so similar to the stop of Su Bingtian and Usain Bolt in his previous life.

It's just that in this life, I have advanced this scene so many years.

Lin Kai wanted to give the opponent a blow, but he didn't think that the blow seemed a bit exaggerated.

Maybe the next time he meets Usain Bolt, the opponent will still think of this game.

For nothing else, it more or less left a shadow in the other party's eyes.

After accidentally watching it three times, Lin Kai thought that maybe this was the power of the 95 speed quality.

I seem to have underestimated the improvement in physical fitness from 94 to 95.

At least Lin Kai thinks so. In the 100-meter preliminaries in this group, Lin Kai believes that he can run at a better level.

This means that the time of 9 seconds is just mediocre to me!
When things get tough, you get stronger. Lin Kai believes that he can try to run even better results in the 100-meter semi-finals or the 100-meter finals.

After all, the opponent at that time will definitely be able to make himself have a better competitive state.

In a 100-meter preliminaries, Lin Kai broke the public opinion and doubts, and confirmed that he has the strength to break within ten seconds.

After all, he broke the Asian 100-meter record that he kept, even if it was 0.01 seconds, at least he broke it.

As for Ito Koji, he just feels that his prime playing years have passed. These citizens should not place their hopes on themselves, but should place their hopes on the younger generation of athletes.

It's just that Koji Ito doesn't dare to express his thoughts publicly. The reason is very simple: he is afraid of being scolded!
At any rate, they are unanimously brothers, and Asafa Powell also watched the match between Lin Kai and Usain Bolt on replay.

Unexpectedly, his arrogant junior brother Usain Bolt would be taught a lesson by a Chinese athlete.

Of course, Asafa Powell didn't scoff. Lin Kai, as a Chinese athlete, has the title of "genius boy" on his head, so he shouldn't be underestimated.

At least he's not the so-called unknown person.

Furthermore, the opponent is younger than his junior brother, Usain Bolt.

(End of this chapter)

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