Chapter 315 is on fire
"The gun rang, good, the game started, American player Asafa Powell is fast, our Lin Kai is also fast, the two are evenly matched, it is unbelievable!"

From the tone of the narrator, it can be heard that even the narrator is quite excited and unbelievable.

"The explosive start that dominates the world doesn't seem to be as effective this time as before. Lin Kai maintained his speed and accelerated..."

But at this moment, Asafa Powell and Lin Kai are tied for the first place, half a body ahead of the other players.

Close behind was Tyson Gay, hard at work.

It’s just all of this. Usain Bolt in the auditorium suddenly realized that he finally understood that in the 100-meter preliminaries, where was his carelessness? It was clearly the speed of Lin Kai’s start-to-acceleration link. Shocked to heaven.

One must know that the speed of Asafa Powell, who he claims to be a senior brother, is equal to that of Asafa Powell. It is conceivable that even the world's top level is humble.

Within 30 meters, Lin Kai and Asafa Powell ranked first.

This phenomenon alone made many viewers recognize this yellow Chinese athlete in a red jersey.

After all, Asafa Powell's explosive start is almost unique in the world.

Now there is someone who can stand shoulder to shoulder with him, which is surprising!
The 30 meters passed in a flash. Looking up, Lin Kai noticed Asafa Powell who was on the same level as him. At the same time, Asafa Powell also noticed a black shadow on the same level as him.

This makes Asafa Powell inevitably a little distracted. Who is it? Is it Tyson Gay?
As for Tyson Gay, who was half a body behind the two of them, he looked up and saw two figures, which was more or less a surprise.

But this does not affect Tyson Gay's focus on the current 100-meter final.

The other players were more or less surprised.

40 meters, 50 meters, Asafa Powell wants to surpass Lin Kai who is currently on the same level as him.

Even though Asafa Powell didn't know that this person was Lin Kai, it didn't bother him to overtake him.

"After 50 meters, Lin Kai is a little behind, but it doesn't matter, at least he is still in the second position. Lin Kai speeds up, and if he is faster, can he find a way to catch up..."

The commentator's voice reached the ears of all the Chinese watching the game, and they only felt that their emotions fluctuated with the situation of the game.

The track and field itself is ever-changing.

No one can predict the ending, and naturally no one is sure who the final winner is!
60 meters, 70 meters, facing himself being surpassed by Asafa Powell, followed by Tyson Gay, Lin Kai never gave up and went all out.

Going all out is not necessarily to win the championship [-]%, sometimes, what is more needed is a reason.

The reason is that Lin Kai doesn't want to lose, if he loses this time, he will lose next time.

Anything, only the first time and countless times.

At 80 meters, Lin Kai faced a new crisis, but Lin Kai forced himself not to think about it, but in just 100 meters, there were so many thoughts and ideas.

"After Lin Kai was overtaken by Asafa Powell, Link was overtaken by Tyson Gay again, hold on, hold on Link, hold on, Atkins is catching up, and the last 20 meters, hold on ..."

At the end of the shouting, even the commentator's tone was a little hysterical.

The reason is just that he doesn't want Lin Kai to be overtaken by another player.

Now Lin Kai is still in the third position, less than 20 meters away from the finish line, and has every chance to win the medal in the 100-meter final of the Osaka World Championships.

Everything is changing rapidly on the track and field, and the commentator hopes that Lin Kai can hold the last 20 meters!
Everyone wants to win the medal, the desire in the heart is telling Lin Kai to want it too!
"Catching up, Atkins is catching up, Tyson Gay has surpassed Asafa Powell..."

90 meters, pressing the line, sprinting, all in one go!
The moment he crossed the finish line, Lin Kai didn't think about anything except that he knew it was over!
Yes, that’s right, the 100m final of the Osaka World Championships is over!
Continue to run forward, gradually slowing down, and where you are in the final position is unknown!
Because of all this, Lin Kai was doing his best and didn't observe everything in detail at all.

"Awesome, Lin Kai, the third is No.100 in the 3-meter final of the Osaka World Championships, everyone remember this name-Lin Kai!"

The narrator did not expect that after the hope was wiped out, it would be ignited again!
It's on fire, it's really on fire!
The excitement and joy in my heart can't be calmed down for a long time!
After seeing Lin Kai being surpassed by Atkins, I thought Lin Kai would miss the top three.

Who would have expected that Asafa Powell seemed to give up the game and was discouraged, causing his speed to plummet.

So the opportunity came. After Atkins surpassed Asafa Powell, Lin Kai also passed Asafa Powell.

Finally, after the rapid changes on the track and field, Lin Kai finally won the No. 100 place in the 3 meters at this year's Osaka World Championships.

The ups and downs in this one can almost write a short article!
Lin Kai, who gradually stopped, looked at Tyson Gay's figure, only to find that the opponent was waving his arms and shouting to vent his joy of winning the championship.

At the same time, several photographers with cameras took pictures of Tyson Gay.

Undoubtedly, at this moment, the most dazzling presence on the track and field is the current Tyson Gay.

As well as the audience, everyone was chanting Tyson Gay’s name.

Before the game, Asafa Powell's probability of winning the championship was unconsciously greater than that of Tyson Gay.

I didn’t expect that Tyson Gay would win the championship, and I didn’t expect that Asafa Powell didn’t even make the top three!
Lin Kai wanted to see Tyson Gay enviously, who wouldn't be eager to win the 100-meter championship at the World Athletics Championships!
I believe this is what every athlete longs for, the champion of the World Athletics Championships, second only to the champion of Olympic athletes!
These have nothing to do with him, the envy is real, but what Lin Kai wants to know more is his own grades.

On the public screen on the track and field, the results and rankings of each competitor in the 100-meter final of the Osaka World Championships appeared.

No.1, American athlete, Tyson Gay, 9 seconds 76.

No.2, Bahamian athlete, Atkins, 9 seconds 91.

No.3, Chinese athlete Lin Kai, 9 seconds 94.

No.4, Jamaican athlete, Asafa Powell, 9 seconds 96.


"It's unbelievable. American athlete Tyson Gay broke the world 100-meter record. A new world 100-meter record appeared, 9 seconds 76..."

(End of this chapter)

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