Chapter 33 Temporary Captain
The two students Lin Kai and Li Wei just now, Ye Jianhui also witnessed their performance at the county sports meeting, so he naturally knows their talents well.

Naturally, there is no need for so-called selection, and direct pre-enrollment.

There are ten classes in a high school sophomore class. Ye Jianhui did not advertise in Lin Kai's second-grade class three because he had already pre-recruited Li Wei and Lin Kai.

Thinking of forming a school track and field team, the number of people will be controlled at about [-] people. For the sake of fairness and justice, Ye Jianhui does not intend to continue to allocate the places to the second and third classes of high school.

In fact, Ye Jianhui doesn't need to personally promote each class, it is enough to let the head teacher of each class pass the message.

However, as a fresh graduate, Ye Jianhui returned to his alma mater without hesitation, with the idea of ​​dedicating himself to the construction of grassroots sports in his alma mater. Naturally, he was full of enthusiasm in his youth.

He also does things with enthusiasm and motivation.


It can be regarded as the end of get out of class, Lin Kai thought that at his age, he couldn't devote himself to studying like these boys and girls.

Maybe I think too much and want too much, but I can't calm down and study.

Lin Kai understands the truth, but it doesn't mean that Lin Kai will choose to do this.

So in the end, of course Lin Kai wanted to go to a good university, but he didn't want to go through the road of studying hard.

After all, Lin Kai doesn't have 600 million yuan, so he can't say with peace of mind that he doesn't need a good university.

Furthermore, Lin Kai also had to give his parents a reasonable explanation.

Chinese parents are basically the same, talking about getting into a good university.

In his previous life, he didn't think that his best friend was a bit stupid, but now Lin Kai has discovered it.

The two went together and met many classmates who had participated in the county sports meeting together on the road.

All the students who participate in the county sports meeting are more or less related to their love of sports or poor academic performance.

There are also many students who want to try out for the school track and field team.

A stopwatch, a whistle, a roster, and a set of all-black sportswear. Just standing on the track and field, Ye Jianhui's aura of a coach comes across.

In terms of temperament, Coach Ye Jianhui immediately beat the old coach. Based on his personal intuition, Coach Ye is absolutely professional.

Even Lin Kai silently gave a thumbs up in his heart.

Coach Ye, who graduated from Capital Sports University, has an outstanding temperament. He deserves to be a graduate of "Qinghua Peking University" in the eyes of sports students.

Students entered the track and field field one after another. Ye Jianhui estimated the number of people, looked at a large area at a glance, and simply whistled.

"Beep, beep, assemble!"

Standard gathering posture, short and loud whistle.

Can't help but make Lin Kai's ass tighten, no doubt it's that familiar feeling.

The team is assembled, but everyone is used to being scattered, so there are too many problems in the team.

This made Ye Jianhui frown. There were too many problems in forming the school track and field team.

Ye Jianhui also expected before that there will definitely be many problems in the formation of the school track and field team.

But they didn't expect that there would be so many problems, and there were a lot of problems in one team alone.

"As the coach of the school's track and field team, let me introduce myself first. I graduated from Capital Sports University..."

Everyone was in an uproar. After Coach Ye's popular science, everyone knew the value of graduating from this university.

Unexpectedly, the identity of this coach is so important.

After waiting for everyone to talk, Ye Jianhui felt it was necessary to keep these students quiet.

"Quiet! Let me explain first that before joining the school track and field team, you need to pass a test. After all, there are standards for joining the school track and field team..."

This is what Ye Jianhui said in advance when he publicized in every class.

No one was surprised, but they just felt weird for no reason. How could they have expected that there are test standards for joining the school track and field team.

"These two students, Lin Kai and Li Wei, do not need to take the test. They performed outstandingly at the county sports meeting and joined as an exception!"

Most of them have no opinion on this. The strength of Lin Kai and Li Wei is obvious to all.

Individual students would still murmur, but none of these would affect Ye Jianhui's decision.

"Lin Kai, now you will be the temporary captain. Li Wei, you will be the temporary vice-captain."

To accept his fate directly, Ye Jianhui has a big head, and it is simple to think, but it is not easy to operate.

Turning his attention to Lin Kai, Ye Jianhui hoped that Lin Kai could do a good job as the temporary captain.

I don’t know why Ye Jianhui chose to trust Lin Kai. Maybe it was because of Lin Kai’s performance at the county sports meeting!
"Now lead the team to warm up, and we will start testing later!"

I became a temporary captain and was assigned to lead the team in warm-up. It was a bit different from my previous life, but not much.

"Listen to my password, turn right, run!"

Walking out of the team, Lin Kai directed the team members to warm up. The experience in his previous life is more than enough to manage this group of teenagers.

Li Wei was in a state of excitement when he got a temporary vice-captain position.

There was order in the chaos, Ye Jianhui nodded with satisfaction, Lin Kai's performance exceeded his expectations.

This made Ye Jianhui satisfied and went to the equipment room to get the testing equipment.

Looking around, there were only colorful flags shouting commands and a few dilapidated starting blocks.

It's better to say it's an equipment room than a small spare room.

Shaking his head, Ye Jianhui felt that it was necessary for him to mention the training equipment to the school leaders.

It's impossible to let the horse run away, let's not feed the horse! How can such a good thing happen!
The sensible Lin Kai didn't teach these players some novel moves, after all, Lin Kai himself didn't want to make fun of himself.

Simple jogging to warm up and leg presses have already made these players almost give up on the spot.

When everything was ready, Lin Kai and Li Wei were called over by Coach Ye.

"Later, one of you will be responsible for shouting the password, and the other will be responsible for registering the results..."

Li Wei, who had just obtained the position of temporary vice-captain, was extremely proactive.

Lin Kai was not surprised by this situation and was assigned the task of shouting commands.


"Everyone take your place!"



After waving the colorful flag, Lin Kai sighed in his heart: These team members use starting blocks, it is better not to use starting blocks. Their movements are really weird and outrageous!
But Lin Kai didn't mean to laugh. Everyone never attends meetings. With such a process, no one is born with this.

Under deliberate urging, Lin Kai didn't let these team members grind, the progress was very fast, a test, Lin Kai didn't want to waste too much time.

The 100-meter test is done, and there is also a long jump test. The long jump test is much simpler.

(End of this chapter)

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