The king of sprinting: I am an Olympic champion

Chapter 333 Fireworks in One Moment

"On your marks!"



The moment the gun rings, the game is about to begin!
Lin Kai and Asafa Powell's body muscles instantly exerted force, almost in sync.

Although the technical movements of the two are completely different, their speed is almost the same.

"The race started. Lin Kai quickly kicked off the starting block. Asafa Powell did not show weakness. Both of them were accelerating very quickly. Accelerating. Lin Kai accelerated to gain the advantage as soon as possible..."

In the starting and acceleration phase, Lin Kai did beat Asafa Powell once at the last IAAF Grand Prix in Melbourne.

But it doesn’t mean anything, it’s just once, not every time!
For this reason, everyone subconsciously believed that Asafa Powell was slightly better in the link between the start and the acceleration.

After all, in most of the races, Asafa Powell was the first runner from the start to the acceleration.

The 30 meters is fleeting, and the duel between Lin Kai and Asafa Powell within 30 meters has already decided the winner.

The two are evenly matched, still equal, exactly the same as in the 100-meter final of the IAAF Grand Prix in Melbourne!
"It's 30 meters, and Lin Kai and Asafa Powell are still on the same level, which is surprising to everyone. This makes us in front of the TV see hope again..."

The Chinese people in front of the TV naturally saw it and felt that Lin Kai still had a chance to win the championship.

You must know that it is still equal to Asafa Powell, exactly the same situation as the Melbourne IAAF Grand Prix.

40 meters, 50 meters, Lin Kai can feel the presence of Asafa Powell, and similarly Asafa Powell can also feel the presence of Lin Kai.

It can be said that both are putting pressure on the other.

Halfway through the [-] meters, Lin Kai still had no other distractions, concentrating on his current race.

60 meters, 70 meters, Asafa Powell felt a little panicked.

Why is it still flat?
Why hasn't he surpassed Lin Kai?
It was completely different from what I expected. This time I participated in the IAAF Super Grand Prix in Doha, Qatar specifically to defeat Lin Kai, in order to defeat Lin Kai, not to lose to Lin Kai.

If he loses to Lin Kai again, Asafa Powell will think everything is too ridiculous!
For this reason, Asafa Powell admitted that he was a little panicked.

You must know that Asafa Powell's original mentality was unstable.

Faced with such a situation, nature is no exception!
At 80 meters, the two are always evenly matched, and there is no obvious difference between the two.

The audience in the auditorium, facing such an anxious moment, held their breath, swallowed their saliva, and never took their eyes off the two speeding figures on the track and field.

The Chinese people in front of the TV also had their hearts beating faster. They felt their hearts were about to jump out of their hearts, and they were praying in their hearts that Lin Kai could win the championship.

"Sprint, Lin Kai sprint, hold steady, must hold steady, hope is in front of you..."

The commentator's tone was so exciting that everyone present was blushing!
In such an anxious moment and in such an anxious situation, who will be the champion of the 100-meter final of the IAAF Super Grand Prix in Doha, Qatar seems to be still confusing at the last moment.

90 meters, pressing the line, sprinting, all in one go!
"I'm not mistaken, it seems that Lin Kai won the championship, absolutely right, Lin Kai won the championship, let us cheer for Lin Kai, and win another gold medal, which belongs to our Huaxia gold medal..."

A moment of excitement, in fact, the commentator violated the taboo of the industry.

After all, without [-]% certainty, it is generally impossible to say such a certain guess.

Otherwise, if the final result is completely different from the guess, it will definitely attract insults.

For this reason, the narrator was so excited that he didn't even realize that he had made such a mistake.

The current commentator is still immersed in the joy of Lin Kai winning the championship.

After all, from the commentator's point of view, at most, he was a little skeptical just now, and then he was sure that his eyes were absolutely correct. Lin Kai was definitely the champion, the champion of this match.

"9 seconds 91, 9 seconds 91, Lin Kai's final score is 9 seconds 91, incredible, Lin Kai once again broke the Asian 100-meter record, and also won the championship."

The Chinese people in front of the TV were cheering, venting their excitement and joy with shouts.

At the last critical moment, Lin Kai did not disappoint everyone. Lin Kai finally defeated Asafa Powell.

No.1, Chinese athlete Lin Kai, 9 seconds 91.

No.2, Jamaican athlete, Asafa Powell, 9 seconds 93.


The Chinese people in front of the TV cheered for Lin Kai who slowed down and stopped on the TV screen, and the audience in the auditorium did the same.

There is only one thought in my heart - it really is an extremely exciting game!
It's really exciting, it can be said to ignite everyone's passion, the only fly in the ointment, maybe it's a bit unfinished!
It was indeed wonderful, but in the end it was a bit lacking in taste!
Like a moment of fireworks, beauty is truly beautiful, but his charm only passes in a moment.

Lin Kai, who stopped, put his hands on his hips and breathed heavily. The game is over, and everything is the moment to witness the result.

The ending cannot be changed, so Lin Kai thinks he just accepts him.

But subconsciously, Lin Kai thought that he was the one who won.

Maybe this is self-confidence, confidence in one's own strength.

But Lin Kai doesn't think this kind of confidence is blind.

Anyway, my own strength lies here, and I am a world-class athlete.

Asafa Powell, who just stopped, has a completely different mentality and feels uneasy in his heart.

What is the cause of the uneasiness?
Asafa Powell knew in his heart that his biggest flaw, or weakness, was his mentality.

My own mentality panicked at the last critical moment!
It was just such a panic, Asafa Powell knew that his mentality alone was inferior.

That's why Asafa Powell has no confidence in his heart, and he still has a feeling of uneasiness in his heart.

His own cheers came from his ears. At this moment, Lin Kai knew that he was the champion!
If you are not a champion, how can you cheer around yourself in the track and field?
All this is simply impossible!
Looking up and seeing his own results, Lin Kai waved his arms, and the champion of the 100-meter final of the IAAF Super Grand Prix in Doha, Qatar belonged to him.

Whether it is the so-called difficult mode or the hell mode, I have not beaten myself, and I am still the champion of the final game!
Lin Kai has verified this sentence with actions and iron-clad facts - those who cannot defeat him will eventually make him stronger!
(End of this chapter)

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