It sounds a little cruel, but the track and field field is cruel, and this is an irrefutable fact!
The probability of other players winning the championship is pitifully small, so everyone did not pin their hopes on other players.

Except for a few who sincerely support the players and are die-hard fans of a certain player, they will feel that a certain player has a greater chance of winning the championship.

Otherwise, there is no way to refute that Lin Kai and Tyson Gay are the most favorable contenders for the 100-meter final of the IAAF Golden League in Berlin, Germany.

The camera came to Tyson Gay, and everyone seemed to be showing a little bit of unconfidence from Tyson Gay's face.

But no one dares to jump to conclusions. It seems that Tyson Gay has always been like this without much change.

Almost everyone looks nervous before the game. It's a little different, but there doesn't seem to be anything different about it.

It was Lin Kai's turn. Lin Kai raised his left hand, patted his chest, and raised his index finger. The meaning could not be simpler!
Won the championship in the 100-meter final of the IAAF Golden League in Berlin, Germany.

Regardless of whether the Tyson Gay around him is strong or weak, in Lin Kai's view, his goal will not change!
Lin Kai in front of the camera is confident, but Tyson Gay next to him is completely different.

Therefore, in everyone's eyes, they subconsciously thought that Lin Kai seemed to be slightly better in terms of Jing Qi Shen!
Squatting down on the starting block, Lin Kai became completely silent, and he didn't think so much in his mind.

Most of the time, it is self-confidence given by strength, and Tyson Gay is no exception.

It’s true that I’m not confident, and it’s also true that my competitive state is so bad that I’m not willing to do anything.

As long as there is the competition status of last year, Baobuqi Tyson Gay has already pointed at the North Gold Olympic champion, and he is still struggling with the competition status.

"On your marks!"



The moment the gun rings, the game is about to begin!
His whole body exerted force instantly, and Lin Kai spared no effort.

"The match begins, the duel between Lin Kai and Tyson Gay, who will be the final champion, everyone can look forward to it in advance!"

"Lin Kai's start is very smooth, very fast, and the connection is very good..."

There will never be a shortage of fans who support Lin Kai in front of the TV, and these are all people who are conquered by Lin Kai's strength.

As for the so-called charisma, it's simply not too outrageous!
30 meters passed by in a blink of an eye. When Lin Kai raised his head, he saw a broad field of vision in front of him. He stood upright and looked ahead.

40 meters, 50 meters, Lin Kai only felt that he needed to maintain his current advantage.

And Tyson Gay, who looked up behind him, ran with all his strength, maybe not to catch up with Lin Kai, but to get back to his competitive state from last year!
Lin Kai, who runs first, has never been afraid of opponents, nor is he afraid of challenges from others.

The moment he stepped onto the track and field, Lin Kai may have only one thought left in his mind - to go all out and cross the finish line!
The audience in the auditorium vaguely noticed something was wrong. After 50 meters, Tyson Gay seemed to be stretched a bit by Lin Kai!
Normally, this wouldn't be the case, at least it wasn't like this last year.

Could it be that Tyson Gay's strength is not as good as before?
Or is Tyson Gay too old to eat?
He still didn't dare to draw conclusions hastily, although he already had guesses in his heart, but before the game was over, everything was possible.

60 meters, 70 meters, 80 meters, Lin Kai's running speed reached his peak speed, so Lin Kai tried to maintain this speed instead of letting him plummet.

In the last 20 meters, Tyson Gay gritted his teeth and his eyes were bloodshot and red, but he still could not change the fact.

It’s completely powerless!
The deal is done and cannot be changed now. The Chinese in front of the TV and the audience in the auditorium also know that it is almost impossible for Tyson Gay to catch up with Lin Kai!
90 meters, pressing the line, sprinting, all in one go!
After crossing the finish line, Lin Kai opened his arms. Champion, champion again. Not even Tyson Gay could stop him from winning the championship.

It is undeniable that Lin Kai's self-confidence has been greatly increased by defeating these five sprinters in his previous life again and again.

You must know that these are all people who stood at the peak of sprinting in their previous lives. As long as their life trajectory does not change and nothing unexpected happens, they will remain the same as in their previous lives.

The cheers in his ears turned from blurry to clear, and Lin Kai felt that this was his highlight moment.

Winning the championship is always a joyful thing.

What's more, winning the championship this time is of great significance. He defeated Tyson Gay.

Gradually stopping, Lin Kai was really proud of himself from the bottom of his heart!
As for Tyson Gay, after crossing the finish line, he only felt that he had a huge problem. If he did not find and solve the problem, there would be only one ending left - even qualifying for the Beijing Olympics. A difficult thing!
The double champion of the Osaka World Championships, Tyson Gay's heart is to make persistent efforts to win the Olympic championship.

With the current situation, let alone winning the Olympic championship, just qualifying for the Olympics is a difficult task!
Tyson Gay, who stopped walking, panted heavily, with unwillingness in his eyes.

how so?
Where did my competition state last year go?
After watching it, the Chinese people in front of the TV suddenly realized, "What's going on?"
The imaginary parity does not exist, nor does the scene where Tyson Gay defeats Lin Kai. It turns out that Lin Kai won the championship without any suspense!
Not only the Chinese people in front of the TV, but also the audience in the auditorium also felt that everything was a bit outrageous!
It's totally different from what I imagined!
Even if Lin Kai has a chance to win the championship, it stands to reason that he should be slightly better at the anxious moment!
How did it become that Lin Kai won the championship without any pressure.

The gap between the expected game and the actual game seems a bit big.

Maybe this is the slogan that the advertisement does not match the real thing!
But these viewers also felt that the game was quite exciting overall.

Can't say enough about this game not being worth it and the ticket!
No.1, Chinese athlete Lin Kai, 9 seconds 93.

No.2, American athlete, Walter Dix, 10 seconds 03.

No.3, American athlete, Tyson Gay, 10 seconds 18.


When he looked up and saw the results, Lin Kai was also a little confused. This game seemed a little unexpectedly easy!
Tyson Gay, who originally thought he would be his formidable opponent, isn't this year's competition state a bit unsatisfactory.

I don’t know if it’s the state of competition this year or the state of competition in this game!
(End of this chapter)

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