Chapter 368 A Brand New Era

The tone of the commentator's explanation was a little hysterical.

If nothing else, the commentator also hopes that Lin Kai, as a Chinese athlete, can keep the Beijing Olympic 100m champion in China.

Although commentators must not bring personal emotions, in the eyes of commentators, how can they control their emotions now?
In the last 20 meters, whether it was Lin Kai’s ability to maintain the victory or Usain Bolt’s ability to sprint from behind that won!
For a time, everyone fell into an atmosphere of anxiety and tension.

However, the game only passed in that second, a short second, just a blink of an eye.

Press the line, sprint, all in one go!
Lin Kai crossed the finish line first, followed by Usain Bolt who was slightly behind Lin Kai.

The audience in the Bird's Nest are cheering, but not only the audience in the Bird's Nest are cheering, there are also thousands of viewers from all over the world who are cheering in front of the TV at this moment.

After all, everyone was cheering and jumping for joy for this shocking scene.

Especially the Chinese people have witnessed this great moment.

Lin Kai won the championship, withstood the pressure of Usain Bolt, and finally won the 100-meter championship in the Beijing Olympics.

Everyone is more or less in disbelief. From the time when it was difficult for Chinese athletes to even run 100 meters within ten seconds, to now Lin Kai won the 100-meter championship in the Beijing Olympics as a Chinese athlete.

It is conceivable that while Lin Kai set a precedent, he also created a new era.

The era when Chinese athletes could not run within ten seconds in 100 meters is already a thing of the past, and it has been broken by Lin Kai starting today!
From now on, I am afraid it will be difficult for anyone to mention the dark history of Chinese athletes failing to run within ten seconds for 100 meters.

Lin Kai, as a Chinese athlete, did it today and won the championship in the 100m final of the Beijing Olympic Games.

The whole place was boiling, like boiling hot water over 100 degrees.

Audiences from all over the world witnessed this moment with their own eyes and felt that everything was so unbelievable.

Of course, people from all over the world watching the 100-meter final of the Beijing Olympic Games on TV were also in disbelief.

This Chinese athlete really did it!
Su Bingtian, who was relatively stable at first, couldn't help but cheer loudly.

As for Zhang Peimeng, when he watched his idol Lin Kai win the 100-meter championship at the Beijing Olympics in front of the TV, he only had one thought in his mind - he could definitely run within ten seconds!
"We won the championship. Let us shout Lin Kai's name. Lin Kai is the 100-meter champion of the Beijing Olympics. He did it. He really did it. Let us congratulate Lin Kai..."

The commentator shouted this sentence really hysterically.

Lin Kai really did it!
As a Chinese athlete, he won the 100-meter championship in the Beijing Olympics!
And Lin Kai himself clearly realized that he had won the 100-meter final of this Beijing Olympics at the moment he crossed the finish line.

You must know that there is still confidence in this, especially in the last critical moment. It is true that Lin Kai tried his best, but it is also true that he won the championship in the final game.

If Usain Bolt catches up or even surpasses himself, Lin Kai will naturally feel it clearly.

And if the other party may not be able to surpass himself, Lin Kai can also clearly feel it.Usain Bolt, who failed to surpass Lin Kai and was just a little behind, felt so unwilling at the moment he crossed the finish line!
Why is there such a slight difference? It is exactly the same as the situation in several games before the Beijing Olympics.

But the problem is that this is completely different from the previous games. It is the Beijin Games. In Usain Bolt's heart, it has an irresistible weight!
At least Usain Bolt attaches great importance to this Beijing Olympics 100m final.

I originally thought that I could finally win the 100-meter final of the Beijing Olympic Games and avenge my previous disgrace!
However, he still lost to Lin Kai in the end. This time, Usain Bolt was really unwilling!
It’s not just regret in my heart, but unwillingness!
Gradually slowing down, Lin Kai opened his hands, as if trying to embrace his success, or win the championship!
The joy of winning the championship could not be concealed on his face. It was the first time for anyone to win the 100-meter championship in the Beijing Olympics. Even Lin Kai was no exception!
The speed slowed down, but Lin Kai never stopped running.

Still jogging around the track and field, he slapped his chest and raised his index fingers to the sky. Anyway, as long as it was a celebration, Lin Kai chose to do it again.

These media reporters were also frantically pressing the shutter to take pictures of Lin Kai.

For this Beijing Olympic 100-meter champion, record the opponent's glorious moments.

As for Usain Bolt, there are also reporters who pay attention to him.

It's just that the most dazzling person on the track and field is Lin Kai!
In the audience in the Bird's Nest, Xu Meishu only felt that Lin Kai deserved all this.

After all, Xu Meishu sees all her efforts.

Today's success is just a feedback of Lin Kai's many efforts!
Xu Meishu was not surprised by Lin Kai's success in winning the 100-meter championship at the Beijing Olympics.

At most, I feel that my efforts have been rewarded as they should be!
I am sincerely glad that all Lin Kai's efforts have been rewarded. You know how many people have worked hard, but there is no so-called reward.

After all, no one ever tells you that if you do anything, there will be a [-]% return.

Lin Kai's parents, however, felt that it was all worth it. They came to the capital specifically to watch the Beijing Olympics. It turned out that what made everything worth it was actually the scene in that moment.

It turns out that my son is so outstanding.

Come to think of it, I really haven't gotten to know my son that well in the past two years.

I knew my son was very good, but I didn’t expect that he was already so good!
Spectators from all over the world cheered in the Bird's Nest.

Especially the Chinese who have witnessed this historic moment with their own eyes.

Usain Bolt, who stopped, was just unwilling to do so.

Losing a game in the arena where you least want to lose is a feeling that no one else can empathize with, so only Usain Bolt can understand it!
Richard Thompson, who was third, only felt that even the third place in the 100 meters in the Beijing Olympics was hard-won!
The results were announced on the display screen inside the Bird's Nest.

No.1, Chinese athlete Lin Kai, 9 seconds 67.

No.2, Jamaican athlete, Usain Bolt, 9 seconds.

(End of this chapter)

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