Neither Usain Bolt nor Lin Kai remember their original thoughts.

Water flows to lower place, man goes to higher position!
No one will always look at the past. You have to look up and walk forward.

Tyson Gay failed to win anything at the Beijing Olympics and did not even qualify for the Olympics.

I feel that in this year’s World Athletics Championships in Berlin, I have to achieve results no matter what!
Besides, Tyson Gay is still confident in the World Championships.

Asafa Powell realized after the Beijing Olympics that he was no longer the opponent of his junior brother Usain Bolt.

For this reason, the relationship between the two of them, which had originally been superficially like brothers, dropped to a freezing point.

When a conflict of interest arises, it is natural for them to view each other with hostility.

Even though he knew he couldn't outrun Usain Bolt, Asafa Powell knew better than anyone else that he never lacked the courage to compete with Usain Bolt.

The reason is simple, you can lose, but you must not be afraid.

Before the game, Asafa Powell was really confident, but his mentality was also really bad.

The state of recovery is undeniably a long process.

After returning to school, Xu Meishu also resumed her daily classes.

Xu Meishu, who has been a senior for a long time, just feels that after this semester, she will be a junior year, and think about how time flies.

Both himself and Lin Kai have changed a lot.

Perhaps the only thing that remains unchanged is the relationship between himself and Lin Kai.

Xu Meishu has never worried about employment.

Even if you are worried, it is unnecessary.

Maybe that's the benefit of having an Olympic champion boyfriend.

Xu Meishu didn't take it seriously, Xu Meishu was still a bit pretentious.

I feel that Lin Kai can at most give himself extra points. As for himself, he can also achieve some results.

If Lin Kai knew Xu Meishu's thoughts, he wouldn't say much.

After all, everything can only be understood by trying it.

Before trying all this, Xu Meishu didn't know the cruelty of society.

There are only five full months left until August.

Five months is too short a time for Lin Kai who wants to defeat Usain Bolt!
Of course, there is no way. The game cannot start until you are strong enough.

Therefore, it is correct to make yourself the strongest within this time frame.

Regarding the fifteen quality points, Lin Kai looked at his current physical fitness. The two physical qualities of flexibility and strength are a bit biased.

Of course, he is not as partial to science as before. In the past, he was seriously partial to science, but now he is just a small partial.

IQ: 65
Speed: 95
Stamina: 95
Power: 91
Flexible: 91
Quality points: 1
Coupled with the previous quality points, which are sixteen quality points, it is enough for Lin Kai's physical fitness to have a small breakthrough.

Among them, flexibility quality can definitely break through the threshold of 95. As for the two major physical qualities of flexibility quality and strength quality, it is almost impossible to break through [-].

Unless during this period, Lin Kai participates in the competition to gain quality points.

Among them, the breakthrough of flexibility quality is this threshold, which requires seven quality points.

In addition, every improvement point after the quality reaches [-] requires four quality points.

.........April came quietly, and Lin Kai got his wish and almost squandered all the quality points he gained in the Beijing Olympics.

The main focus is on the Moonlight clan, and now they have to worry about quality points again.

There are only a few quality points left, the flexibility quality and strength quality are both at 91, the speed quality and endurance quality are both at 95. Looking at it this way, it looks much more pleasing to the eye!
At least it is not as serious as the previous partiality, and at any rate it is on par with all-round development.

Logically speaking, one's own limit would be to exceed [-] in various physical qualities.

It's just that the difficulty is too great. Lin Kai doesn't know how many years it will take him to make his physical fitness exceed [-].

At that time, I hoped that I was still in my prime.

This way you can still witness your peak performance on the track and field.

If he couldn't see himself at his peak, then Lin Kai would feel more or less sorry for himself!
Having never fought before, Lin Kai is thinking that he must achieve some results before the World Athletics Championships in Berlin in August.

If nothing else, Lin Kai's quality points are not enough for Lin Kai.

What can you do with a little bit of quality? Anyway, for Lin Kai now, there is nothing he can do.

This is no joke. It takes four quality points to improve flexibility and strength, and six quality points to improve speed and endurance.

Leave a spare month for yourself to prepare for the competition, three months is enough!
In addition, Lin Kai feels that he can improve through hard training in three months and the previous period.

Effort is not meaningless, but the effort and dedication are not directly proportional to each other.

When the talent gap is too large, the meaning of hard work becomes a bit difficult to understand.

Especially when you see the gap between yourself and others, you will have a kind of inner self-doubt, even confusion.

Participating in the competition, the organizer of the competition is Doha, Qatar, which is the richest country in the world with a piece of cloth on its head. It can be said that the per capita GDP has reached a terrifying level!
Set off, Lin Kai's first game in 2009 this year. Lin Kai did not set any goals for himself. He planned to play the first game just as he went out to relax.

Lin Kai may be the only one who can do as he pleases like Lin Kai.

Of course, this matter was the result of Lin Kai's prior communication with coach Cai Quande.

The other party had no objections. Regardless of winning or losing, it was a good thing for Lin Kai.

Winning the game, it can only be said that Lin Kai has never let everyone down.

Losing the game also allows everyone to watch the next game.

After all, Lin Kai doesn't actually have that much idol aura.

In other words, Lin Kai has never been as mythical as Liu Xiang from beginning to end.

It is more about shaping an ordinary person with a bit of talent who achieves success through hard work and self-discipline.

Of course, I don’t know how many people don’t believe Lin Kai, but at least his achievements are real.

With his professional team, Lin Kai arrived in Doha, Qatar.

I have to say that Lin Kai's schedule is a mystery.

Therefore, Lin Kai’s game arrangements cannot be revealed before the game so that everyone can know the news in advance.

Only when the organizers of the Doha, Qatar division announced the list of participating athletes, would everyone suddenly realize that Lin Kai had gone to participate in the World Athletics Golden League in Doha, Qatar.

The confidentiality work was very good, but in fact, this game was more like a trip that Lin Kai took on a whim.

(End of this chapter)

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