Chapter 42 The first choice
After making sure that most of the team members understood it, Coach Ye also opened his mouth to signal.

"Lin Kai, lead the team to warm up!"

His eyes indicated to Li Wei that what Lin Kai had to do was to exercise.

After all, his best friend Li Wei was a little timid in front of everyone. Lin Kai wanted to help Li Wei overcome this problem.

However, Li Wei had no intention of going out, and Lin Kai just felt helpless and stepped forward to lead the team in the warm-up.

Coach Ye was thinking that after his own efforts and talking to the school leaders again and again, the school leaders had softened their tone.

Instead of being unable to negotiate with the original one, you can consider your own proposed request.

Of course, the most important thing is that Ye Jianhui used himself as a guarantee.

Fortunately, I graduated from the Capital University of Physical Education, otherwise, I am afraid that the school leaders would not let go.

Nothing in the world is difficult, as long as there are people who are willing, Ye Jianhui thought that if he went to the school leaders a few more times, he would always succeed. At least he had seen the dawn of success now, right?
"When will you lead the team?"

"Next time, next time!"

Lin Kai, who was leading the team to warm up, heard Li Wei's words and knew that Li Wei had almost no chance.

Tomorrow after tomorrow, how many tomorrows!
Of course, Lin Kai did not strongly request Li Wei, otherwise his best friend would definitely not be able to escape.

The boring and heavy training soon made some teammates start to find ways to be lazy.

Lin Kai will remind you about this, but he will not interfere too much.

You must know that the one who wakes you up, or makes you make up your mind, is ultimately only yourself.

People are selfish. Lin Kai and his two generations, of course, have seen through some things compared to young people. People have to take care of themselves first, instead of blindly taking care of others.

However, Lin Kai can also give Coach Ye a special suggestion for these teammates' reduced enthusiasm.

Just do whatever comes to mind. After the warm-up, Lin Kai ran to coach Ye before training.

"Coach, you said you would organize a test with the track and field teams of other schools. What would be the effect? ​​It feels like the teammates are not very enthusiastic about training!"

In fact, Coach Ye is about the same age as Lin Kai. In Lin Kai’s previous impression, Coach Ye was not only a good coach, but also got along well with the players, so Lin Kai didn’t have any scruples. If he had any ideas, he would just ask Coach Ye directly. proposal.

"Testing? That's a good idea!"

Agreeing with Lin Kai's proposal, Ye Jianhui thought that at least the necessary proposals for the school track and field team must be implemented.

As long as one's own proposal is implemented, the training effect will definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

He proposed it, and the rest had to be done by Ye Jianhui as a coach to connect with coaches from other middle schools.

This is not for Lin Kai to worry about. After all, Lin Kai himself has no social status and naturally has no right to speak.

Training is always boring. From Lin Kai's point of view, it is with training that life becomes fulfilling. Otherwise, for Lin Kai, it would just be boring and empty.

The training time his teammates complained about was too long, which was also Lin Kai's complaint, but what Lin Kai complained about was that the training time was too short.

This kind of training volume and training time is nothing compared to the training volume and training time of Lin Kai's previous life.

In his previous life, Lin Kai was a professional athlete, a profession, but now Lin Kai can be regarded as a sports student at best.

The main purpose is to pass another way to get into the university, and of course learning is the main thing after all.

Natural learning is given priority and everything else must give way to learning.

After the training, Ye Jianhui also gave everyone a good news while the players were relaxing with each other.

"Tomorrow we will conduct a simple strength test, which is mainly divided into three items, 100 meters, 200 meters and 400 meters."

After hearing the news about Coach Ye, everyone was sighing. It was really good news. At least there would be no need to train tomorrow.

Although everyone is worried that they will not perform as well as they should, at least they don't need to train.

After hearing what Coach Ye said, Lin Kai secretly thought: Sure enough, what was supposed to come has come!
As a coach, together with his own team members, they are the first batch of students under Coach Ye's leadership, so naturally they are extraordinarily attentive.

Naturally, before deciding on the main and auxiliary items, Coach Ye did not intend to let the players make a rash decision, but chose to intervene appropriately.

Anyway, Lin Kai had to make his own choice whatever he said.

After all, in this life, Lin Kai can guarantee that he is definitely the person who knows him best.


On a piece of A4 paper with all the members of the school's track and field team printed on it, it's time to decide the first intersection in life.

Pick up a pen, write down the 200-meter event on the main item, and write the 100-meter event on the auxiliary item.

The reason for this choice is that Lin Kai knows that his endurance quality is his greatest advantage.

In this life, I will definitely magnify my advantages infinitely.

At the end of get out of class, Li Wei ran over to join in the fun, but Lin Kai didn't even notice.

It may also be because Lin Kai himself just lost his mind.

"Brother Lin, why don't you choose 100 meters as the main event? Is it easier than 200 meters?"

Regarding Li Wei's doubts, Lin Kai just handed the pen to Li Wei.

"Hurry up and fill it out, I still don't know how to fill it out!"

After taking the pen, Li Wei was about to fill in 200 meters, but he saw Brother Lin's expression was dull.

I thought to myself: Brother Lin really wasn’t fooled at all!
I turned around and filled in the main item of 100 meters and the auxiliary item of 200 meters.

"I won't be with Brother Lin, I still want to relax!"

Li Wei was embarrassed when he said this and scratched his head, worried that Brother Lin would accuse him of not choosing the 200 meters.

Lin Kai is also funny, the thinking of a teenager is childish.

Not enough for my previous life, maybe I really have this idea.

"Okay, okay, give this form to the other teammates to fill out. I have to hand it in to the coach tomorrow!"

Knowing that Li Wei still had to relieve himself, he ordered Li Wei to run an errand and pass this form to other teammates to fill out, so as not to waste his time.

When I have this time, it’s indescribably pleasant to take a good breather in the corridor.

Leaning on the fence of the corridor, lazily enjoying the fresh air, as if smelling the smell of freedom.

Feeling eyes staring at her, she turned around and saw that it was Chen Yiling, the class star.

In high school, there is no concept of so-called class beauty. Of course, the so-called class flower is just the most beautiful girl in the class that boys comment behind their backs.

Banhua Chen Yiling also noticed that Lin Kai found herself, and turned away with a proud face.

Lin Kai seemed to hear a "Humph——" sound, and he didn't know if it was Lin Kai's own auditory hallucination.

However, Lin Kai felt that it was really possible for Chen Yiling to say "Humph——". In Lin Kai's vague memory, the character of Chen Yiling, the class beauty, was arrogant.

(End of this chapter)

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