Chapter 44 Not a Level

The distance to the finish line is getting closer, and it also indicates that captain Lin Kai is destined to win the first place.

Of course, there is no doubt about this point, and none of the teammates objected to this statement in their hearts.

Lin Kai, who was sprinting, also felt that his sprint speed actually presented a curve that tended to decline.

But Lin Kai is also clenching his teeth and insisting that this distance from the finish line is almost the same. Of course, Lin Kai cannot lose the chain at such a critical moment.

In addition, before the strength test, Lin Kai himself was particularly curious about how much progress his strength had made.

Progress is certain, even if Lin Kai himself can't feel the progress, there are still detailed data of the track and field system to check.

But Lin Kai knew nothing about the specific progress he had made by a few tenths of a second.

He stared at Lin Kai who was running towards the finish line. Even if Ye Jianhui used strict requirements to standardize Lin Kai, he still felt that Lin Kai could hardly be picky in terms of speed or technical movements.

After all, to put it bluntly, Ye Jianhui's peak level was slightly above the level of a national first-class athlete.

After all, there is a certain difference between students with sports specialties at Capital Sports University and professional athletes.

For a moment, Ye Jianhui seemed to see the shadow of his senior brother from the figure of Lin Kai sprinting towards the finish line.

As for his senior brother, he is Ye Jianhui's idol, a top domestic professional athlete.

Shaking his head, Ye Jianhui felt that his idea was unrealistic.

At least for now, it is definitely unrealistic. The current Lin Kai is also the captain of the school's track and field team and a student under him.

No one can predict what will happen next.

For the final sprint distance, Lin Kai forced his movements not to deform.

Pressing the line, sprinting, all in one go, and then running forward without slowing down the sprint speed.

Rao gradually stopped after running more than ten meters.

It may be difficult for Coach Ye to pinpoint this detail with a stopwatch, but this represents his personal attitude. Even if the stopwatch can't pinpoint it, Lin Kai will choose to do so.

Li Wei, who was at least three positions away, was eating from behind Lin Kai's ass the whole time.

He could only look at Lin Kai's back and chase Lin Kai's footsteps throughout the whole process. After crossing the finish line, Li Wei felt relaxed.

Finally, the 100-meter test with Brother Lin was over, and the test with Brother Lin was over. Although Li Wei's strength is not bad, he also felt that it was a kind of torment.

Who makes Li Wei not bad is compared with other teammates, not with Lin Kai.

Therefore, compared with Lin Kai, Li Wei was crushed throughout the whole process and had no sense of game experience at all.

Shaking the legs, the legs were a little sore, and the soles of the feet used for support were also getting hot. Lin Kai wiped the sweat from his forehead. A set of 100-meter tests, this level of strength is not enough for Lin Kai to exhaust his hands akimbo.

On the contrary, Li Wei looked relieved, which made Lin Kai dumbfounded.

Isn’t it just that I ran the same 100-meter test as myself? Is there any need to be so exaggerated?
Anyway, Lin Kai thinks there is no need for such a big reaction, no matter how bad he is, Li Wei is also the second in the school's track and field team!
"Brother Lin, won't your strength become stronger again?"

But Li Wei didn't think so, he felt it from the bottom of his heart.

"Maybe, is it so obvious?"

"Anyway, I feel more pressure than the 100-meter final of the county sports meeting at that time."

This is a personal feeling, and Li Wei does not believe that there will be mistakes.

"Let's go and have a look. Maybe you've made more progress than me?"

Both Lin Kai and Li Wei walked towards Coach Ye with curiosity about the 100-meter score they just ran.

Coach Ye is also reporting the results, and the teammates next to him are filling in the results.

Heard it, and didn't quite hear it!
He heard the voice, but he couldn't hear what coach Ye was shouting for, so Lin Kai said that he would rather not even hear the shout.

As for Lin Kai's height, he only needs to come to the side of his teammates who are checking the grades, and he can see the grades by turning his head.

You don’t even need to look for your own name on the list. You are on the first line and Li Wei is on the second line.

"10 seconds 94."

I silently read the results I saw, the 100-meter test results I just ran.

By the way, Lin Kai also saw Li Wei's results and told Li Wei.

"You are 11 seconds 43."

"Damn it, I improved by 0.3 seconds, Brother Lin!"

Hearing Brother Lin tell his grades, Li Wei was surprised from the bottom of his heart, he has improved so much!
I vaguely remember that Li Wei's last county sports meeting seemed to be about 11 seconds, but it turned into about 7 seconds of improvement.

Regarding the misunderstanding of Li Wei's thinking, Lin Kai also corrected it.

"There is an error of 0.2 seconds between the hand meter and the electric meter. You have almost improved by about 0.1 seconds."

Lin Kai's words were like a basin of cold water, instantly extinguishing Li Wei's excitement just now.

I thought that my progress was as fast as lightning, but at first glance, it turned out that I had misunderstood it.

However, Li Wei has also seen the results on the list, at least he has improved, which is something to be happy about.

Brother Lin's score in the first row, 10 seconds 94, made Li Wei's eyes widen and he took a breath.

He has more than 11 seconds, and Brother Lin has more than ten seconds. In Li Wei's concept, more than 11 seconds and more than ten seconds are not on the same level at all.

It's too scary, Brother Lin is still Brother Lin, with such terrifying strength, he has achieved such terrifying results.

Even though Li Wei was a little prepared, he was also taken aback.

In addition, stopwatch timing is faster than electronic timing, and the results look even more shocking.

It was not only Li Wei who was shocked, but also his teammates who were registering their results, and Ye Jianhui himself were shocked by the time he pinched.

what is this?
How can it be so fast?
Did I pinch the stopwatch wrong?
When I thought about it, I was really confused. My teammate Lin Kai was the 100m and 200m champion at the County Games.

No matter how bad it is, it means that Yundu County ranks first in 100 meters and 200 meters.

From this point of view, everything makes sense!
10 seconds 94 is really astonishing. Ye Jianhui secretly thought: He may have underestimated the talent of his teammate Lin Kai!
Even if he was himself back then, he would not be Lin Kai's opponent now.

That is to say, I received more than a week of training from the school track and field team, and I ran a stopwatch to time 10 seconds 94 in less than two weeks.

But Ye Jianhui didn't dare to think about how far Lin Kai would grow after receiving more than one year of training from the school's track and field team!
If there are no accidents in the future, the height reached will definitely require others to look up to.

"Okay, keep up the good work, but don't be proud of this time!"

Patting Lin Kai on the shoulder to show encouragement, Ye Jianhui also had to emphasize it.

(End of this chapter)

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