The king of sprinting: I am an Olympic champion

Chapter 47 The school leader relents

Chapter 47 The school leader relents

Most of the team members have reached the standard, except for one or two individual players, who are indeed missing by a second or two.

But Ye Jianhui actually didn't let him run one more group.

It can only be said that these players are running 400 meters for the first time, Ye Jianhui can understand.

In a school track and field team, some are strong and some are weak.

So Ye Jianhui also counted slowly in the last few seconds, in order to let all the team members run across the finish line within one minute and ten seconds.

A small detail also reveals that Ye Jianhui is usually strict and harsh in training, but he also has the human touch that he deserves.

Of course, Ye Jianhui also reminded these players who either held their knees or sat on the ground.

"Get up and walk around so you can recover faster. Otherwise, how will you meet the standard on the next trip? I only have 3 minutes to give you 3 minutes!"

Seeing Coach Ye gesturing a number three, which attracted the wailing of all the team members, he hadn't caught his breath yet. As for his body recovering, he probably wouldn't be able to recover within half an hour.

But Ye Jianhui only planned to give him three minutes to rest and adjust.

Howling and complaining can't change the decision made by coach Ye Jian.

Fierce, captain Lin Kai is as fierce as ever, even in the 400 meters.

It may be a little lacking in the 100 meters or 200 meters, but I have to say that these players really admire the strength of the captain Lin Kai.

Young people may indeed be extremely stubborn at certain moments, but when they meet peers who are stronger than themselves, they just admire them.

Three minutes passed in a flash, and before everyone felt that their bodies had recovered, the time was up.

"Beep beep beep-"

When the whistle sounded, all the players could only stand on the starting line again.

"Everyone take your place!"




Panting heavily, Lin Kai's whole body felt like it was not his own after finishing three sets of 400 meters.

Now Lin Kai was also lying on the cinder track. Like the other team members, they had finished running anyway and had no other training tasks.

Three groups of 400 meters are really life-threatening!
But all this has finally passed. Today has passed, and tomorrow will be a new beginning.

Obviously, everyone has integrated into the big family of the school's track and field team. No matter what the training task is, everyone can complain a little bit, but no one proposes to quit.


"I agree with your proposal, but you must let me see the effectiveness of this school's track and field team within this period of time."

For the school leaders, they finally let go, even if this kind of let go comes at a price.

But in Ye Jianhui's view, it was nothing.

The most important thing is that the school leaders let go.

What I need to do now is to let the school leaders see the school track and field team I formed and present it.

"Thank you, leader, then I won't bother you here!"

Gently closing the office door, Ye Jianhui let out a long sigh of relief, punched hard in the air, and whispered YES.

Ye Jianhui was also thinking about how to let the school leaders see the results of the school track and field team he formed.

Suddenly, an idea flashed through my mind.

Could it be that the captain Lin Kai, who accepted his fate, proposed to him earlier to make an appointment with other schools for a test.

It can not only exercise the mentality of the team members, but also let the school leaders see the effectiveness of the formation of the school track and field team.

Ye Jianhui did as soon as he thought of it, and all he had to do was to connect with the coaches of other middle schools.

As long as everyone has no opinion, it means that this joint school test can be carried out.

Ye Jianhui's first consideration was Yundu County No. [-] Middle School, who made Yundu County No. [-] Middle School the sports benchmark of Yundu County Middle School.

As for the other middle schools, Yundu No. [-] Middle School, Yundu No. [-] Middle School, and Yundu No. [-] Middle School, of course Ye Jianhui couldn't pull them down.

Anyway, even if you can't beat Yundu No. [-] Middle School, at least you have to find a middle school at the bottom.

After all, if the goal is not achieved, but you are caught up in it, then it is a loss that outweighs the gain.

Ye Jianhui doesn't believe that his players are so bad, but sometimes, he can use them just to be on the safe side, but he absolutely can't.


It's been almost a week, and it's not likely that Coach Ye will take any action. In fact, Lin Kai himself has no hope for the joint school test he proposed.

After all, for this kind of thing, you just need to talk about it.

In fact, even one sentence would break your legs!
It is definitely not a simple matter to hold the joint school test.

At the very least, the difficulties must be overcome.

Walking into the track and field with Li Wei, Li Wei beside him was getting stronger with the naked eye, and getting darker at the same time.

This is what changed after joining the varsity track and field team.

And Lin Kai himself is no exception, there have been quite a few changes.

People who have been with Lin Kai may not feel it.

But even Lin Kai himself could feel that his figure had changed a lot.

At the very least, his physical fitness has indeed improved a lot.

Thinking of this, Lin Kai felt that it was worthwhile for him to take a look at the track and field system in his mind.

The premise was that other players didn't notice him, after all, Lin Kai didn't want other players to see his strangeness.

IQ: 65
Speed: 68
Stamina: 75
Power: 61
Flexible: 57
Quality points: 7
Physical fitness has really changed very quickly. I vaguely remember that the last time I checked my flexibility and strength, it was still 56 and 60. Now both physical fitness have improved a little.

As well as my endurance quality, I also used quality points to add points once.

It has to be said that Lin Kai is quite satisfied with the current speed of progress.

After all, no one can become a big fat man with one bite, even Lin Kai is no exception.

I thought about restoring the peak strength of my previous life just after being reborn, but the problem is that this is only a fantasy, and it must not be put into reality.

It is simply impossible for the body to become stronger, which is a long and tormenting process.

Withdrawing from the track and field system in his mind, Lin Kai did not dare to stay too much in the track and field system in his mind.

The longer you stay, the easier it is for others to be suspicious.

One thing more is worse than one thing less, Lin Kai doesn't like to cause trouble for himself.

After Lin Kai led the team to warm up, Coach Ye, who arrived late, was obviously a little abnormal.

Normally, he would have been waiting on the track and field earlier than the team members.

Why was it so late this time?
As the captain, Lin Kai couldn't just let the team members wait foolishly, so he warmed up as usual, which made Ye Jianhui very satisfied.

As the captain of the school's track and field team, Lin Kai is impeccable in his own eyes.

If it were him, Ye Jianhui guaranteed that he would never be as good as Lin Kai.

For this, Ye Jianhui had to admire Lin Kai.

(End of this chapter)

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