Chapter 57

This does not only refer to talent, but also strength.

In the eyes of his elder brother Lu Wen, his hard-working younger brother Lu Bin is bound to surpass Lin Kai. In this regard, Lu Wen has never doubted his younger brother Lu Bin.

And maybe even Lu Bin himself didn't know that in the eyes of his brother Lu Wen, he was like this.

I thought that in the eyes of my brother Lu Wen, I must be the younger brother who can narrowly beat my brother!
Narrow victory refers to one or two times, and if there are too many times, it is a manifestation of strength.

So Lu Wen knew that his talent was slightly inferior to Lu Bin's.

The 200 meters went very quickly, even if the distance of the race was twice as long as the 100 meters, it was only a dozen seconds longer.

It has to be mentioned here that in the 200 meters, the strength of the sports students of each school has changed again.

And the teammates in my school's track and field team also performed differently from the 100 meters.

Obviously this is the obvious difference. Since choosing your own main and auxiliary items, the training plan has also been separated.

There are specializations in the arts, and teammates will have their own specialties in each event.

Lin Kai's current main event is 200 meters, and the auxiliary event is 100 meters.

So in 200 meters, Lin Kai said that he will be the protagonist.

As for the top performers in other middle schools, they are still not as good as themselves.

The reason why he is so confident is that Lin Kai's own stamina quality has reached 75.

This means that my endurance quality is about to reach the level of national athletes.

It is conceivable that Lin Kai's high endurance quality is bound to be much higher than the speed quality.

The waiting time is always long, doing nothing, almost counting every second that passes.

After having a clear understanding of his own strength, he took the first place in the group by the way.

"Brother Lin, I found out that the sports students in Yundu No. [-] Middle School seem to be like that!"

"The whole team is definitely stronger than us!"

Corrected the errors in Li Wei's language.

The overall strength of the physical education students of Yundu No. [-] Middle School should not be underestimated.

At least in recent years, Yundu No. [-] Middle School has definitely ranked first in physical education among all middle schools in Yundu County. This is beyond doubt.

Of course, the level of the best depends on the hard work and talent of the best in normal training.

It is undeniable that Lin Kai personally used his own strength to forcibly overwhelm all the outstanding middle school students, even Yundu No. [-] Middle School is no exception.

This shows how terrifying Lin Kai's strength is among his peers!
And Lin Kai is only 16 years old. The age of 16 means there are unlimited possibilities.

Finally, it was Lin Kai's turn, and it was ace vs. ace again, in the 200-meter race in the book group, and all the students standing here were the best from all middle schools.

So naturally, like the 100 meters, it has attracted the attention of many sports students.

Lin Kai, who is in the third lane, does not have the 100-meter treatment, and the left and right guardians are gone.

Both Lu Wen and Lu Bin were separated from Lin Kai.

As for the two players around him, Lin Kai didn't know each other at all, but looking at them, they might be sports students from Yundu No. [-] Middle School or Yundu No. [-] Middle School.

After silently praying for him for a second, Lin Kai showed no unnecessary mercy on his face.

Track and field is cruel, and the weak do not deserve sympathy. This is competitive sports, and there is only one champion.

Wen Wu is the first, Wu Wu is the second!
Anyway, Lin Kai told himself that the first place in this group's 200-meter league test would definitely belong to him.

Lu Bin stood in front of the starting block, feeling uneasy all over.

In the 100-meter league test, he lost to Lin Kai, which indeed caused a big psychological blow to Lu Bin.

It also caused Lu Bin to appear not confident enough in the match against Lin Kai.

As for Lu Wen, he was not affected.

You can only say that you have no desires or desires to avoid being affected.

It's true that he didn't have much hope for the championship. Lu Wencai was not too affected by Lin Kai. At most, he just lamented that Lin Kai's talent and strength were really terrifying.

Yundu No. [-] Middle School was ranked last in physical education. Unexpectedly, Lin Kai was the one to pull him up.

The influence of one person is greater than the influence of the entire track and field team of Yundu No. [-] Middle School.

At least among the sports students in middle schools in Yundu County, most of them knew Lin Kai's great name.

But when it comes to knowing the other athletes on the track and field team of No. [-] Middle School in Yundu, there are really only a few of them.

Standing in front of the starting block, many eyes looked at him, and he whispered to the people around him from time to time. It was obvious that the light emanating from his body had completely blocked the light that originally belonged to Lu Bin and Lu Wen.

Take a deep breath, it's not your style to give in before fighting.

Before starting, no one knows who is the first in the group, but don’t scare yourself.

Lu Bin squatted down and stepped on the starting block. At the same time, there were other athletes, including Tang Yongqin who was playing soy sauce.

And the physical education students of Yundu No. [-] Middle School and Yundu No. [-] Middle School, who are more like soy sauce than Tang Yongqin.

He is obviously the best in his school, but his teammates are afraid of his own strength.

Why is it so inconspicuous when compared with the top performers from other middle schools?

There are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky!
"Everyone take your place!"



The starting block in the curve exerted force under Lin Kai's feet, and it made a sound of being overwhelmed by being stepped on.

After Lin Kai kicked off the starting block, he sped up and ran.

When it comes to technical turns and movements, if you say you are second, no one will dare to say you are first.

This is Lin Kai's unique confidence in his technical movements.

After ten years of sharpening a sword, the frost blade has never been tested!
The fast braking speed is fortunately 200 meters, and each player is a distance away.

Otherwise, it would be really easy to be influenced by Lin Kai.

When someone mentions a curve, it will definitely affect the speed.

But Lin Kai almost didn't affect his speed at all, and even if it did, it could be ignored.

Lin Kai in the corner, running with his head down, was like a ray of light.

"3, 2, 1, shout!"

At Li Wei's order, all the teammates shouted in unison, "Come on."

Obviously Li Wei has shown his potential as a cheerleader.

Hearing the uniform shouts of cheers in his ears, Lin Kai also thought that he could try to be faster.

If Lin Kai knew the reason for shouting "Come on" in such a uniform manner, I don't know if he would be happy for Li Wei.

This child has grown up, and his father is very satisfied!
However, Lin Kai, who was running, had no energy to distract himself from answering his doubts.

What he is doing now is a competition, not the so-called playing house. Of course, Lin Kai does not allow himself to be careless.

It's one thing to attribute strength to strength.

(End of this chapter)

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