Chapter 59 Ugly face
Witnessing halfway through the game, Li Wei's mind was filled with excitement. Being wrapped up in this excitement, Li Wei didn't know what words to use to describe Brother Lin.

After thinking about it for a long time, I couldn't think of an appropriate adjective for Brother Lin, and maybe I could only say "Fuck" to express my admiration.

Lin Kai, who ran first, was far ahead, and other runners gritted their teeth to catch up.

It was a situation ruled by Lin Kai, and even Lu Wen and Lu Bin could not break the deadlock.

It seems to be explaining a complete truth, now is no longer the era of twin brothers in Yundu No. [-] Middle School.

All middle school sports students in Yundu County will have the name "Lin Kai" on their heads.

80 meters, 70 meters, 60 meters, 50 meters, the distance is getting closer and closer, gradually approaching the finish line.

Lu Bin, who gritted his teeth and tried his best to catch up, found that it was the same as 100 meters, and his own efforts seemed to be tantamount to wasting effort.

As they approached the finish line, the physical strength of the contestants was draining rapidly, even Lu Wen and Lu Bin were no exception.

As for Tang Yongqin, a sophomore in middle school, he is also working hard to maintain his speed, hoping to win the fourth place in the group.

Anyway, Tang Yongqin of Yundu No. [-] Middle School had no hope for the top three in the group. Who made Lin Kai, Lu Wen, and Lu Bin stronger than himself.

Lin Kai, who was sprinting, was also thinking that he was now fully integrated into the world. Logically speaking, his 200-meter performance should be better than that of the 100-meter.

The unsatisfactory 200-meter result in the county sports meeting, in fact, Lin Kai didn't say anything about it, but he has always been worried about it.

After all, my endurance quality is stronger than my speed quality, and my 200-meter score should also be better than my 100-meter score.

Running beyond the national first-level athlete level is Lin Kai's own personal idea, and it is also a small goal that Lin Kai set for himself in this group of 200-meter league tests.

The small target has to be Lin Kai himself!
If other players knew about the small goals that Lin Kai set for himself, I wonder if they would be a little speechless.

This is considered a small goal, shouldn't it be the ultimate goal?
Soon Lu Bin knew that everything was completely different from what he had imagined.

He gritted his teeth, it was no longer as simple as being unable to close the distance between him and Lin Kai.

Instead, Lin Kai was still widening the gap with himself.

This made Lu Bin couldn't believe that Lin Kai's 200 meters was better than the 100 meters.

Anyway, Lu Bin himself knows it well, his 200 meters is not as good as 100 meters, and his 200 meters and his brother Lu Wen can split [-]-[-].

Lu Wen was also surprised. At least the gap was opened by more than two positions. If the gap continued to be widened, wouldn't it be more than two positions.

That means at least a gap of 0.6 seconds or more.

Lu Wen, who is working hard in the future, is of course catching up with the slight gap between Lu Bin and Lu Bin step by step.

After all, Lu Wen knew that in the second half of the journey, he could still force himself to be stronger than his brother Lu Bin.

Sore throat, but all the excited teammates didn't know it.

Still shouting hard to cheer up, just because Brother Lin's advantage is too obvious.

It’s really a shame for myself!
I just feel that I have more face at this moment, even in front of the sports students of Yundu No. [-] Middle School, I can completely straighten my back.

This is the sharing of honor and disgrace as a team.

The physical education students of Yundu No. [-] Middle School did not give up shouting, "Come on." They still had to have hope for Lu Wen and Lu Bin.

Of course, the voices shouting "come on" are scattered, which is totally out of place!
It formed a stark contrast with Li Wei's organization and shouting cheers.

It can only be said that Li Wei was well-founded in Lin Kai's high hopes of becoming the captain of the cheerleading team.

The end is so close, as if you can reach out and touch it. It is not as far away as the beginning.

At this moment, there is only one thought in Lin Kai's mind, which is to cross the finish line with all his strength and achieve his small goal.

As for Lu Wen and Lu Bin, there were threats, but not much. They simply sprinted from the start to the present and were about to cross the finish line, and they did not appear in Lin Kai's mind at all.

Lin Kai's obvious lead made the coach of Yundu No. [-] Middle School look ugly.

Originally, he had high hopes for his players, but now he realizes that everything is in vain.

If you don't have expectations, you won't be disappointed. Anyway, while the coach of Yundu No. [-] Middle School looks ugly, he has already thought about how to increase the amount of training for the players after this league test.

How could Yundu No. [-] High School be in a good mood by embarrassing itself in front of all the coaches!
You can still hear other coaches making fun of you from time to time.

Looking at Ye Jianhui, the coach of Yundu No. [-] Middle School, the coach of Yundu No. [-] Middle School always felt that the other party was complacent.

This made the coach of Yundu No. [-] Middle School have an idea in his mind: If you can't run to death, run to death!
Anyway, the coach of Yundu No. [-] Middle School has a single teaching method and a rigid teaching philosophy. Perhaps he can only think of one word - run.

Lin Kai's figure in the lead appeared in his eyes, and if nothing else happened, Lin Kai would be number one in this group.

Regarding the performance of team member Lin Kai, Ye Jianhui had the urge to applaud with both hands, but because there were other coaches around him, Ye Jianhui certainly would not choose to do so.

After all, at least he has to take care of the face of other coaches. Ye Jianhui still has this bit of emotional intelligence.

With such unstoppable sprint speed, in the eyes of all the sports students, Lin Kai seemed to be still accelerating.

Actually otherwise, Lin Kai didn't accelerate at all, it's just that other players slowed down more than Lin Kai.

In the case of contrast, this also presents the visual illusion that Lin Kai seems to be accelerating.

Sprinting, pressing the line and crossing the finish line, there is no accident, and there is no plot of a player coming from behind and counterattacking.

Lin Kai, who was number one from start to finish, further demonstrated his personal talent and strength in the 200 meters.

Let all the sports students take a breath, the same age, Lin Kai's strength is an existence that others need to look up to.

This speed, this calm look, clearly shows that Lin Kai's strength in the 200 meters is not at the same level as Lu Wen and Lu Bin.

100 meters is reasonable on one level, but 200 meters on one level may seem more or less far-fetched.

Lin Kai crossed the finish line, while Lu Wen and Lu Bin were on equal footing, still gritted their teeth and sprinted before the finish line.

It seems that there is only a few tenths of a second behind, but in the track and field where every second counts, it is enough to prove that he is not a player of the same level at all.

After running, Lin Kai felt his muscles sore and swollen. With only 30 meters left to the finish line, Lin Kai also gritted his teeth and persisted.

At that distance, Lin Kai was also telling himself that he must, must, must grit his teeth and endure it!
(End of this chapter)

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