Chapter 61 Who did the son say?
The sports student from Yundu No. [-] Middle School who was caught in a carnival seemed out of place with other sports students.

It's just that the middle school sports students naturally didn't taunt him. After all, no reckless man dared to taunt him.

In this league test, the overall level of Yundu No. [-] Middle School may not be number one, but the first place among the best must be Yundu No. [-] Middle School.

Not because of anything else, just because of Lin Kai himself.

The influence has always been subtle. Lin Kai's performance in the county sports meeting has actually left a strong impression on everyone.

Compared with after this league test, Lin Kai will definitely leave a deeper impression on everyone.

Not only are they very strong, but even Lu Wen and Lu Bin, the twin brothers with outstanding strength in Yundu No. [-] Middle School, are no match.

In the 400-meter league test, Lin Kai will not participate.

Anyway, even if they participated, it was just a formality.

There is absolutely no need to do anything that is not necessary.

Of course, this is what Lin Kai thinks personally.

It doesn't matter what other people think, it's just a truth that Lin Kai's own life experience in his previous life told him.

There is no need to do things that are not necessary, and not everything counts as a life experience.

This is not a statement to fool children, only adults will not believe this statement.

Regarding Lin Kai's performance, Ye Jianhui didn't dare to say a word, he was really indescribably satisfied.

If there are any deficiencies, then Ye Jianhui may give Lin Kai a score of [-] for his handsome performance.

As for why it was eight points and eight points, it was because it was missing two points and he was worried that Lin Kai would be too proud.


Without Lin Kai's 400m, the top players from all middle schools couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, feeling that the next 400m league test will be a lot easier.

Unknowingly, Lin Kai's figure was already like an insurmountable mountain in the eyes of the top students in each middle school.

Lin Kai, who did not need to participate in the competition, was naturally free.

Lin Kai was a little scared just thinking about 400 meters. He had experienced the devastation of 400 meters several times in his previous life.

I would rather run five kilometers than 400 meters, which shows the pain of 400 meters.

Of course, 400 kilometers is a long pain, and [-] meters is a short pain. As an adult, Lin Kai said that he should choose neither.

As a bystander, to witness the performance of his teammates, Lin Kai found that this kind of experience is not very good.

After all, it is these young people who are not picky about this kind of environment.

From the time when the sun is still above the head, glowing and glowing, to the time when the sun has already set, what is left in the sky is only the residual heat left by the sun.

The league test finally went back, and it was originally planned to be done in one day.

Although the middle may be a bit tight, but in order not to affect their respective training the next day, it was still done.

Watching the coaches saying goodbye to each other not far away, Lin Kai stood at the front of the team, and Li Wei next to him looked excited.

"Brother Lin, this time it's a good face for us in Yundu No. [-] Middle School! I think who will dare to say that Yundu No. [-] Middle School is the last in sports!"

"Yeah, your performance is quite satisfactory as a father, but there is still room for improvement!"

He wanted to touch the head of his buddy Li Wei, but was slapped away by Li Wei.

"Who did my son say?"

"Dad is coming!"

Lin Kai didn't fall for this trick at all.

Li Wei, who was waiting for Brother Lin to say that his son talked about you, didn't hear the reply he wanted, and looked aggrieved.

This is obviously because his strength is not as good as Brother Lin, and his brain is not as good as Brother Lin.

The trip to Yundu No. [-] Middle School was a fairly satisfying experience.

Under the leadership of Coach Ye, everyone left Yundu No. [-] Middle School. Before leaving, Lin Kai specially said hello to the two security guards.

It is undeniable that, in a sense, the two guards are conscientious.

But sometimes you have to learn to look at people. Although there are many people like me, they seem to be intimidating, but look at inappropriate students!
Walking on the road, the road on the road is already bright orange, and the sky is darkening. This is a comfortable night unique to the small county town, with a unique charm.

Back at school, the first period of evening self-study has passed. Fortunately, I asked for leave, otherwise I might have been criticized.

Don't think that if the head teacher is your uncle, you won't be criticized. On the contrary, when you are criticized, your uncle is not ambiguous at all.

Of course, to the outside world, his uncle is indeed protective enough.

Walking side by side with Li Wei on the campus road, the students returned to the classroom for class. In the darkness, they vaguely saw two girls running hand in hand.

The weak light made it impossible for Lin Kai to see what the girl who ran over looked like. He was just curious that there were two girls wandering on the road during class time.

This is obviously because he is not afraid of being caught by the patrolling teachers.

Holding Xu Meishu's delicate hand, Huang Susu did not dare to say a word.

After class, I ran to the canteen to buy some snacks. Unexpectedly, I wasted so much time. When the class bell rang, I was still in the canteen with Xu Meishu.

Huang Susu and Xu Meishu ran away from Lin Kai, and a faint fragrance hit their nostrils.

I don't know if it's the smell of shampoo or shower gel.

Anyway, it definitely can't be body fragrance, after all, it can only be smelled if you are very close to it.

In surprise, of course Lin Kai also saw the looks of the two girls. They were both beautiful girls.

The time was too short, and Lin Kai only had a beautiful and superficial impression of him.

But Li Wei couldn't help but turn around and look at the backs of the two girls leaving. Lin Kai felt that it was necessary to remind Li Wei.

"Hey, hey, hey, everyone is gone, what are you looking at!"

Under the influence of external force, Li Wei felt embarrassed when he came back to his senses.

The young man's face is thin, and Lin Kai's evaluation of this is that it is slightly inadequate.

It's just a league test. Anyway, as for the quality points, they are definitely not accounted for.

Instead of pinning hopes on the league test, it would be better to put it on the city sports meeting.

Speaking of which, the city sports meet was almost here, and Lin Kai felt that he needed to ask Coach Ye tomorrow.

After all, this city's sports meeting is indeed very important to me.

It's about quality, it's also about his further development, and Lin Kai can't help but pay attention to it.

To prepare for a rainy day, Lin Kai felt that he had to do this.


As for Ye Jianhui, who got the test results of this league, he is also busy watching the progress of the players this time.

Of course, the league test results cannot be faked, but the prerequisite is that the school leaders must see the progress of the school track and field team members.

The school leader finally relented, so Ye Jianhui had to seize this opportunity.

As a coach, Ye Jianhui believes that it is necessary for him to contribute his part to the construction of the school track and field team.

(End of this chapter)

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