Chapter 64 Municipal Gymnasium
But in the blink of an eye, I became the spokesperson of Zhenxiang!
It was quite awkward, but Lin Kai didn't show it at all on his face.

Other teammates, as well as other middle school sports students, hadn't woken up from their sleep. For a while, the whole bus was extremely silent.

There was the occasional sound of breathing, and he didn't know how long the time had passed. Lin Kai just felt that he was almost reaching Zhangzhou City.

Everything outside the window is completely unfamiliar, and some buildings that have never been seen before can be seen.

The coach of Yundu No. [-] Middle School thought to himself: We have to continue to take care of my brother’s business last year!
Accommodation and food had to be taken care of. It was not the first time that the coach of Yundu Fifth Middle School had to deal with this matter. He was a repeat customer with the owner of a certain hotel.

You should know that even if you are half acquainted, it is easier to bargain.

As for why it is not a hotel, after all, it is because of the current prices, hotels really cannot afford it.

It's not for tourism, but to put it bluntly, you can come to participate in the competition.

Enjoyment will never be the first principle, but glory for it.

When the bus stopped, Lin Kai pushed Li Wei beside him to wake him up. After all, they were all at the place, so it was impossible for him to continue to sleep.

Departing in the afternoon, it was almost evening when we arrived in Zhangzhou City.

The sky is getting darker, and the most important thing is that the vernal equinox has just passed, the rainy season, and the night is coming sooner.

The shops next to the surrounding roads and streets, as well as the roads on the road, were all lit up.

As soon as I got off the bus, I realized that the air was a little cool and the roadside was still wet. Before arriving, Zhangzhou City had been washed away by the rain.

Stepping on the wet road, Lin Kai thought to himself that the hotel in front of him was probably where he would stay for the past two days.

It seems that there is not much difference from ordinary residential houses, but there is no so-called convenient hotel yet.

Led by the coach of Yundu No. [-] Middle School, all the sports students walked into the hotel.

Among them, Lin Kai and several other teammates, although Ye Jianhui did not come here to lead the team, they did not appear flustered or nervous.

After all, Captain Lin Kai is the backbone in their eyes.

The hotel proprietress is quite pretty, and you can still see her beauty in her youth.

For a moment, Lin Kai thought that the coach of Yundu No. [-] Middle School and the hotel proprietress had some ulterior secrets.

It's just that Lin Kai gave up the idea. Even if he had, it had nothing to do with him.

Listening to the politeness of the coach of Yundu No. [-] Middle School and the hostess of the hotel, it is obvious that this is not the first time and they are regular customers.

In this case, the probability of being ripped off is very small.

The accommodation has been arranged, basically one room, two beds, sleeping four people.

Sometimes circumstances have to be overcome!
Lin Kai just curled his lips and had no opinion on this. The strong adapt to the environment, while the weak complain about the environment.

I am not a son of a rich family and cannot change the status quo, so try to adapt to it.

Furthermore, Lin Kai saw it very clearly. He came to participate in the city sports meeting, not to travel.

Even if he is a reborn person, at least for now, he is just an ordinary person.

Lin Kai has the so-called sense of superiority, but not much.

As for Li Wei and other teammates, they had no complaints. It was even the first time they stayed in a hotel and they were full of novelty about everything.

It's all night, I didn't go out at night, and there were no night activities.

In the era without smartphones and electronic products, I fell asleep at eight o'clock.


Around 07:30, Lin Kai woke up on his own.

Fortunately, no one snored last night, otherwise I probably wouldn't be able to sleep.

It's just that Lin Kai may have overlooked a possibility, that is, someone is actually snoring, but it doesn't affect his sleep at all.

The movement of getting out of bed actually woke up two other teammates in the same room, including Li Wei.

After washing up and having breakfast, the coach of Yundu No. [-] Middle School led the team to set off. The hotel is about two or three kilometers away from the city gymnasium, and it takes more than ten minutes to walk.

When he arrived at the entrance of the Municipal Gymnasium, Lin Kai had to sigh with emotion. The Municipal Gymnasium in Zhangzhou City had to be said to be magnificent.

From a distance, it seems that three large oval balls stand in this open space.

The venue for this competition is the big oval ball in the middle.

It is also a track and field venue usually used for competitions.

Of course, it is so empty-handed, it is designated not to enter.

Even if you apply for the list of participating students in advance, the coach has to get the corresponding number plate of each contestant.

This matter has to be handled by the coach of Yundu No. [-] Middle School.

Lin Kai and other sports students were arranged in other areas.

It is definitely impossible to enter the city gymnasium. Only when it is the turn of this group, they can enter after holding the competition number plate and going through inspection.

In terms of form, compared with the county sports meeting, I don't know how many times more formal.

In this regard, Lin Kai has the right to speak. No matter what Lin Kai said, he was also a man who participated in the National Games in his previous life.

The waiting process was long, but it was far from boring.

After all, at least there are sports students from other schools.

Sports students from other middle schools are basically wearing uniform sports jackets, which are obviously uniformly customized.

The Yundu No. [-] Middle School where Lin Kai is located has not yet customized a uniform sports jacket.

The other middle school sports students obviously have that kind of mental outlook, and the teammates around them seem not confident enough.

Lin Kai can understand this. After all, the living environment is different. Some participating sports students grew up in urban areas, but he did grow up in the county.

Those who grew up in the county meet those who grew up in the city, sometimes they are really not confident enough.

When the coach of Yundu No. [-] Middle School brought back the number plate for the competition, the competition was almost about to start.

As usual, Lin Kai signed up for the 100-meter and 200-meter events.

For this reason, Lin Kai naturally hopes that he can achieve excellent results in the city sports meeting.

What I am experiencing now is similar to the game of fighting monsters and upgrading. If you get stuck at a certain level, you may have to stop during this period.

So Lin Kai felt that he would try his best to win the championship.

Rather than having any other mentality, since everyone has participated in the competition, they have to try to win the championship.

Lu Wen and Lu Bin were inexplicably a little unconfident in the face of outstanding players from various counties or urban areas.

Thinking about it carefully, how many counties are there in Zhangzhou City, and how many middle schools are there in the urban area of ​​Zhangzhou City.

Thinking about it this way, the number of participants is a terrifying number.

It’s scary to think about it, it seems like I’m just a drop in the ocean.

Just thinking about his usual grades, Lu Bin forced himself to be confident again.

Turning his head to look at Lin Kai who was less than ten meters away from him, from this angle, Lu Bin could only see Lin Kai's profile.

(End of this chapter)

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