The king of sprinting: I am an Olympic champion

Chapter 68: Not a Human Being at One Point

Chapter 68
Some team members have been eliminated!
The coach of Yundu No. [-] Middle School was not surprised at all. As a competitive sport, sports are cruel.

If you are not strong enough, it is normal to be eliminated.

We counted the number of players who were promoted and those who were not promoted.

There is roughly not much difference, anyway, it is no different from the proportion of promoted players led by the coach of Yundu No. [-] Middle School.

Soon it was past eleven o'clock, the city sports meeting was still going on, and the number of groups was close to Lin Kai's 200-meter preliminaries.

It is definitely impossible to eat at this time, and the only food available is probably fast food.

Lin Kai, who was still warming up, didn't even have time to eat fast food.

Hungry is hungry, these problems must be overcome.

It's impossible to affect your game performance!
The environment only tests people, it does not mean that it will affect people.

I don’t know that the fast food ordered from a small restaurant was delivered to every sports student participating in the competition through the hands of the coach of Yundu No. [-] Middle School.

Holding a snack box in his palm, the half-grown boy felt hungry very quickly.

Li Wei has been impatient for a long time. As for Brother Lin still needs to participate in the 200-meter preliminaries, Li Wei can only express regret in his heart. When Brother Lin comes back, the fast food is probably cold!
I can only eat first as a courtesy, hoping that Brother Lin can feel full with the fast food he puts into his stomach.

When it comes to being a dog, Li Wei is nothing like a human being.

In fact, Li Wei's 200-meter group number is only higher than Linkai's, so he must solve his stomach as soon as possible and digest it quickly to cope with the upcoming competition.

To be honest, Li Wei was still upset about being eliminated in the 100-meter preliminaries, so he naturally swore to himself that he would never allow himself to be eliminated in the 200-meter preliminaries again.


His stomach was growling with hunger, but Lin Kai could only suppress his hunger.

It is better to run hungry than to run with a full stomach. It is troublesome to run anywhere and walk with a full stomach.

Hearing the staff call out the number of his group, Lin Kai stood up, and when his name was called, Lin Kai raised his hand as a signal.

Walk forward and line up, and the staff will take the competition number plate and compare it.

In the 200-meter preliminaries, it was a group of completely unfamiliar opponents.

Lin Kai didn't have much idea about this, he could just defeat him anyway.

Furthermore, Lin Kai hoped to arrange a stronger opponent for himself so that he could be mentally prepared in advance.

It's just that Lin Kai thinks that his group's 200-meter preliminaries are unlikely.

When Lin Kai looked at the other teenagers and looked at each other, Lin Kai did not read that kind of strong confidence in strength.

As an old fritter, Lin Kai is not like other teenagers, he will be nervous, flustered, overwhelmed, and unable to adapt.

To put it bluntly, Lin Kai is nothing more than a wolf in sheep's clothing, like a teenager, but in fact he has long been beaten by society.

After being brought into the gymnasium by the staff, Lin Kai had a blue sky above his head. The unpolluted sky would be romantic to the eyes.

This forced Lin Kai to solve a difficult problem.

Perhaps everyone has the answer in their hearts, whether the vehicle exhaust emissions are the culprit, or the factories that do not meet the emission standards are the culprit.

Alone and weak, Lin Kai felt insignificant even standing on this wide track and field, let alone looking at the entire country.

The spectator stands were filled with sports students and referees from every high school.

Lao Lin from the Municipal Sports Bureau, with his hands folded over his chest, just stared at the game in silence.

Lin Kai, who had an impression of him, reappeared, and Lin Xiande noticed it.

The reason why I have an impression is undoubtedly that Lin Kai's performance made Lin Xiande interested in Lin Kai.

Whether it is Lin Kai's performance or Lin Kai's technical moves, Lin Xiande has a strong interest in it.

As the 100-meter coach of the Municipal Sports Bureau, Lin Xiande must of course select some good seedlings to fill the talent pool of the Municipal Sports Bureau.

The coach of Yundu No. [-] Middle School is also in the audience stand, the reason is very simple, it is to watch Lin Kai's live performance.

It has to be said that in the eyes of the coach of Yundu No. [-] Middle School, Lin Kai is a piece of jade and a rare good prospect.

It's just that the coach of Yundu No. [-] Middle School has almost given up the idea of ​​recruiting Lin Kai. After all, the probability of successfully recruiting Lin Kai is too small.

When it was his turn, he stepped forward and fiddled with the starting blocks. In the 200-meter preliminaries, he was fully confident in his own strength. Lin Kai said that he had never worried about his advancement.

As for the other players, their different positions, front and back, are enough to foreshadow the 100-meter curve. Lin Kai has nothing to worry about.

Brand new starting blocks, plus a brand new track and field, I don't know if it has been renovated.

Anyway, Lin Kai personally thinks that Zhangzhou City has made a big deal for the city sports meeting held this time.

Squatting on the starting block and waiting, Lin Kai's mood inevitably began to rise.

"Everyone take your place!"



The gunshot sounded, Lin Kai kicked off the starting block, swung his arms, lifted his thighs, exerted force on his hips, supported his calves, and actively exerted force.

A series of coherent movements had already formed muscle memory in Lin Kai's mind.

There is no need for the brain to think, the body makes these actions autonomously.

While running, Lin Kai didn't have many thoughts, he just hoped that he could run as quickly as possible.

And Lin Xiande thought that the reason why he was interested in this young man Lin Kai was because of Lin Kai's mature technical movements.

Similar to the current curves, just from the eyes, Lin Xiande also felt that the movements were standard and there was no way to be picky.

Even as the 100-meter coach of the Municipal Sports Bureau, Lin Xiande couldn't find anything wrong with Lin Kai's movements.

Maybe the upper limit of this kind of seedling has been fixed, but at least it is impossible to break the prescribed lower limit.

This kind of seedling is conservative and stable enough, and there will be no accidents.

After 30 meters of speed, Lin Kai slowed down a few meters and raised his head. After raising his head, he was still looking directly at the running in front of him. In the corner of his eyes, he could also see the figures of other runners running in front of him.

However, none of this attracted Lin Kai's attention, but he focused on the running in front of him.

The speed is getting faster and faster as the running time increases.

The speed during running shows an upward curve.

The eyes of the coach of Yundu No. [-] Middle School flashed, and he was envious of Ye Jianhui, the coach of Yundu No. [-] Middle School, for being such a good prospect.

Moreover, the coach of Yundu No. [-] Middle School was puzzled by Ye Jianhui's behavior.

Such a good seedling participated in the city sports meeting, but he didn't follow him. If he wanted to be himself, he had already put his mind on Lin Kai.

The two coaches have different views and practices, and no one can comment on which of the two coaches is right and who is wrong.

Halfway through the curve, the speed was still slowly increasing, and the distance between him and the player on his right began to close.

(End of this chapter)

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