Chapter 72
After all, given Lin Kai's actual age, he can be considered a man in his fourth year, so he wouldn't be influenced by a few words.

Furthermore, Lin Kai does not have to be too much affected by the current game atmosphere.

Emotional stability is Lin Kai's normal state.

The 200-meter rematch is the last race before work ends today.

Four games a day, even if it is not the crucial final, but it also caused Lin Kai to be mentally and physically exhausted.

Lin Kai was still full of confidence in the 200-meter rematch, and never worried about meeting his opponent in the 200-meter rematch.

With confidence in his own strength, Lin Kai also stepped into the warm-up team.

There are not only Li Wei, but also Lu Wen, Lu Bin and other team members.

They didn't know whether their luck was good or bad. The players were assigned to a group, which meant that they had to resolve the internal battles first, and then eliminate other opponents.

Their own team members eliminated their own team members, and the last remaining team members were naturally only the best of the best.

Others may be strong in 200 meters, but Lin Kai is really strong.


There should be some fate with Zhangzhou Foreign Language School, in Lin Kai's opinion.

Just because I met the opponent of Zhangzhou Foreign Language School again.

The same virtue as Wang Weihai that Lin Kai met in the 100-meter preliminaries before, just from the demeanor, you can feel the sense of superiority.

For this reason, Lin Kai said that the sense of superiority has to be broken.

And the boy in front of me is no exception!
It doesn't matter if you don't know the opponent's name. The important thing is that Lin Kai will have a chance to beat the opponent on the track and field.

After all, at least in the track and field field, his family background is probably not as good as this boy's.

He Yunfeng also noticed the handsome guy's eyes on him, which made He Yunfeng a little nervous.

But after thinking about it, why am I nervous? I'm not bad anywhere, so it's strange that I'm nervous.

Standing on the track and field, Lin Kai jumped on the spot. He needed to move his feet a few times while waiting after the inspection came in.

In the stands, there were still sports students and coaches from various middle schools.

At the same time, there are Zhou Cheng of Daewoo Sports School who wanted to recruit Lin Kai but failed, and Lin Xiande who wanted to recruit Lin Kai but was not moved.

After all, Lin Xiande thinks that sometimes he has to wait and see.

Squatting on the starting block, Lin Kai's goal in the 200-meter rematch in this group is just to advance.

What I saw was the scarlet track and field that was close at hand.

However, due to the different courses and curves, Lin Kai couldn't hear the breathing of other players at all. All he could hear was his own breathing.

"Everyone take your place!"



After the body exerts force through a series of movements, he stands up, lifts his buttocks with his supporting feet, and then pushes his body off the starting block. Lin Kai quickly lifts his legs and swings his arms to reduce excess lag.

Staying in the air will only affect the speed at which you can accelerate, keep your head down without saying a word, one word, it's just shit!
And He Yunfeng, who was next to Lin Kai, was also running quickly.

Just as Yunfeng personally thought, what is there not to be confident about? Whether it is training facilities, training equipment, or coaching level, he is better than these sports students from the county.

So He Yunfeng is confident, and he still has a sense of superiority in the face of all the sports students from the county!
The contestant ran quickly, and because of his mature technical movements and his cornering skills, Lin Kai soon had an advantage.

In the eyes of Zhou Cheng of Daewoo Sports School, he really wanted to recruit this good seed, just because Zhou Cheng had a hunch that Lin Kai could definitely do a lot.

It is still an excellent performance, and already has an advantage. Lin Xiande thinks that the first place in this group should still be Lin Kai, a young man. After all, his strength is obvious here.

Lin Kai didn't have to pay attention to the muscle memory of raising his head after 30 meters.

Lin Kai, who was running, was still improving his running speed. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see the blurred figures of the boy from Zhangzhou Foreign Language School and Yunfeng on his right.

From blurry to clear gradually, it all reveals that Lin Kai is ahead of He Yunfeng.

It's just that He Yunfeng didn't realize this, and was still speeding up on his own.

After all, it is a curve, basically the gap in the curve can be said to be negligible.

In fact, the generation and enlargement of the gap starts when you enter the straight 100 meters.

But at 100 meters around the bend, the gap begins to appear and becomes magnified.

Maybe Lin Kai will be one of the few.

Of course, Lin Kai definitely dare not say that he is the only one.

40 meters, 50 meters, and 60 meters, there are also sports students from Yundu County who are just a round trip. Seeing that Lin Kai has already gained an advantage, he can't help shouting for cheer.

Maybe this kind of shouting, come on, is too low for the entire stadium.

Lin Kai might not have heard it at all.

But these are not important. They are all from Yundu County. When Lin Kai took the lead, he felt a sense of honor.

After catching up with He Yunfeng on the right, Lin Kai's figure appeared in the corner of He Yunfeng's eyes.

At the same time astonished, He Yunfeng looked sideways, seeing that Lin Kai had caught up to him at the bend, he couldn't accept such a fact.

Why was he caught up by the sports students in the county?
Being overtaken also indicates that you have fallen behind!
If he falls behind, He Yunfeng naturally wants to catch up with Lin Kai.

He was about to enter the 100-meter straight, and Lin Kai himself was aware of the obvious advantage.

Of course Lin Kai didn't let this go!
It's too early!
Furthermore, Lin Kai felt in no hurry at all!
With the attitude of the first, he took the lead to step into the 100-meter straight. The figure of Lin Kai naturally attracted the attention of the coaches and sports students in the audience stands.

In addition, it also attracted the attention of many other players.

In the corner, he was in the middle of the game and didn't know the game, and he couldn't see his situation clearly. It was only after entering the straight that he realized that Lin Kai was in the lead.

The broad field of vision made Lin Kai know that he was in the lead.

Of course, this is just the beginning. The 100-meter curve is an appetizer, and the 100-meter straight is the main meal.

The one who ran first turned out to be the handsome guy who was staring at him before the race. He Yunfeng thought that it was necessary for him to catch up with Lin Kai.

90 meters, 80 meters, 70 meters, 60 meters, the speed is going downhill. Of course, Lin Kai is trying his best to maintain his current running speed.

But to the athletes and coaches in the stands, Lin Kai's running speed seemed to be accelerating.

Just because of Lin Kai's running speed, the falling speed is slower than others.

(End of this chapter)

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