The king of sprinting: I am an Olympic champion

Chapter 77 Unpacking the Blind Box

Chapter 77 Unpacking the Blind Box

This is not the result Chen Jinglong wants!
Lin Xiande, who was in a tangle, repeatedly considered whether he should recruit Lin Kai.

After all, it is like removing a blind box, which has certain risks.

And Lin Xiande, the 100-meter coach of the Municipal Sports Bureau, never considered Lin Kai's rejection of his solicitation.

Maybe his own name - the Municipal Sports Bureau is here, I believe few people will refuse.

At least so far, Lin Xiande has never met a sports student who rejected him.

There is no need to stop too much. My task this morning is not just the 100-meter semi-finals, but also the 200-meter semi-finals.

Walking to the referee's office, Lin Kai was eager to sign his score. After confirming his score, he quickly found time to rest.

Adjust his state, just because today's game is too important for Lin Kai.

The reason why I participated in the city sports meeting is to win the championship!
If he didn't come here with the idea of ​​winning the championship, Lin Kai thought that he would rather not come.

It's like asking a girl on a date before asking her if she will go home after dinner. If she goes home, then you don't have to choose to go on a date.

Ignore yourself?
The proud Chen Jinglong did not expect that he would be directly ignored.

This really handsome sports student ignored him and walked towards the referee's office. Upon seeing this, Chen Jinglong wanted to say something, but stopped at the edge of his mouth.

It's not that he is not strong enough. In the 100-meter semi-finals of this group, he did not outperform Lin Kai. This made Chen Jinglong feel that even if he wanted to say it, he would not be confident enough.


No.1, Yundu No. 11 Middle School, Lin Kai, 16 seconds.

No.2, Zhangzhou Foreign Language School, Chen Jinglong, 11 seconds 28.

No. 3, Yundu No. 11 Middle School, Lu Bin, 30 seconds [-].


When he saw the results, Lin Kai was stunned for a moment, a little surprised.

Lu Bin was not ranked second, the second ranked student actually came from Zhangzhou Foreign Language School.

Speaking of which, I really have a fate with Zhangzhou Foreign Language School!
Counting five games, three of them met sports students from Zhangzhou Foreign Language School.

But in this group, I finally met someone who was more powerful.

Lin Kai also knew the course he was in. It turned out that the tall man, about 1.8 meters tall, was an athletic student at Zhangzhou Foreign Language School.

There is a reason for growing so tall.

At least their diet has definitely not fallen behind.

As for my own time, 11 seconds is 16 seconds faster than my best time of 11 seconds.

This is not worth Lin Kai's mood swings.

If he wants Lin Kai to have mood swings, he must at least run a time of 11 seconds or more.

With the attitude of a master, I come gently, just as I walk lightly, without taking away a single cloud!
Li Wei in the audience thinks Brother Lin is really cool, and he has reached the pinnacle of being cool!
Lu Wen was amazed at Chen Jinglong's ability to surpass in the later stage, he is a master!
This naturally attracted the attention of many coaches.

Lu Bin didn't expect Lin Kai to turn around and leave after confirming the grades. He really didn't procrastinate at all!
The result was not what he wanted. Lu Bin was not in a good mood when he was overtaken in the last ten meters.

But it didn't seem too bad. After all, in these 0.02 seconds, Lu Bin felt that he had a chance to prevent the opponent from overtaking him.

It can only be said that I may have lost my footsteps and did not stabilize myself at the last moment.

As for Chen Jinglong, he didn't think so. He just felt that his performance this time was not very good and was not at his ideal level.

To know your ideal level, at least it must be around 11 seconds.

In the 100-meter final in the afternoon, I had to surpass Lin Kai.

This is Chen Jinglong's idea, and it is also Chen Jinglong's secret decision.

After all, what Lin Kai did, in Chen Jinglong's view, was ignoring his own existence and looking down on him in a disguised form.

Of course it is true. It is normal for Chen Jinglong to think about Lin Kai so much because he is self-centered.

After leaving the track and field, Lin Kai met Zhou Cheng from Daewoo Sports School again.

Lin Kai, who is an old fritter, knows it well, and he will never believe that there is a chance encounter between himself and Zhou Cheng of Daewoo Sports School.

This seemingly chance encounter was all planned.

The teenager may be fooled, but he will never be fooled.

Indeed, without receiving a call or reply from Lin Kai, Zhou Cheng of Daewoo Sports School was worried that Lin Kai, a good prospect, would be poached by other coaches.

Therefore, Daewoo Sports School Zhou Cheng hesitated again and again and decided to take the initiative.

"It's really a coincidence that we meet again, don't say that we are really destined!"

"Yeah, I didn't expect to meet you, coach, here..."

Of course it is impossible for Lin Kai to directly expose Zhou Cheng of Daewoo Sports School without slapping anyone in the face.

See through but don’t tell, the main focus is on a person’s worldliness!
"Yeah, I wonder how you're thinking about it?"

"I'm thinking about finishing the city sports meet first."

"Let me tell you, now our Daewoo Sports School just happens to have such a place, you can enjoy..."

Before Zhou Cheng of Daewoo Sports School became a coach, he didn't work in sales, did he?
With this thought in his mind, Lin Kai was taken aback by Zhou Cheng of Daewoo Sports School who spoke in an obviously salesman's tone.

Is this what the so-called salesman is at the end of any career?
"Yeah, then I know, I have to think about this for a while!"

Although it sounds extremely tempting, Lin Kai has already made up his mind and there is absolutely no way he will be fooled by this kind of petty profit.

These so-called attractive benefits will actually become constraints on your freedom later on.

Lin Kai, who has experienced everything in his previous life, of course knows the situation.

Don't eat soft and hard, Zhou Cheng felt that the boy in front of him was no different from the old fritters.

After tactfully rejecting Zhou Cheng of Daewoo Sports School, Lin Kai returned to the meeting place.

Lu Bin has also returned here. Apparently he was delayed for a while because of Zhou Cheng from Daewoo Sports School.

"Lin Kai, I remember you walked faster than me, why did you come back so late?"

Lu Bin asked Lin Kai curiously. Lu Wen and Li Wei were also curious and looked at Lin Kai.

"Oh, there was something delayed just now."

Of course, there is no need to speak out about the fact that a coach is recruiting me.

It's not something worth showing off, even if it is possible to show off, Lin Kai would think it's unnecessary.

You must know that at your age, you have passed the stage where you like to show off your achievements.

None of them doubted that the young man just needed a reason.

Lin Kai took advantage of this time to quickly borrow his backpack and lay on the ground to rest.

To overcome the bad environment, what Lin Kai needs now is to adjust his state.

(End of this chapter)

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