Chapter 86
The reason that drove the coach of Yundu No. 200 Middle School to watch the 200-meter final was simple: he believed that Lin Kai could win the [-]-meter championship.

I don't know why, but I think Lin Kai can win the 200-meter championship.

Anyway, this seems to be the confidence that Lin Kai has brought to himself in recent days. This is what the coach of Yundu No. [-] Middle School personally believes.

In the stands, whether they were athletes or coaches, when the 200-meter finalists entered the track and field, Lin Kai's figure appeared, and everyone looked at Lin Kai's figure in unison.

Just because of Lin Kai's performance recently, it can be said that the coaches and sports students know that Lin Kai's strength should not be underestimated.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that Lin Kai has a high probability of winning the championship, not because of others, but because of his strength.

"Brother Lin, come on, Brother Lin, first..."

Di Yuancang, who was in the audience, heard shouts of "come on" coming from his ears.

Looking back, it turned out to be a young man, still calling Brother Lin from time to time.

As for the title Brother Lin, the first thing Di Yuancang thought of was Lin Kai.

You must know that Lin Kai's strength is fully worthy of this title.

As Di Yuancang, who lost to Lin Kai, he naturally hopes that his good friend Ding Zuyou can win this game.

Not for anything else, maybe it's just to let myself take such a breath.

I didn't lose to Lin Kai, at least I had to let my friend Ding Zuyou defeat Lin Kai.

Ding Zuyou, who walked into the track and field, actually thought so.

After all, he had to take such a breath for his good friend Di Yuancang.

Fortunately, the hard training is just to win the championship!
Unexpectedly, the championship was snatched away by an unknown person.

Even if this unknown person Lin Kai is indeed powerful, as Di Yuancang's good friend, Ding Zuyou naturally has to fight for his friend.

Being hostile to Lin Kai was naturally noticed by Lin Kai.

The hostility in this young man's eyes made Lin Kai wonder how he could be hostile towards him since he had never seen this young man before.

It shouldn’t be! Is there something that I accidentally forgot that I haven’t remembered?
But Lin Kai suddenly felt that this seemed unlikely. You must know that your memory is not bad!
Can't figure it out, Lin Kai just thinks, it's better to see the outcome in the 200m final.

Even if you are hostile to yourself, you have to show your strength.

After all, on the track and field, everything depends on strength!
As for Liu Zhongjie, he is in a completely different state from Ding Zuyou.

The self-confidence exuded by this friend Ding Zu is exactly the kind that is revealed.

And Liu Zhongjie's self-confidence needs to be carefully discovered, restrained self-confidence, otherwise he really can't see it.

Introverted self-confidence, similar to Lin Kai's, Lin Kai's self-confidence was not clearly shown.

After all, Lin Kai himself has long passed his flamboyant personality.

In fact, Liu Zhongjie also thought about being more flamboyant. The problem was that before the 200-meter finals started, Liu Zhongjie knew that there was someone with a better family background and stronger strength than himself.

How can this make Liu Zhongjie so arrogant!
In preparation for the game, Lin Kai couldn't help but become nervous.

In this life, my upper limit will definitely not reach this.

After all, in my high school in my previous life, I didn't reach the current height.

Now I have severely surpassed my height in high school.


Stepping on the starting block with the other seven players, the arrangement of the organizers of the competition area is still a bit interesting.

Ding Zuyou, a young man who is hostile to him, is on the left, and Liu Zhongjie, a dark and dark boy, is on the right.

It is enough to show that the organizers of the competition area of ​​the city sports meeting attach great importance to themselves.

"Everyone take your place!"



The moment the gun rang out, the runners squatting on the starting block immediately exerted their force. Because of the curve, no one could affect anyone.

It's just that Lin Kai's mature cornering skills can still achieve outstanding performance even if his speed quality is not strong enough.

It's just that this outstanding performance seems mediocre when compared.

After all, Lin Kai was flanked by Ding Zuyou and Liu Zhongjie, both of whom were not weaker than Lin Kai in the first half of the game.

But Lin Kai kept his head down and ran, but he never felt anxious because of this matter.

I'm just trying my best to run as fast as possible in the shortest time.

At the same time, Ding Zuyou was also working hard to run as fast as he should have.

He doesn't believe in Lin Kai's strength enough, but he doesn't dare to underestimate him easily. This is the current situation of Ding Zuyou.

In fact, Ding Zuyou knows better than anyone else. To know the strength of his good brother Di Yuancang, he knows it well.

Although Lin Kai came from a middle school in the county, and the training environment and training facilities were weaker than his own, there was no way he could be an unknown person who could defeat Di Yuancang.

It's just that in front of his good friend Di Yuancang, or before the match, Ding Zuyou's whole body is stubborn.

As for Liu Zhongjie, he thinks that he still has hope, but the premise is that he must work hard to fight for it.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to win the 200-meter championship.

So Liu Zhongjie knew that he had to do a good job of ideological work for himself.

Otherwise, you can directly choose to withdraw from the competition.

Now that they are all standing on the track and field and participating in the 200-meter final, it means that Liu Zhongjie has done his own ideological work.

Li Wei in the stands was shouting for Lin, hoping that Lin could win the 200m championship.

In this way, the 100-meter champion and the 200-meter champion of the city sports meeting belong to Yundu No. [-] Middle School.

It's exciting just thinking about it, and as Lin Kai's best friend, Li Wei also has the idea of ​​sharing weal and woe.

While running with his head buried, Lin Kai of course thought that he was number one.

It's just that this is a curve, and Lin Kai doesn't want to waste time here.

The 30 meters passed by in a blink of an eye. When he looked up, Lin Kai's eyes, of course, had other players in his field of vision.

This is normal, as long as you understand the reason for the gap between the corners.

Lin Kai's method of dealing with this was to increase his running speed as much as possible.

When your speed is fast enough, you don't need to think about this series of problems.

At least Lin Kai personally thinks so, as for the others, it is unknown!
Ding Zuyou also noticed Lin Kai's figure, so Ding Zuyou took Lin Kai's figure as his temporary goal, so that he could surpass others and be full of motivation.

Lin Xiande, who was in the audience stands, thought that the 200-meter final seemed to have a confusing ending, but in fact, the ending was already doomed before the start of the race.

Part of the reason why Lin Xiande dared to say such a thing was related to his own sophisticated and vicious vision.

The reason why you made up your mind to take the risk to recruit Lin Kai is that you thought Lin Xiande was gambling.

(End of this chapter)

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