The king of sprinting: I am an Olympic champion

Chapter 89 The novice period is over

Chapter 89 The novice period is over

But that doesn't work at all!
The game is over, everything has become a foregone conclusion, and no one can change the ending that has become a fact.

Looking at Lin Kai, Liu Zhongjie felt that Lin Kai really left gently, without taking a cloud!
It seems that winning the championship is a common thing for Lin Kai.

After all, if it were me, if I were to win the championship, I would definitely be cheering and cheering, and I would have to run a lap even if I didn't win.

But Lin Kai didn't do anything too much. At most, he showed joy on his face and left it alone.

In fact, Lin Kai wanted to celebrate, but it seemed that there was really nothing to celebrate.

After all, Lin Kai thinks his life has just begun!
The champion of this city sports meeting is not as meaningful to him as the county sports meeting.

After all, in the previous life, at the county sports meeting, he was unwilling when he was young.

But at the city sports meeting, I didn’t make much of an impression.

In addition, compared with the competitions that Lin Kai participated in in his previous life, the specifications were not enough.

Therefore, there is a deficiency in comparison with the top, and a surplus in comparison to the bottom!
When the front foot left the track and field, the back foot was stopped by someone.

He was a man who seemed to be highly respected and quite young, but Lin Kai could tell at a glance that he was the coach.

Why can Lin Kai tell at a glance that the other person is the coach?
It's just because the other party is wearing sportswear, is polite and looks like the salary is not high.

"My side is from the Municipal Sports Bureau, and I mainly guide the 100 meters."

Then he handed the business card to Lin Kai, probably because he was afraid that Lin Kai would not believe his identity.

Lin Kai was quite surprised that the Sports Bureau came to find him, but he didn't show it on his face.

After all, in his previous life, he hadn't been personally approached by the Municipal Sports Bureau.

It is no exaggeration to say that the talent shown by him in his previous life was not enough to impress the Municipal Sports Bureau.

But now that the coach from the Municipal Sports Bureau came to find him, Lin Kai naturally knew what was going on!
"Hi, hello, what's the matter here?"

He knew that the other party was recruiting him, but Lin Kai would still ask questions knowingly.

"Oh, at the city sports meeting, we discovered your talent and want to vigorously train you. The city sports bureau has a quota..."

"I'm sorry, I may not have such plans for the time being."

Rejecting Lin Xiande was not for any other reason, but because Lin Kai himself had no intention of continuing on this path.

Even if it was a solicitation from the Municipal Sports Bureau, Lin Kai knew that what he should do was to cruelly refuse.

"We are different from sports schools. The Municipal Sports Bureau belongs to..."

Obviously Lin Xiande never thought that he would be rejected.

There was a hint of surprise on his face.

In the past, I rejected others, but I never expected that someone would reject me.

But Lin Xiande obviously doesn't intend to give up, at least he has made a decision, so he still has to struggle.

In fact, facing Lin Xiande's sense of superiority, Lin Kai can understand that there is an essential difference between the sports school and the Municipal Sports Bureau.

Entering the Municipal Sports Bureau as an athlete, with wages and full board expenses, is similar to a job within the system to a certain extent.

"I want to go to university, and it is more important for me to go to university!"

Still refused, Lin Xiande had no choice but to see Lin Kai's persistence.


Back at the location, most of the team members said a word or two to celebrate their victory.

But Lin Kai could still tell that the happiest person was Li Wei. Li Wei was so excited that he was even happier than he won the championship.

The closeness of the relationship actually determines whether the other party takes your affairs seriously or not. Lin Kai, who has been a human being for two lives, naturally knows this truth.

Therefore, when faced with other team members, who are not from the same middle school, they praise themselves and do not care whether they are sincere or not.

But they don't know each other, Lu Wen and Lu Bin seem to have a pretty good relationship with him after getting along these few days.

Obviously the most important thing is that the huge disparity between the strengths cut off the idea of ​​Lu Wen and Lu Bin surpassing themselves.

As long as the strength is close, it is unlikely that Lin Kai, Lu Wen and Lu Bin will have a good relationship.

Both the 100-meter and 200-meter champions in the city sports meeting belonged to him, which was completely different from the results of his participation in the city sports meeting in his previous life.

In my previous life, I participated in the city sports meeting, and I was completely a soy sauce existence!
I have been changing the trajectory of my life, and finally achieved a complete change of my life.

Lin Kai has always been doing this - changing his life!
However, the city sports meeting is not over yet, but Lin Kai's own game is over.

When the center of other people's attention was not on him, Lin Kai simply entered the track and field system in his mind.

For no other reason than to see how many quality points he got in the city sports meeting.

IQ: 65
Speed: 68
Stamina: 77
Power: 61
Flexible: 57
Quality points: 11
Before participating in the city sports meeting, Lin Kai remembered clearly that he still had five quality points.

But now there are only eleven quality points. Lin Kai calculated carefully and realized something was wrong!
Logically speaking, I should have obtained at least ten quality points.

You must know that in the county sports meeting, his two champions are worth ten quality points.

And why now there are only six quality points.

Looking back carefully, Lin Kai finally found the key to the problem. At that time, he seemed to be in the novice stage.

Then the city sports meeting two champions, only six quality points, I have passed the novice period.

For what he thought belonged to him but has not obtained it now, Lin Kai is more or less worried about gains and losses.

In this regard, it may be the so-called human nature.


As the leading coach of this city sports meeting, the coach of Yundu No. [-] Middle School has gained a lot of limelight in front of other coaches.

These are all thanks to Lin Kai, so of course the coach of Yundu No. [-] Middle School has a good impression of Lin Kai!
For Ye Jianhui, as the coach, not to choose to participate in the city sports meeting with the players, the coach of Yundu No. [-] Middle School is puzzled anyway.

However, the city sports meeting has come to an end, and it is about to be the final award ceremony, which is also the award ceremony that Lin Kai is thinking about.

After all, Lin Kai still wanted to decorate his room with the gold medal from the Municipal Games.

Who made Lin Kai set a small goal for himself—to nail a whole wall of medals.

If other sports students knew about Lin Kai's small goal, I wonder if they would have the urge to beat Lin Kai.

Medals are a rare honor for any sports student.

It also represents my highlight moment on the track and field!
But Lin Kai actually wanted to cover an entire wall with medals.

The award ceremony of the Municipal Games still looked formal and dignified.

Flowers, balloons and surrounding decorations are all put together!
Among them, the presence of leaders is naturally indispensable.

(End of this chapter)

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