I have a city in another world

Chapter 1013 Break the city!

Chapter 1013 Break the city!

"Come and save me, I'm dying!"

"my eyes……"

"Help me stop the bleeding, please, I don't want to die yet!"

After the explosion, on the wall of Xueman City, wailing sounded one after another. The wounded who were lucky enough to survive were all rolling and struggling on the ground, with fresh blood oozing from the fine wounds on their bodies.

Not many unlucky people died directly from the explosion, but a large number of wounded were lying all over the place.

Their miserable appearance and wailing completely disturbed the minds of the soldiers defending the city, and panicked expressions flashed on their faces from time to time!
"Damn it, what are you waiting for, take them down for treatment immediately!"

Seeing this, an officer of Xueman City immediately ordered the wounded to be carried away, lest the soldiers defending the city would be affected and avoid the battle timidly.

Hearing the order from the Xueman City officer, a group of soldiers rushed up immediately, stepping on the blood-stained ground, and brought these howling soldiers into the city.

The guarding soldiers nearby all watched this scene silently, swallowing hard from time to time.

From the beginning to the end, Balgruuf didn't speak, he just looked coldly at the Holy Dragon City Legion under the city wall.

After launching more than a dozen strange bombs, the opponent did not continue to attack, but observed the scene above the city like watching a show.

From the eyes and behavior of the other party, Balgruuf saw a kind of teasing and contempt.

Obviously, the demon army outside the sky didn't take him seriously at all, otherwise they wouldn't use such a child's play attitude to deal with a war destined to be bloody!

Perhaps in the hearts of the demons outside the sky, it should be Xueman City who is bleeding like a river?

A flash of understanding flashed in Balgruuf's heart, but he was overwhelmed by a sense of humiliation, and he was full of murderous aura when he looked at the Sacred Dragon City camp.

It's not rude to come and go, since you treat this war like a joke, then I will let you know my methods, so that you will regret it!

He gave an order with a cold snort, and then saw more than a dozen defensive weapons on the top of the city, which were started to be strung up by the soldiers of Xueman City. At the same time, jars of sealed ceramic containers were carefully placed by the soldiers of Xueman City. go up.

"Don't think that if you don't attack the city, I will have nothing to do with you. Let's see how you resist these highly toxic smoke potions!"

Balgruuf sneered in his heart, imagining the horror of these terrifying bone-eroding poisonous smoke spreading in the Holy Dragon City camp, a cold smile appeared on his face.


Following the order of the Xueman City officer, the tense city defense weapons were activated at the same time, and the huge force shot out the clay pots, flying into the air in unison.

But when the soldiers of Xueman City were staring at these pottery containers, waiting for them to fall into the enemy's camp, more than a dozen dazzling rays of light suddenly shot out from the camp of Holy Dragon City on the opposite side, precisely falling on these containers.

Seeing this scene, all the soldiers in Xueman City jumped in their hearts.

"Clap clap clap!"

A series of crisp sounds came out, and under the horrified gaze of the defenders at the top of the city, the clay pots that had just been shot burst one after another.The dark green liquid seemed to be pouring, with a trace of smoke, splashing down towards Xueman City.

The nearby Xueman City soldiers wailed, and fled desperately towards the surroundings. The city immediately turned upside down, and it was completely chaotic.

"Quick, block these venoms!"

With roars, the mages on the city walls quickly cast spells to burn or blow away the venom so that it would not fall on the top of the city.

All kinds of protective measures were also used one after another to prevent the venom from touching the body.

Even so, more than half of the venom still fell on the ground and the soldiers of Xueman City. While rapidly corroding, a large amount of terrifying green poisonous smoke rose and spread like wolf smoke on the top of the city!
But any Xueman city soldier who accidentally inhaled the poisonous smoke, or was touched by the skin, immediately foamed at the mouth, kept howling fiercely, and soon died of breath!

This scene was extremely miserable, and the sound of wailing made people's faces change!

Tyson, who was sitting in the car, also saw this scene, and a trace of surprise appeared on his originally indifferent face.

"What a powerful poison, comparable to biochemical weapons!"

Tyson shook his head, and while sighing, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes.

If he really wanted to compete with this kind of weapon, the Holy Dragon City's reserves would make Balgruf's stomach turn blue with regret, but he would not use it easily because he was afraid of losing control.

Besides, with Tyson's character, he doesn't bother to use this kind of insidious weapon.

Looking at the chaotic Xueman city, Tyson was no longer interested in teasing these natives, and waved to the officer beside him.

The opponent immediately nodded upon seeing this, and then decisively issued an attack order.

"The artillery fire is aimed at the front of the city, and a wave of covering fire!"

Several chariots, which had been silent for a long time, suddenly propped up the rear carriages at this moment, revealing dense barrels, which turned out to be weapons like rocket launchers.

Following a series of roaring sounds, bombs dragging smoke were quickly projected to the top of Xueman City, and a series of loud noises erupted.

In the desperate eyes of the soldiers of Xueman City, this section of the city wall has completely become a purgatory of death, and there is no living thing left except for the broken flesh and blood!

With another order, fifty huge armed robots began to advance rapidly, heading straight for the gate of Xueman City.

Hot bullets shot out from the muzzle of the armed robot, directly shooting and killing the soldiers of Xueman City who were trying to fight back, and they were so crushed that they couldn't even raise their heads.

Behind the armed robot, followed by the chariot of the Holy Dragon City, and the soldiers of the Holy Dragon City who followed closely with their guns raised.

The war beasts roared and roared continuously, advancing slowly under the master's control.

Above the heads of the ground troops, unmanned attack planes took off directly from the transport vehicles, hovered in mid-air, and shot and killed those stubborn enemies.

The sky and the earth are all within the attack range of the Holy Dragon City, like a black wave of death, approaching Xueman City continuously!

Seeing this astonishing scene, Balgruuf was about to go crazy. He waved the saber in his hand and shouted for the soldiers to rush up to stop him.

However, under the precise and intensive attack of the Holy Dragon City, no matter how many people rushed up, no matter soldiers or monks, they were quickly submerged in the hail of bullets.

The corpses on the city wall were piled up like a mountain, and the flowing blood had formed a torrent of water, rushing down the drains on the city wall!

Under this bloody and quick offensive, the soldiers of Xueman City only lasted for a very short time before they completely collapsed.

They wailed and dropped their weapons, swarmed down from the city wall, and started fleeing in all directions in Snowman City!


With a muffled sound, the gate of Xueman City collapsed, and the figure of an armed robot stepped into Xueman City from the dust.

Two Sacred Dragon City soldiers squatted on the shoulders of the armed robot, looked coldly at the Xueman City soldiers who were trying to sneak attack with bows and arrows, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

With a series of gunshots, the defenders at the gate of the city were wiped out.

Sacred Dragon City soldiers rushed into this ancient city like a tide, and began to hunt down the enemies who refused to surrender!

Seeing this, Balgruuf in the distance let out a long sigh of unwillingness, and dodged into the alley.

Snowman City, broken!
(End of this chapter)

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