I have a city in another world

Chapter 1072 The Enemy Arrives

Chapter 1072 The Enemy Arrives
In the underground space of the cyborg headquarters, the only remaining beam of light made a soft sound, and then changed color.

The originally invisible light began to squeeze and twist like an entity, and then a majestic force erupted, as if to tear the space apart.

However, if you sense it carefully, you will find that this is not a violent tear, but a strange force that guides the stable space force to an unknown area, and builds a passage made of light between the two sides!

This channel is established in a higher dimension, so it will not be hindered unless it is very unlucky to be destroyed by creatures of this dimension.

Of course, the chances of such an accident happening are extremely small.

Then the objects traveling in this special channel will continue to accelerate, pass through the channel in a very short time, and reach the end of this transmission!

Right now, the beam of light at the transmission transfer station has become the end of the channel, and something is being transmitted from the other end.

The already extremely quiet atmosphere suddenly became even more dead silent at this moment, and even the sound of breathing completely disappeared.


There seemed to be some kind of sound, and a huge light curtain immediately appeared around the teleportation array, directly wrapping the teleportation array.

Its function is to counteract the energy tide that erupts instantly after the teleportation ends, so as to prevent the entire teleportation transfer station from being destroyed.

This is a very critical step. If this cannot be done, even if half of the entire planet is blown up, it is not impossible!
Just after the strange sound came out, a battleship about 300 meters long suddenly appeared in the beam of light, quietly floating about two meters above the ground.

The aftermath of colorful liquid energy faded away from the hull of the battleship like a tide, and then dissipated into nothing.


After the battleship appeared, the dead teleportation transfer station seemed to come alive, and the voices of conversations, and busy figures suddenly appeared in this underground space.

Not far from the teleportation array, there were a series of muscular figures in black uniforms, with frenzied and apprehensive expressions on their fronts, looking at the battleship that had just appeared.

After nearly 5 minutes, the raging energy caused by the teleportation dissipated, and the surrounding light curtains were also directly closed.

Everyone's eyes fell on the battleship, as if they were waiting for the other party's order.

An indifferent, almost heartless voice suddenly sounded in the underground space, with a hint of dissatisfaction in the tone.

"What's going on here, why are the other three teleportation arrays shut down?"

At the same time as the sound sounded, a cannon muzzle with a diameter of about one meter in the front part of the battleship had begun to charge, and it seemed that it could be fired at any time!
After seeing this scene, those high-level cyborgs with faces full of fanaticism immediately turned pale with fright.

"Yes... I'm sorry, my lord, the teleportation array has a lot of trouble, and there is nothing we can do about it!"

The leader of the cyborg was nearly three meters tall and looked extremely mighty and majestic, but at this moment, he seemed to have no bones, his face was full of helplessness and fear.

The high-level cyborgs behind him also looked terrified, staring blankly at the charged muzzle.

The cyborgs in the distance even knelt on the ground, trembling uncontrollably.

After hearing the explanation from the cyborg leader, the voice that sounded just now sounded again, but the anger seemed to intensify a bit.

"This teleportation array has regular inspection and automatic repair functions. Even if it runs for 1000 years, there will never be any failures, but now three of them are closed at the same time. How can there be such a coincidence?
Or do you have evil intentions and want to harm us? "

As these words fell, the light from the muzzle became more and more dazzling, and it seemed that the charging would be completed soon.

Once the flame from the muzzle shoots out, the entire underground space will be completely turned into ruins!
It seemed that everyone was frightened, their voices of begging for mercy were heard endlessly, and some people even started to flee towards the outside.

The people inside the battleship seemed to have seen this scene, and the originally charged muzzle finally slowly dimmed.

"Hmph, you don't have the guts to judge, but this matter must not be forgotten!"

The voice sounded again, and then a hatch on the battleship suddenly opened, and then, in the faint blue light, a muscular figure walked out slowly.

There was an aura of iron blood and cruelty permeating his body, and a terrifying pressure continued to spread as he approached.

After getting out of the glaring light, everyone realized that this man was wearing what seemed to be an extremely heavy armor, which was full of marks of knives and axes.

It seemed that just a moment ago, he was still killing enemies on the battlefield, and the smell of gunpowder smoke and blood still hadn't dissipated.

Behind him, followed closely a group of warriors also wearing battle armor, all of them were murderous, staring at the terrified cyborg executives in front of them through their masks.

The cold muzzle was also pointing at the high-level cyborg, as if it would fire at any moment.

In their eyes, there seemed to be a lot of ridicule and disdain, and they didn't pay attention to these high-level cyborgs at all.

"Tell me, what is going on, why did the teleportation array suddenly close?"

The man in the lead said in a light tone, his gaze fell on the cyborg leader like a blade, and he seemed to have a strong killing intent.

The cyborg leader wiped the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead, took a step forward carefully, and said in a flattering tone: "My lord, listen to me, this time is definitely an accident, and we don't know what it is." What's going on, this teleportation array is suddenly closed!"

Hearing this, the leading man seemed to be thinking about something, and turned to look at a follower beside him.

"Go and check, if they move their hands and feet, hum..."

Saying this in front of the leader of the cyborgs obviously did not take them seriously. Perhaps in the eyes of the Trobo people, the cyborgs were nothing more than their servants.

After hearing the commander's order, a follower stepped out and went straight to the control platform.

After seeing this scene, there seemed to be a hint of expectation in the eyes of those high-level cyborgs.

After witnessing the performance of the high-level cyborgs, those Trobo people seemed to believe that all this should be just an accident.

It's just that no one saw it, and when everyone focused their attention on the Trobo who was walking towards the operating platform, at the door of the opened battleship cabin, more than a dozen invisible shadows were quietly slipping into it.

After the cyborg leader saw this scene, a cold light flashed in his eyes, but it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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