I have a city in another world

Chapter 1601 Heathern Territory

Chapter 1601 Heathern Territory

The strength of a war zone can be determined by the number of teleportation arrays in most cases. The more powerful the war zone is, the more widely the application of teleportation arrays will be.

For example, today's Holy Dragon War Zone, although it cannot compare with those old war zones in terms of size and strength, its overall strength is not bad, and in some respects it is even ahead of other defensive war zones.

If the ruler is short and the inch is long, the new theater may not necessarily be weak.

But even so, the Holy Dragon Theater did not have the luxury to set up teleportation arrays everywhere, not even a regular teleportation array!
Trace it to its cause, it is nothing more than that the cost of construction is too high, the cost of maintenance is too high, and it is very uneconomical to use.

But looking at the fifth war zone, the teleportation points in the territory are densely packed, and there are even dozens of teleportation points in some fiefdoms.

With a secret sigh, Tang Zhen chose a teleportation point closest to his fiefdom, and took out his ID card to pay for the teleportation fee.

Tang Zhen has just joined the Fifth War Zone, so there are no points available, but the Fifth War Zone allows new members to borrow on credit, and there is no interest, but there is a certain limit.

When members have time to accept tasks, repaying credit points is a breeze.

The teleportation process was very short, and Tang Zhen had already arrived at his destination in less than a dozen seconds.

There was a burst of noise, and what appeared in front of Tang Zhen was a huge teleportation square. The site seemed to be compacted with loess, and old buildings were scattered around the square.

The building is desolate and simple, full of exotic styles.

Between these buildings, monks in different costumes were constantly shuttling back and forth, making the area around the square look very lively.

This scene was beyond Tang Zhen's expectations, but it was quite normal when he thought about it, it was just that his original thinking was wrong.

It is difficult to join the Fifth War Zone. It refers to becoming a full-fledged member and owning a fiefdom, but it does not mean that the Fifth War Zone is sparsely populated.

No need to think about it, an old war zone with a long history and a high ranking among the three thousand war zones must have a thriving population.

"Welcome Your Excellency to the territory of Heathern. I don't know what you can do. Do you need my services?"

Just as Tang Zhen was looking around, a man in a rune robe came over. He bowed to Tang Zhen, and then asked in a very polite tone.

"I plan to go to the Rift Plain, how do I get there?"

This teleportation formation is still a long way from his fiefdom, and it will pass through the defense line of the Hethern territory during the period. Tang Zhen doesn't understand the specific situation here, so he asked this question.

"Your Excellency intends to go to the Crack Plain, are you going to hunt alien monks, or buy local specialties?"

Tang Zhen looked at the man in the robe and asked in a calm tone: "Is there any difference between the two?"

"If you are going to hunt alien monks, you can join those temporarily organized teams or veteran teams. This will not only ensure more harvest, but also improve your own safety."

"If you are buying local specialties, you can hire appraisers and escort teams from us to help you take care of a series of trivial things, so that you don't have to do everything yourself, so as to reduce your pressure!"

Tang Zhen nodded. It turned out that the man in the robe was recommending his own business, no wonder he was so proactive.

"If I go alone, will it be dangerous?"

Tang Zhen asked casually. He didn't expect his fief to be so lively. He just wondered why no members of the war zone chose this place?

The man in the robe smiled when he heard this, and advised Tang Zhen: "Your Excellency may be extraordinary in strength, but I still recommend that you go in a team. You must know that the Crack Plain is connected to the Shattered Space, and there will be monks from other worlds from time to time. Appearing with monsters, if you don’t have your companions to take care of you, you probably won’t be able to survive even a day.”

"At the same time, it is still an unowned territory. Even if someone acts recklessly there, you can't find a place to judge. If you suffer a loss, you can only accept your fate. But if you go with the team, even if something happens, someone will take care of you." You come out."

Having said this, he smiled proudly, pointed to the mark on his chest and said: "In the Haisern Territory and the Cracked Plains, when the name of our Fire Owl Organization is announced, there are still very few people who don't give a little bit of credit!"

Tang Zhen nodded, and when he was about to ask a few more questions, several armed Loucheng monks came over, glanced at Tang Zhen, and then reached out to pat the proud man in robes.

The man in the robe showed an unhappy look on his face. Just when he was about to turn around to see who dared to pat him on the shoulder, he heard a deep voice: "Two-headed snake, are you brave? You dare to do anyone's business." ?”

After hearing this voice, the man in the robe shrank his neck slightly, and immediately turned around with a smile on his face and said: "It turns out to be the captain, you misunderstood. I just saw that your Excellency had a confused look on his face, so I came here to answer your questions. Absolutely No other meaning!"

The captain sneered and said in a disdainful tone: "Don't think that I don't know your tricks. You can cheat other people's money. If you want to cheat the person in front of you, you may die without knowing how!"

After finishing speaking, ignoring the stunned robed man, the captain took a step forward, bowed to Tang Zhen and said, "Welcome Your Excellency Tang Zhen to the Hethern Territory. Our lord can't come to greet you because of something, so we can only welcome you." Ask me to convey his respect, and express that if you need anything, please feel free to speak up!"

Tang Zhen nodded, not surprised that the other party knew his whereabouts. At this time, he had just joined the Fifth War Zone, so many people must be paying attention to his every move.

It is estimated that after he chose the Rift Plain as his territory, the news had already spread.

Although he broke the record of the fifth war zone, there was no substantial reward, but it still raised Tang Zhen's reputation to a higher level.

As a future neighbor, the lord of Heathern Territory naturally had to express something.

"Thank you lord for your kindness. When I finish my work and your lord is free, Tang will definitely pay a visit!"

After a few polite words with several Loucheng monks, Tang Zhen asked the direction of the Rift Plain and teleported away.

After Tang Zhen left, the long-robed man nicknamed "Two-headed Snake" moved a little until his face became numb with a smile, and asked the captain, "That captain... who was that just now?"

Upon hearing the question from the man in robe, the captain glanced at him and said in an emotionless tone: "You want to know his identity?"

"Hey, I'm just a little curious, just curious!"

Although the robed man said so, his face was full of curiosity. From the attitude of the captain, it can be confirmed that the identity of the young man must not be simple.

"Since you are so curious, let me tell you, that person is actually a new member of the war zone and the new owner of the Rift Plain."

"If you want to make money in the future, it depends on how this person is feeling. If he won't let you enter the cracked plain, you all have to stay with me honestly. It's hard to find anyone!"

Hearing the captain's warning, the robed man's body trembled, showing a complex expression.

Before Tang Zhen arrived, the Rift Plain was a land of no man. Because it connected the Rift Space, it had always been a place for casual practitioners to seek gold.

In the past, because there was no one to manage it, the casual cultivators were unscrupulous and completely regarded this place as their own back garden.

But now that this piece of land has an owner, it is absolutely impossible for them to want to reap the benefits like before.

Seeing that the stable source of income was in vain, the man in the robe was very anxious, but there was nothing he could do, he was so anxious that he almost jumped from the ground.

The captain smiled when he saw this. Seeing that the man in the robe was usually quite sensible, he reminded him in a low voice: "His Excellency Tang Zhen has just obtained the fiefdom and is confused about many things. If someone reminds him at this time, For a moment, do you think he will remember this favor?"

The robed man's eyes lit up, he bowed to the captain, said "Thank you very much in the future", and then ran away in a hurry.

 Thanks: "The Lord of Xiaoyao Pavilion" for the reward, thank you book friends for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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