I have a city in another world

Chapter 1613 Arrival at the destination

Chapter 1613 Arrival at the destination

Hearing the two-headed snake's call, those wild cultivators were stunned for a moment, and then burst into applause.

Nothing can compare to the benefits of benefits, even if they follow Tang Zhen to fight and let the wild cultivators feel honored, they still can't compare to the attractive benefits of rewards from spoils of war.

Originally, he thought that Tang Zhen had dealt with these outsider monks, and the rest had nothing to do with them. Unexpectedly, he didn't care about these trophies at all, and rewarded them all with a wave of his hand.

Such a generous lord immediately won the respect and gratitude of all Yexiu.

Cheering and kicking over the outsider cultivators around him, those field cultivators started searching like robbers, pocketing all the valuable things.

Some wild cultivators were even more brutal, even taking off the clothes of the monks from other worlds, wrapping them around their bodies, happy to see their teeth but not their eyes.

What to do to make money the fastest, of course, is to rob monks!
Strip it from the inside to the outside, without letting go of anything, as long as you meet two fat sheep, you can change the gun in an instant!

After a busy work, the ground was full of stripped-off monks from other worlds. At first glance, it was a whitewashed scene, which was simply unsightly.

After seeing this scene, the wild cultivators couldn't help laughing, while those cultivators from other worlds were so ashamed and angry that they wanted to dig a hole in the ground to bury themselves.

It's a pity that they still don't have any strength at this time. It is undoubtedly wishful thinking to dig a hole to bury themselves.

"Okay, let's move on, I can't wait to fight now!"

The two-headed snake waved forward, which attracted bursts of cheers. At the same time, none of the wild cultivators who had harvested a lot left.

After experiencing a harvest, they all firmly believed that there would be meat to follow Tang Zhen, and they would never waste such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Compared with the time when they first left the customs, the field repairers who had already changed their shotguns were all striving to be the first, for fear that they would lose the benefits because of falling behind.

He rushed all the way to the second battle location with a murderous look, only to find that the place was already empty.

However, from the traces left on the ground, it can be confirmed that those monks from the other world had obviously just left.

The distance between the two battlefields is not very far, and there are also waiters who listen to the wind and watch the whistle on weekdays. Obviously, the other side told the outsider monks in the second battlefield what happened just now.

Even though the monks from the other world were usually tyrannical and savage, facing Tang Zhen, the new master of the Rift Plain, a majestic legend in the war zone, it would be bullshit to say that he was not afraid.

It's stupid to hit a stone with an egg, and the monks from the outside world are not fools. They would stay here and wait to die, so they fled without hesitation at the moment they got the news.

The field cultivators who failed to encounter the enemy were so angry that they jumped up and scolded their mothers, swearing endlessly, but there was nothing they could do.

From their point of view, there are no outsider monks on the second battlefield, and the third battlefield may not even be seen by ghosts. The original dream of getting rich is probably going to come to nothing.

Sure enough, as the field repairers expected, when they rushed to the third battlefield, they didn't even see a bird feather.

The high morale was slightly low. Seeing this, the two-headed snake jumped up and cursed: "You worthless bastards, are you just getting less spoils? Following Your Excellency Tang Zhen, will you lose your chance to make a fortune?"

"After a period of time, the Loucheng army will clean up the entire cracked plain. When the time comes, you will follow behind. Even picking up trash can make you rich!"

"Things without vision, if you still put on that face, get out of here immediately!"

Hearing the roar of the double-headed snake, those wild cultivators who were still cursing sullenly shrank their necks, and quickly squeezed smiles on their faces to make themselves look very happy.

The two-headed snake passed through the crowd with a stern face, and when it saw someone not smiling, it immediately slapped it, and those wild cultivators didn't dare to resist.

This scene made Tang Zhen laugh secretly.

This double-headed snake is alert, but also very funny. Although he knows that most of the time he is performing for himself, Tang Zhen doesn't care.

This is also a way for the two-headed snake to express its loyalty, not to mention that he doesn't like a guy with a sullen face around him all the time, it's better to be teasing.

After passing through the three battlefields, even if they officially entered the area of ​​the cracked plain, the cultivators from other worlds would not continue to form a group to block Yexiu, but would disperse and fight with each other.

And less than twenty miles away from here, there is a rift in the earth, and next to it is a large market where wild monks and monks from other worlds are mixed.

This kind of bazaar is the place where the two sides cease fighting. No one is allowed to fight here, otherwise everyone can kill them with their hands.

In addition to the customary rules, there are also powerful monks controlling here, and they are the real reason why wild monks and outsider monks dare not be presumptuous.

That's where Tang Zhen chose to stay. When everyone passed through the third battlefield, the double-headed snake had already sent a messenger to report the news against the clock.

First of all, the controller of this market had a relationship with the two-headed snake, and he didn't want the other party to neglect his boss and cause death.

Secondly, the double-headed snake is also telling those people that their identities are different from the past, and those guys who have enmity with them, it is best to get away as far as possible, so as to avoid embarrassment after the two parties meet.

With the double-headed snake's character of vengeance, if you see your enemy after gaining power, you will definitely not be able to help but retaliate.

It's just that if this happens, it will inevitably leave a bad impression in front of Tang Zhen, so the two-headed snake resisted the vanity of returning home, and let his enemy go away as soon as possible, out of sight and out of mind.

A group of people set off towards the market in a mighty way, which shocked many monks along the way. Perhaps the news of Tang Zhen's arrival had spread rapidly, so it attracted countless inquiring and examining eyes.

It didn't take long for them to arrive at the location of the market.

At the entrance of the market was the skull of a giant beast, with its mouth wide open and its fangs ferocious. Huge white bones were placed on the ground, which became a barrier for the camp.

A monk stood on each giant bone, holding a huge crossbow in his hand, looking around vigilantly.

In front of the camp, stood a group of monks with serious expressions. When they saw the distant team appear, each of them tensed up, and their breathing became slightly short of breath.

The days when no one ruled the Rift Plains are gone forever. God knows what kind of temperament the new lord will have, so what should they do?

While thinking wildly, Tang Zhen and the others had already arrived in front of the market, and the double-headed snake was the first to stand up again, glanced at the monks pretending to be majestic, and then turned to look at Tang Zhen's position.

"Congratulations, Your Excellency Tang Zhen!"

As the two-headed snake took the lead, the monks in front of the market bowed and saluted at the same time, and no one dared to perfunctory.

In the face of a legend in the war zone, if he dared to show a disrespectful attitude, he might as well just wipe his neck, so that he could die more happily!
(End of this chapter)

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