I have a city in another world

Chapter 1616 Promotion to World Lord and Establishment of Teleportation Array

Chapter 1616 Promotion to World Lord and Establishment of Teleportation Array
Knowing the specific attributes of this building city cornerstone, Tang Zhen's hanging heart relaxed.

Although the tempered cornerstone can be replaced if he is not satisfied, Tang Zhen does not have many top-quality cornerstones in his hands. If this cornerstone does not satisfy him, then he must search for a suitable cornerstone, and the time to be promoted to the world lord will be greatly delayed.

However, he only has one year to cultivate, and then he will accept the mission of the fifth theater. If he is delayed because of the cornerstone, the gain will not be worth the loss.

The official mission of the fifth war zone is by no means as simple as a trial mission. It invades high-resource planes, which can definitely be regarded as dangerous.

If he didn't have a cultivation level above the world master, Tang Zhen would undoubtedly suffer a lot in battle.

Fortunately, the attributes of this cornerstone are not bad. As long as you are willing to invest resources in cultivation, you can definitely successfully summon an elite army when needed!
Since there is no problem with the cornerstone, the final result is to completely complete the tempering and promote yourself to be a world master monk!
Completely sealing off the surrounding space, Tang Zhen began to immerse himself in cultivation, and after the cultivation is over, he will officially become a world master powerhouse!
He has been waiting for this moment for a long time!

Five monks from Loucheng walked out of the teleportation formation at the Hethern border.

The five Loucheng monks are not tall, they look at most 1.5 meters, their bodies are round and strong, and they are wearing armor full of gears and runes, which looks very different.

Although their appearance is not good, their strength should not be underestimated. They are all monks of the law.

When the monk next to him saw these five people, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he saluted from afar with a respectful expression on his face.

The five Loucheng monks were not arrogant either. Whenever someone saluted them, they would return the same salute without any intention of perfunctory.

"Welcome to the territory of Heathern. Are the five gentlemen monks who came to the territory of Black Iron?"

The monk Loucheng near the teleportation formation stepped forward to salute, and then asked in a warm tone, appearing very polite.

The Xuantie Territory is very famous in the Fifth War Zone. The Loucheng monks there are good at forging organs and building various special facilities. Their combat effectiveness is very strong, and the territory is even more prosperous.

What's more, the five of them are all monks of the law. In the fifth war zone, they can be regarded as middle-level combat power and cannot be neglected.

In the fifth war zone, the lords of many territories have a good relationship with the black iron collar. Firstly, the black iron collar is required to repair and build the teleportation array. Secondly, the black iron collar is rich in magical weapons and special weapons. It takes more than enough human affection to do it.

The monks who have made good friends with the black iron collar may be able to use it at any time.

"We are indeed from Xuantieling, and we are going to the Crack Plain to build a teleportation array for Lord Tang Zhen!"

After explaining to the first black iron-collared monk, he asked about the road, and then the five of them shot up into the sky at the same time and disappeared without a trace.

The difference from other Loucheng monks is that they rely on the power generated by the battle armor to move forward, which seems to be faster.

Flying all the way across the territory of Hethern, the five black iron-collared monks crossed the border again and went straight to where Tang Zhen was.

It didn't take long for them to see the place agreed with Tang Zhen, and when they were about to fall from the sky, an astonishing aura erupted from the market.

"This is... promoting the World Master!"

The five black iron-collared monks immediately stopped flying and landed slowly on the ground. They stood together with those field repairmen and looked at a building in the market together.

"I think it should be His Excellency Tang Zhen. I heard that he just joined the fifth war zone not long ago. I didn't expect to complete the promotion of the world lord so soon!"

"You may not know that His Excellency Tang Zhen has broken the promotion record of the fifth war zone, and he is also the master of the newly established war zone.

Now he has been followed by many lords, and he can be regarded as a famous celebrity! "

"Oh, since this person has an extraordinary background, does our lord have something to say?"

"Don't worry, the lord will naturally not miss such an opportunity to make friends. He has already explained before we came, and I will arrange it when the time comes."

Just as the five black iron-collared monks were communicating with each other, that terrifying aura had disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared.

"His Excellency Tang Zhen has completed his promotion, let's go there now!"

Beckoning to their companions, the five monks walked towards the market, but just a few steps away, they saw a young man coming out of the market, followed by a group of wild monks.

Around his body, faint energy phantoms appeared, as if he was not proficient in controlling his own cultivation.

"These are black iron collar monks who are in charge of building the teleportation array. I am Tang Zhen, the new owner of this cracked plain."

Knowing that the young man in front of them was Tang Zhen, the five black iron-collared monks dared not neglect, and hurriedly reported their identities and saluted Tang Zhen at the same time.

Although it is not an affiliation relationship, showing respect to the members of the theater is a rule that every monk in the fifth theater must abide by. Even if Tang Zhen is just a new lord, he will never allow a little neglect.

After exchanging a few more words with each other, Tang Zhen invited five people to go to the site where the teleportation array was built.

As the double-headed snake said, Tang Zhen really planned to build this teleportation array here, and then use this as a starting point to gradually advance towards the interior of the cracked plain.

When the financial resources are sufficient in the future, Tang Zhen will build a new teleportation array to completely connect the entire territory.

This is a huge project that requires a lot of manpower and material resources, but Tang Zhen is not in a hurry.

Throughout the history of the Fifth War Zone, the construction history of any large-scale fiefdom started in a hundred years. It is absolutely wishful thinking to complete the construction overnight.

The market controllers who followed were all excited. Now that the teleportation array has been established, it is estimated that it will not take long for this place to become prosperous.

They have lived in the land under their feet for most of their lives, and seeing it become prosperous and prosperous, they also feel that their faces are radiant.

After the address is selected, Tang Zhen doesn't need to worry about the rest, and the five black iron-collared monks can fully handle it.

I saw them spread out and take out various items from the storage equipment they carried with them. Apart from a large amount of building materials, the most eye-catching ones are those engineering robots.

These engineering robots are enclosed in metal spheres, and after landing, they bounce off and expand quickly. They have various shapes and functions, and they are quite complete.

Then, under the control of the five black iron collar monks, these engineering robots immediately got busy, leveling the site, laying a special basic stone floor, and then cutting the lines of the rune magic circle on the ground, inlaying and filling various energy-guiding materials.

During the whole process, the black iron collar monk did not reach out once, and it was completely automatic.

After the ground covering an area of ​​thousands of square meters was completed, the monks of the black iron collar began to control the engineering robots to build a formal teleportation array framework.

This process was a bit slow, and the black iron collar monk was also concentrating on it, for fear that there would be a slight omission.

After working for half a day, the framework of the teleportation array with a height of tens of meters was completed, and then five black iron collar monks went into battle in person and began to arrange the core device of the teleportation array.

This process needs to be kept secret. During their work, a barrier similar to a water curtain appeared, completely blocking their figures, making people unable to see what they were doing.

Only the sound of "Ding Ding Dang Dang" came from time to time, which made people think about it.

This step lasted for nearly a full day, and after the water curtain barrier was removed, the five black iron-collared monks came out with tired faces.

At the position behind them, the teleportation array has been flashing, obviously it has been officially activated!
"Everyone has worked hard!"

"Fortunately, this teleportation array can teleport 50 people at a time, and it is ready for official use. Please check and accept it, Your Excellency Tang Zhen!"

Hearing the words of monk Xuan Tieling, Tang Zhen was slightly taken aback, looking a little baffled.

(End of this chapter)

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