I have a city in another world

Chapter 1618 Congratulations from 8 parties!

Chapter 1618 Congratulations from all directions!

When Tang Zhen's order was issued, the entire holy dragon battle zone immediately boiled.

In the entire holy dragon battle zone, only the holy dragon city has the highest building city level, which is a known thing for weeks.

Since Loucheng is of the highest level, the energy of heaven and earth contained in Sacred Dragon City is also the strongest. In such an environment, perhaps a young man who is still in elementary school has the strength not weaker than that of a third- and fourth-level Loucheng monk.

This is the advantage of a high-level building city. The stronger the stronger, as long as you try your best to improve the level of the building city, you will definitely get rich rewards!
For monks in the war zone, becoming a resident of Holy Dragon City is undoubtedly an enviable thing, and many monks also regard it as a goal of struggle.

Due to some special reasons, Holy Dragon City often recruits elite monks from various building cities, and some of these monks are lucky enough to obtain the qualifications of residents of Holy Dragon City Loucheng.

As expected by outsiders, after these monks joined Sacred Dragon City, the speed at which their cultivation improved was simply frightening!
However, the number of residents in Holy Dragon City is limited, and it is impossible to take care of everyone. Other monks in Loucheng want a better cultivation environment, so they can only wait for the opportunity slowly.

However, as Tang Zhen became a member of the Fifth War Zone, after the Fifth War Zone obtained a large piece of land, the original restrictions disappeared immediately.

It is estimated that not many monks can figure out where the fifth theater is, and how it ranks among the three thousand theaters, and few people know before that.

It wasn't until the people who knew the inside story explained that the monks in the Holy Dragon War Zone knew that the Fifth War Zone was so difficult!
It ranks among the top ten in the entire war zone, and has a very long history. It is not easy to become a member of it, and now their master of the war zone has also become a member of it.

Tang Zhen is the master of the dignified war zone, but he is also willing to join the war zone. This fact alone is enough to explain the problem.

In addition to being shocked and admiring in their hearts, they were even more pleasantly surprised by the news that the energy concentration of the heaven and earth in the fifth war zone was not weaker than that in the interior of the Holy Dragon City, and it can be said that everywhere is a paradise!
If he can also pass the selection and enter the fifth war zone through the teleportation of the cornerstone platform, wouldn't that be the same as winning a big prize?
Apart from other things, the time saved in cultivation alone is enough to give them the opportunity to strive for a higher realm!

All of a sudden, the entire war zone was full of turmoil, but all Loucheng monks who were willing to go to the fifth war zone signed up on the cornerstone platform, and then accepted the test of the virtual illusion.

The so-called virtual illusion is actually an environment similar to a proving ground. After the monks of Loucheng connect with it, they will accept the test of specific scenes in it, and the final result will be judged by the cornerstone platform.

The mind and strength of a monk can be tested through the virtual illusion, which is absolutely fair.

As long as the monks in Loucheng pass the selection, they can teleport through the cornerstone platform of Loucheng at any time, and directly reach the teleportation array in the cracked plain.

It can be said that the cornerstone platform is a simplified version of the teleportation array, but the functions are not as perfect as the real teleportation array, and there are many restrictions.

So when conditions permit, Tang Zhen will inevitably build a teleportation array in Shenglongcheng for the convenience of himself and the residents of Loucheng.

Just as the selection of other buildings in the war zone was in full swing, the four full-staffed monk legions in the Holy Dragon City were already fully equipped, and the monks in Loucheng lined up to go to the cornerstone platform to carry out teleportation one after another.

After one team of Loucheng monks teleported, the other team would follow up immediately. The rhythm was well grasped, and they didn't want to waste a second.

But even so, according to the slow transmission speed of the cornerstone platform, it still takes a long time to complete all the transmission work.


The teleportation formation at the Hethern border suddenly became extremely lively today.

Cultivator Loucheng, who was in charge of guarding the teleportation array, suddenly discovered that there were so many monks arriving here today, and the auras of each one were so amazing that people dare not look directly at them.

After these monks arrived in Heathern, they all asked the same question, that is, how to get to the Rift Plain?
After getting the answer, these Loucheng monks soared into the sky and went straight to the exit position.

"Dude, what wave is this already?"

A Loucheng monk looked at the away Loucheng monk and asked in a puzzled tone.

"No.20 has five waves, all of them are going to the cracked plain!"

Hearing his companion's answer, the Loucheng cultivator was amazed and murmured: "It's really strange. In the past, only wild cultivators went to this cracked plain. What happened today? Why are so many masters going there?"

The companion glanced at him, curled his lips and said, "You really don't hear anything out of the window when you practice, and you don't even know such a big thing?"

"What's going on, can you tell me?"

"The Rift Plain now has an owner. It is a member of the war zone named Tang Zhen. It is said that this person has just been promoted and broke some record in the fifth war zone!"

The Loucheng monk suddenly realized, and said repeatedly: "No wonder, so those Loucheng monks who left just now went to the cracked plain to give gifts and congratulate?"

The companion nodded, and that was indeed the case.

While the two were talking, the light of the teleportation array flickered again, and then a group of Loucheng monks came out.

They took a look at the surrounding environment, and then looked at the two guards next to them.

"Excuse me……"

"You guys are going to the Rift Plain, head straight in that direction, and then go out and keep going!"

The guard of the teleportation array replied without waiting for the other party to finish asking.

The Loucheng monk who asked the question nodded, glanced at the companions around him, and asked the guard again: "Then may I ask again, how many people went there before us?"

"Counting you all, we went to 26 waves in total, I guess there will be more..."

As soon as I said this, the teleportation array flickered again, and a group of Loucheng monks with fierce aura came out.

"Look, there's another group here, this is No.20 Seventh Wave!"

After hearing the words of the guards in the teleportation formation, the monks who had just arrived in Loucheng glanced here, then walked over and saluted each other.

"Are you all monks of the Yinhun collar?"

"Exactly, are you all friends of the Iron Bone Collar?"

"That's right, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

The two sides exchanged pleasantries, and when they knew that they both had the same purpose, they set off together and left, heading straight for the Rift Plain.

In the following time, there were continuous transmissions from Loucheng monks, and their destination was also the cracked plain, congratulating Tang Zhen on behalf of their lord.

The guards of the teleportation array who witnessed this scene sighed again and again, if they can get this honor one day, then they really have no regrets in this life!
 Thanks: "The Lord of Xiaoyao Pavilion" for the reward, thank you book friends for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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