I have a city in another world

Chapter 1678 The Horrible Nightmare

Chapter 1678 The Horrible Nightmare
Looking at the tragic scene of the car accident, Tang Zhen was sure that the strange man from the wheel of fortune had indeed come to this world.

There is still a trace of the other party's breath here, although it is extremely weak, but it is still successfully caught by Tang Zhen.

It was also through this breath that Tang Zhen locked his position and tracked him smoothly.

Even so, he was still a step late, and the strange man had disappeared without a trace.

It's just that Tang Zhen couldn't figure out why the other party used the illusion to kill an ordinary person and took away his head at the same time?
Is it possible that this head has some special purpose, or is it because the other party has made doubts and used it to confuse himself?
Many speculations flashed through my mind, but they were all rejected by Tang Zhen in the end. I always felt that the strange man's actions might have other plans.

If a strong World Lord is hidden, it is not easy to find, all he can do now is wait.

Thinking of this, Tang Zhen turned and left, preparing to collect the young man's information on the Internet to see if he could find some clues.

At the same time, he also controlled the webcams in this area, so that if something suspicious happened, he would be able to find it and rush to it as soon as possible.


Not long after the car accident, the sleeping people had a dream at the same time.

In their dream, a young man with a blurry face appeared, he chased and killed himself frantically, and then killed himself with cruel means!
The moment he was killed, all the people in the dream woke up at the same time, sweating profusely all over their bodies.

When they find that the people around them are also in shock, people subconsciously tell their dreams, only to find out that others have had this dream too!

The same dream is absolutely impossible, especially when the next day comes and everyone is talking about this dream, panic begins to spread uncontrollably.

There are so many topics about this dream on the Internet, even those who don't believe in the existence of gods can't help but start to waver at this time.

At the same time, some people began to look for the man in the dream, trying to draw the man in the dream with a brush, but because of the blurred appearance, no one was able to draw him.

Everyone is guessing, what is the meaning of this weird dream, is it some kind of reminder, or a harbinger of the end?

Spend the day nervously, and when the night comes, those who are sleeping soundly have the same dream again.

It was the same young man who killed them with more cruel means, the only difference was his clothes and appearance, which seemed much clearer.

When people wake up from the nightmare, their eyes are full of uncontrollable fear, and there is only one thought in their hearts, to find out who is the mysterious person who chased and killed them in the dream?

The whole world is shrouded in a strange atmosphere, and people are in a state of panic. The accident rate on this day is hundreds of times higher than usual!
Many people have no intention of working at all, the social order has begun to show signs of collapse, and more and more people believe that the end is coming.

Waiting anxiously until night fell, many people were afraid to fall asleep, for fear of falling into that horrible dream again.

But after midnight, indescribable drowsiness struck, even those who didn't want to sleep fell into deep sleep.

A series of disasters happened again, but no one cared about them at all. They all fell into a horrible dream and couldn't extricate themselves, and were chased and killed by the demon in the dream again.

Only this time, people saw his appearance clearly and kept it firmly in their hearts.

When people cried and woke up from their dreams, the appearance of the demon in the dream was quickly drawn and spread rapidly on the Internet and on TV.

At this time, someone finally discovered to his surprise that the appearance of the demon in the dream was exactly the same as the trapeze man in the online video a few days ago!
People with doubts compared and found that they were very similar.

Greater panic emerged, and people began to believe that the content captured in that video was exactly the scene when demons descended on this world!
Doomsday talk has begun to spread to every corner of the world, and people have completely lost their focus on work, and only think about how to avoid disaster, or how to spend the rest of the time?
Watching the sun slowly fall from the eyes has become the most fearful thing in people's hearts.

But the night was still coming unstoppably, and at midnight, the whole world once again fell asleep collectively.

But this time in the dream, the demon in the dream did not appear, but a radiant person appeared, full of affinity.

He called himself an omnipotent god, and the reason why he appeared here was because the devil had appeared in the world, and he came to destroy the devil.

The demon in the mouth of the gods is the mysterious dreamer who almost caused the world to collapse.

As long as the demon appears, the end is inevitable, and there is only one way to solve it, that is to choose the messenger of the gods, only he can kill the demon in the dream!
The gods pointed out a place and told the billions of people in this world that as long as they went there, they could pick out the messenger of the gods.

It didn't take long for people to wake up from their dreams. This time, their expressions were no longer frightened, but doubtful.

Who knows if that god is the demon in the dream, planning to use such a poisonous plan to lead everyone to the entrance of hell?
The military force immediately sealed off the area, and at the same time closely monitored it. Once suspicious persons were found, they would shoot and kill them directly.

Even if some people believed this statement and came according to the instructions, they were prohibited from approaching that area, which triggered waves of protests and conflicts.

When night fell again, a new twist appeared.

This time, before midnight, people fell asleep one after another, and then left the house as if sleepwalking, walking towards the direction guided by the gods in the dream.

In the pitch-black night, there were figures like walking corpses. They kept moving in that direction with their eyes open.

It wasn't until dawn that those sleepwalking people woke up suddenly, and then looked around in horror, wondering why they appeared in strange places.

There were people everywhere, and they all had the same bewildered expression, but then it turned into fear and despair.

"Tell me, what should I do?"

Countless people roared in despair, but there was no way to solve it. Facing this irresistible supernatural means, it seemed that any effort was futile.

This night, an unknown number of people slipped or drowned while sleepwalking, and lost their lives in a daze.

After knowing this situation, people became even more frightened, for fear that they would also encounter danger in the broken dream and become unattended corpses piled up under the cliff or in the puddle.

In order to prevent this from happening, people began to try their best to either lock themselves up or shut them in a closed house to prevent them from encountering danger while sleepwalking.

However, more people choose to act immediately and go straight to the place guided in the dream, without any further hesitation.

It was night again, and the whole world fell asleep collectively.

Those who lock themselves open the chains, those who lock themselves open the door, sleepwalkers try their best to go to the place guided by the gods in their dreams.

When the new day comes, people are completely desperate.

They knelt down in the wilderness and howled loudly, cursing everything desperately, as if they were completely desperate.

After crying, people took weak steps, either returning home in despair, or trying to find a way to leave for the place that terrified them from the bottom of their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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