Chapter 1687

Tang Zhen knew in his heart that there must be a solution to the food problem.

Sure enough, after a long day and night slowly falling, beams of light were cast in the sky, blooming everywhere in the desolate desert.

There is a package in the beam, which looks ordinary.

When the package landed, those light beams did not disappear, but could be seen from a very far distance.

These packages contain food, but this unusual way of appearance may also mean that unusual things will happen.

The package exudes the aroma of food, causing the experimenter's stomach to twitch and twist. Because of the influence of the special world law, after the experimenter smells the aroma of food, the hunger is more than ten times enlarged.

They looked at the packages with eager eyes, their saliva slowly overflowed, and their legs even ran forward uncontrollably, moving towards the packages at high speed.

At this time, the testers are like animals in the farm. After receiving the signal to feed, they swarm over.

"I really hate this feeling, as if I am a clown."

Tang Zhen shook his head. As a world lord and strong man, food is already dispensable, but now he has to fight for a piece of food.

People have to bow their heads under the eaves. This is the world of the Creator, and everything must follow the other party's wishes. Even Tang Zhen can't resist.

Of course, this does not mean that Tang Zhen will let others manipulate him. If the Creator who controls the world wants to harm him, Tang Zhen still has a way to escape.

But before that, his primary goal is to obtain the qualifications of the Child of Destiny, and everything must be done in accordance with other people's rules.

"Tietou, you wait here, I will come as soon as I go."

After leaving a word, Tang Zhen rushed directly to a nearby package with his saber in hand.

"It's not a problem to always look at it, I'll go there too, if we die, we will die together!"

Tie Tou laughed and took out his battle axe, followed by Tang Zhen and rushed over, blocking the two enemies who rushed over for him.

Tang Zhen made two steps in three steps, rushed to the package with the other two survivors, swung the saber in his hand, and chopped off the head of a tester.

Another practitioner took the opportunity to snatch the package, but Tang Zhen threw a throwing knife and shot him dead on the spot.

He killed the two competitors cleanly and neatly, and the testers behind him hesitated for a moment before turning around and fleeing.

There are more than one package in the desert, if it is not possible to change the location, or intercept other testers to snatch the package, it is far better than provoking this guy in front of him.

Tang Zhen's well-equipped equipment is like the bright colors used in the animal world to deter the enemy, reminding the enemy how difficult it is to mess with him.

The two closest testers were eliminated, and the package naturally fell into Tang Zhen's hands. Seeing that no one was approaching, he rushed straight to where the iron head was with a knife in his hand.

The iron head blocked the four testers. The situation is very dangerous now. If Tang Zhen came one step later, he would probably end up turning into white light.

"Death to me!"

Tang Zhen swung his knife and killed the nearest tester, then flew out, kicked another tester to the ground, and made a throwing knife at the same time.

There were only two enemies left, which greatly relieved the pressure on Iron Head. With a grinning grin, he swung his battle axe, splitting the enemies around him in half.

After killing the last enemy, Tang Zhen yelled at Tietou: "Run", and then the two fled to the distance.

It turned out that just a hundred meters away, more than ten testers came together, carrying three packages on their backs, and their targets were Tang Zhen and Tietou.

When things are not going well, run away. When strength is not dominant, only by knowing how to play by ear can you live longer.

They ran far away in one breath, and after shaking off the enemy, Tang Zhen and the two sat on the ground, looking up to the sky and laughing.

"It's really his grandma's pleasure!"

Tietou didn't care about the wound on his body at all, and shouted at the top of his voice.

"It's quite enjoyable to cut into the flesh with a knife."

Although this kind of fighting is barbaric and low-level, and the battle with high-level monks is like nothing, it is undoubtedly more likely to arouse the blood in the man's heart.

Tang Zhen said with a smile, took out two pieces of jerky from the package, and threw one piece to Tietou.

"Try it, what's the difference between the food we fought so hard to grab?"

Facts have proved that this jerky is really different. After swallowing Tang Zhen, he felt his physical strength recover quickly. After Tietou ate the jerky, the wounds on his body healed quickly, and it turned out that it also had the effect of repairing injuries.

Sure enough, everything in this world cannot be judged by common sense, even jerky has such a miraculous effect.

"Come on, let's move on."

Tang Zhen stood up from the ground, put the saber on his shoulder, and walked slowly forward.

Tie Tou looked at the food package beside him, smiled "hehe", picked up the package and carried it on his back, and followed closely after him.

The temperature in the middle of the night in the desert was very low, but even so, the testers did not dare to stop, and could only walk forward without bounds.

Just when Tang Zhen thought the night would be like this, figures suddenly rose from the yellow sand. They rode war horses condensed by the yellow sand and galloped towards Tang Zhen and the others.

"I thought it was boring at first, but these monsters came just in time!"

Tang Zhen swung his saber in his hand, and rushed towards the sand monsters, colliding with each other in an instant.

The sword slashed on the sand monster, and it was scattered on the ground in an instant, raising a cloud of dust.

At the same time, the heavy hammer wielded by the sand monster also hit Tang Zhen. Under the action of special force, the power of these sand heavy hammers was no different from that of stones.

Even if it was hit, the bones and tendons would be broken even lightly.

Tang Zhen blocked with a sword, and at the same time punched the sand monster beside him, smashing his head into pieces.

There was also a group of sand monsters beside Tietou, they were fighting each other inextricably, and yellow sand was already rolling around the battlefield.

After fighting for more than ten minutes, these sand monsters were finally dealt with, and both of them were out of breath.

Looking at each other, they silently took out the jerky and ate it. After recovering their physical strength, the two continued to move forward.

There was only one wave of sand monsters, but they still caused a lot of casualties to the testers. Those who survived were either the elite or the lucky ones.

Of course, for most of the trialists, although this level of trial is cruel, it will not make them kneel down. The real test is yet to come.

When dawn came, there seemed to be a piece of greenery at the end of the desert, which also meant that Tang Zhen and the others were about to leave the desert.

Tang Zhen breathed a sigh of relief. He originally thought he would stay in the desert for a long time, but he didn't expect to reach the edge after only one day.

However, this does not mean that the trial is over, but a new level begins.

It wasn't until this moment that he realized that there were more and more testers around him, and the khaki-yellow desert was completely covered by dense figures.

The appearance of such a dense crowd means that all the testers have gathered here.

It is impossible for all the testers to walk in one direction. This situation can only show that the creator of the world did it on purpose.

Just as Tang Zhen was looking around, another voice sounded in his ear.

"The second level is to attack the city directly, take down the city in front, and the latter will be eliminated with points!"

In just a few words, the task of the second level of the tester has been clarified, and at the same time, it has prevented anyone from taking advantage of troubled waters.

No one knew what the so-called low points were. In order to avoid being eliminated, they could only desperately kill the enemies defending the city.

At the same time as the order was issued, the testers on the desert looked at each other and began to move forward slowly.

After a fight in the desert, the testers were basically fully armed. Obviously, the weapons and equipment dropped earlier were used to pave the way for the siege battle.

As the testers approached, figures began to flicker on the distant city, and soldiers standing full of swords and bows were nervously watching the overwhelming enemies.


I don't know which experimenter uttered the shout, and then I saw countless figures starting to speed up, and the huge city ahead was getting closer and closer.

When the city was less than a hundred meters away, sharp arrows fell from the top of the city, shooting at the testers who were besieging the city like a dark cloud.

The testers with shields quickly resisted, while those without shields swung their weapons, trying to push the sharp arrows away.

The rain of arrows attacked continuously, and the testers kept falling down, turning into white light and disappearing.

However, there are still many testers who rushed through the blockade, quickly approached the city, and then tried to climb up.

Things began to be thrown from the top of the city, stones, logs, and boiling oil and golden juice, all of which fell on the testers who were besieging the city.

The white light flickered under the city, so dazzling that people couldn't open their eyes, and the testers began to be eliminated in pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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