I have a city in another world

Chapter 1700 Destiny Gambling

Chapter 1700 Destiny Gambling
Slowly opening his eyes, Tang Zhen appeared in the bamboo building of the inn.

While withdrawing from the trial of destiny, a reminder came from his ear, informing him that he had successfully obtained the qualification for the Child of Destiny, and he would be able to participate in the new trial one year later.

Tang Zhen didn't take it seriously, who knows if he will still be on the island of destiny after a year?
Recalling the details of the trial of fate, Tang Zhen didn't know whether his actions would be discovered by the wheel of fate.

But since they didn't make any trouble during the settlement, obviously the other party didn't care about this matter, otherwise there would be no possibility of obtaining the qualification.

Even so, there is no need for Tang Zhen to cause trouble, and he only needs to follow the original plan.

At this moment, light footsteps came from outside the door, followed by the voice of the innkeeper.

"Your Excellency Tang Zhen, have you finished the trial?"

Hearing this, Tang Zhen got up, walked outside the bamboo building, looked at the innkeeper and said, "The trial is over, I will leave soon."

The innkeeper was taken aback when he heard the words. He didn't know why Tang Zhen was in a hurry to leave. He wanted to ask about the result of the trial, but he was afraid that Tang Zhen would fail the trial and lose face after being asked.

For a while, there was a dilemma.

Tang Zhen did not explain, but casually threw out a jade tablet and fifty gold coins of destiny, and said to the shop owner: "After a while, a monk named Tietou may come to me. Could you please give me these?" Give the jade tablet and the gold coin of destiny to the other party."

Hearing this, the innkeeper quickly nodded in agreement, assuring that there would be no mistakes.

"In this case, we will meet later!"

After Tang Zhen finished speaking, he was already walking towards the front yard of the inn. The innkeeper hurriedly followed, but Tang Zhen had already stepped out of the gate and drifted away on the street.

After seeing this scene, the innkeeper was slightly taken aback, and then his face showed joy.

"Congratulations to Your Excellency Tang Zhen for winning the trial. If you have time in the future, please come and drink a glass of beer!"

The innkeeper's voice sounded, but Tang Zhen had long since disappeared.


After leaving the inn, Tang Zhen walked slowly on the street with a relaxed look on his face.

At this time, he had already made up his mind to visit the island of destiny by taking the opportunity to find the strange man.

One is to understand the island of destiny, and the other is to recuperate physically and mentally, preparing to advance to the second realm of the world master.

Perhaps it is because of the different environment that the city on the Island of Destiny is more massive and simple, and the architectural details strive for perfection. With the colorful exotic flowers and plants, it is impressive at a glance.

On the ancient bluestone streets, people of all colors kept coming and going. Although they belonged to different races, everyone took it for granted.

After staying at the fountain in the middle of the street for a while and admiring the fish swimming in the water, Tang Zhen walked towards the buildings on the side of the road.

This is a castle-like building, about tens of meters high, with a magnificent interior, like a crystal palace.

There are people coming and going at the entrance of the building, it seems very lively, and I don't know why.

Tang Zhen observed for a while, then walked over.

After inquiring closer, I found out that this is a place similar to a casino, and the men and women who come and go are actually gamblers for consumption and entertainment.

Asking about the gambling content of this casino, Tang Zhen became interested and stepped into it.

According to the instructions of the service staff inside, Tang Zhen came to a hall, only to find out that there is a cave here, not as small as the outside.

In the movie theater-like hall, nearly ten thousand seats are suspended, and the seats are already full of guests.

In the middle of these seats, a huge image is appearing, which seems to be an unknown plane somewhere in the void.

Just as Tang Zhenfei got on a seat, a voice came from the hall and rang in everyone's ears.

"Welcome everyone to participate in today's fate betting, the specific rules must be known to everyone, so I will stop talking nonsense.

If you have new friends who do not understand the rules, you can read the instructions next to the seat, which can answer your questions.

Well, without further ado, our protagonist this time is the target randomly selected by the Calamity Astrolabe from countless planes.

We can guarantee that no one knows the coordinates of that seat and cannot intervene.

Due to the calamity astrolabe, this young man will encounter catastrophes one after another today, adding up to ten times in total, and each time is enough to be fatal.

What you all have to do is to bet on fate gold coins to see how many disasters he can survive? "

"The first wave of catastrophe has begun. This is a disaster simulation. Please take a look?"

As soon as the voice fell, the scene in the center changed. A human youth was walking on the road, but countless bricks and stones suddenly fell from the buildings around him, covering the entire street.

The boy couldn't avoid it, and was finally smashed under the masonry.

The screen ended, and the voice sounded again: "The disaster simulation is over, please place your bets!"

As these words spread, the seats in the surrounding dark space flashed one after another, and each flashing meant that a gold coin of fate had been bet.

When a certain amount of Destiny Gold Coins is bet, something similar to special effects will appear, surrounding the seat, attracting everyone's attention.

This merchant is obviously well versed in the way of business, using this special effect to satisfy the vanity of those gamblers.

Tang Zhen checked the rules of the fate betting. It turns out that guests can freely bet fate gold coins, and bet on the life and death of the randomly selected person.

At this time, [-]% of the guests were betting that the boy would die in the first wave, and only [-]% of the guests were betting that the boy would survive, obviously planning to bet on an upset.

Tang Zhen didn't know what catastrophe the young man would encounter, but looking at the disaster simulation, the other party might not escape death.

This young man is also unlucky, he was selected by the calamity astrolabe, and he is about to face life and death crisis, but he himself does not know it.

Although monk Loucheng regards creatures from other planes as ants, he never kills innocent people indiscriminately if it is not necessary.

The monks in the island of destiny like to control the fate of mortals to entertain themselves, which is very different from the monks in Loucheng.

Tang Zhen was a little disgusted with this kind of thing, and wanted to get up and leave, but after thinking about it, he sat back again.

Since encountering this kind of thing, it is better to have a good time, as it happens that one's destiny gold coins are not small, and there is no reason not to take this kind of ill-gotten wealth.

Although Tang Zhen couldn't control the boy's fate, Tang Zhen could improve his own fortune, and perhaps indirectly affect the boy's fate.

After hiding himself in the gray mist and not being discovered by the outside world, Tang Zhen took out stacks of luck cards and kept tearing them apart.

While tearing the card, the fate gold coins around him automatically flew up and kept falling into the coin slot on the seat.

When the number of bets reached one hundred, Tang Zhen's seat began to glow, and when the number reached two hundred, the light was already very dazzling.

When all the [-] destiny gold coins were thrown in, strange beasts appeared around the seat and made soft noises.

Someone next to him looked here with envy and curiosity, trying to figure out Tang Zhen's origin.

You must know that the value of destiny gold coins is extremely high, and five hundred gold coins is not a small amount. To be able to throw five hundred gold coins in one go is obviously a wealthy customer.

It's just that Tang Zhen's seat was covered with clouds and mist, obviously he didn't want people to know his identity, and the guests around him took a few glances, and stopped paying attention.

Tang Zhen turned a blind eye to the surrounding investigations, and just quietly looked at the picture in the center of the field to see if the boy could escape.

"The betting is over, and the first wave of catastrophe begins!"

Following the sound, the teenager in the picture walked out of the house and walked slowly on the street.

A hundred meters ahead is where the first wave of catastrophe took place. The young man knew nothing at this time, and he had no idea that the crisis of life and death was about to come.

Those guests also stared at the picture intently, and they kept yelling, cursing the young man to die quickly.

Some guests also yelled that the boy will never die, he will definitely survive from adversity, the scene is so lively.

In the eyes of all the people, the boy finally walked on that street, and the catastrophe followed.

The walls of the roadside buildings collapsed suddenly, and countless sundries and bricks fell to the street, heading straight for the boy.

Shocked by this sudden scene, the young man stood there blankly, not knowing how to dodge.

"It's over, this idiot is dead!"

Those guests who had bet on the young man's escape from the catastrophe all sighed, feeling sorry for their fate and the gold coins being wasted.

Unexpectedly, just when the boy was about to be smashed to the ground by bricks and stones, a turning point suddenly appeared.

A piece of brick fell at the boy's feet first, smashing the cover of the sewer on the ground. The boy standing on it screamed and fell into the sewer.


Another huge brick fell on the black hole, blocking the sewer tightly.

(End of this chapter)

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