Chapter 1704

Hearing the dwarf monk's explanation, Tang Zhen shook his head.

The behavior of the other party made him very disdainful, but the fact is true, if everything is as the other party thinks, he really has nothing to do.

The outsiders of the Island of Destiny are very aggrieved. As long as they come to this land, they can be said to be deprived of all rights.

Except for the space on the side of the inn, even going outside the inn is considered a violation of the rules of the island of destiny.

Once discovered by the ubiquitous patrol spirits, there is absolutely no feeling at all, and they will be captured by giant hands that appear in the void in minutes, and thrown into the abyss and purgatory to accept punishment.

Regardless of their status, they are treated equally, which has also caused those monks with status to rarely set foot here, lest they capsize in the gutter and ruin their reputation for a lifetime.

It should be known that this abyss and purgatory is not an ordinary place. The Wheel of Fortune only detains people, but never releases them.

If you want to leave the abyss and purgatory, you can only rely on your own ability, but since people's face has changed, this abyss and purgatory is destined to be difficult to leave.

Among the residents of the Island of Destiny, Abyss Purgatory also has another name called the Land of No Return, which shows how terrifying it is.

Tang Zhen is a special case. Although he is well-known in the Loucheng world, he doesn't care about it at all. He came here without hesitation just because his enemy is hiding in the island of destiny.

But even so, he still has to follow the rules of the island of destiny and dare not act rashly.

The dwarf monk also directly talked about the rules, thinking that he hit the nail on the head. Even if Tang Zhen was unwilling, he had to swallow his anger in the end.

It's a pity that Tang Zhen's special status is not what the dwarf monk thought, and his wishful thinking may be in vain.

"I am not a resident of Destiny Island, so I have no right to receive this bonus, but if I have this right, will you give it?"

Hearing Tang Zhen's rhetorical question, the dwarf monk's expression froze for a moment, as if he couldn't believe it.

"I'm afraid you are joking, do you really think I can't see that you are a monk in Loucheng?"

The dwarf monk replied with a smile, but there was a trace of confidence in his tone, and a slight doubt appeared in his eyes.

Although there is no obvious difference between the monks of Loucheng and the monks of fate, they are for ordinary people.

In the eyes of higher-level or experienced monks, the difference between them is clear at a glance, it is simply the difference between black cats and white cats.

The dwarf monk can be sure that Tang Zhen is a Loucheng monk, and he is an extremely orthodox one. The murderous aura is hidden in his body, but it is almost condensed into substance.

Searching the entire island of destiny, I'm afraid I can't find any residents with similar aura, but in the abyss and purgatory, there is never a shortage of such existences.

If you are not a resident of the Island of Destiny, and your aura is completely different from that of the Child of Destiny, how can you have the qualification to walk freely in the Island of Destiny?

The dwarf monk thought hard, and suddenly realized a possibility, and then showed a look of astonishment.

Looking at Tang Zhen again, the dwarf monk clasped his hands and asked, "If I'm not mistaken, could it be possible that your Excellency participated in the trial of destiny and obtained the qualification for the child of destiny competition at the same time?"

After thinking about it, he felt that this might be the truth, and his complacent mood disappeared in an instant.

If this is the case, then the original plan must not only be abolished, but also find ways to make up for it.

Even if Tang Zhen is not the real Child of Destiny, but he has obtained the qualification to compete, he is only one step away from becoming the Child of Destiny.

When you meet such a character, it's too late to make friends, but you must not offend them!

Tang Zhen nodded and said to the dwarf monk: "Yes, I am the winner of this fate trial. If you don't believe it, you can check it at any time.

So you tell me, will you give this destiny gold coin or not? "

When the dwarf monk heard the words, he secretly thought it was true.

"If that's the case, naturally there is no problem!"

While the dwarf monk nodded, he was also thankful that he had a good attitude and was always in control of the situation, so that the trouble did not become irreversible.

Giving a salute to Tang Zhen, the dwarf monk said with a smile: "I didn't expect you to receive such an honor, it's really gratifying, if you had revealed your identity earlier, you would have saved the talk just now.

Of course, the main responsibility for this matter lies with me. It is really that this matter exceeded my expectations, which made you laugh. "

The dwarf monk was also straightforward, and immediately changed his attitude after realizing that he had made a mistake in his calculation.

Especially after realizing that Tang Zhen was very likely to become the Child of Destiny, although his attitude was neither humble nor overbearing, his tone seemed very friendly.

To be able to make a monk in the second realm of the world master behave like this is really on the island of destiny, and the identity of the child of destiny is too special.

Not only do they have strength far higher than ordinary people, but they also master the means learned from the wheel of fortune, which only they can master.

These means of manipulating fate, murder and invisibility, can be described as hard to guard against.

Items produced by the Wheel of Fortune are only eligible to be purchased by the Child of Destiny. Ordinary residents, even if they are worth hundreds of millions, cannot buy a single cent.

In addition, there are flying privileges to show one's status, and the psychological concepts formed over thousands of years have made the status of Destiny's Child even more lofty.

Therefore, even a master monk like the dwarf monk would not dare to easily offend Destiny's Child, lest he cause unnecessary trouble.

In addition, there are some other reasons.

On the island of destiny, the children of destiny are an independent group, and one hair can affect the whole body. Behind any child of destiny, there are not many strong people involved in an intertwined way.

It's not terrible to offend a child of destiny, but if you offend a group of children of destiny, the matter will be serious, and you may be killed every minute.

The Wheel of Fortune follows the way of fate. Although it has given the Child of Destiny some privileges, it never pays attention to the battle of the Child of Destiny, even if it is dead, it is indifferent.

Even so, in the island of destiny, no one dared to take action against the child of destiny easily.

A strongman like Tang Zhen who came from the ends of the world to hunt down and kill Destiny's Child without any explanation is like a rare existence in Destiny's Child Island!
The dwarf monk still doesn't know Tang Zhen's true identity, let alone that he killed a child of destiny in the trial of fate.

Otherwise, he would definitely not have the attitude at this time, but obediently give a bonus of millions of gold coins, and then send Tang Zhen away respectfully, for fear that the killing god will stay too long and cause unnecessary trouble for himself. Trouble.

God knows how many people want to find him and kill him before he becomes the real Child of Destiny on the Island of Destiny?

Not to mention the other Destiny's Children, Hua Yue's followers would probably be the first to jump out. As for whether other Destiny's Children will intervene, it is not yet known.


Seeing that the dwarf monk's attitude softened and he expressed his apology sincerely, Tang Zhen stopped thinking about it.

In the final analysis of this matter, the amount of millions of Destiny Gold Coins is too large. The so-called profit "faints the mind". Faced with such a huge amount of wealth, anyone will move their minds.

The dwarf monk was cunning and cunning, trying to use the rules of the Island of Destiny to manipulate Tang Zhen instead of using some unscrupulous means, which in itself left room for relaxation.

Otherwise, it would not be a happy conversation at this time, but a meeting of swords and soldiers, and the blood and flesh were flying.

Even if the dwarf monk is a master of the second realm of the world master, Tang Zhen is not afraid.

With his own strength, even if he is slightly higher than himself in this realm, but his combat power is more than a step behind, the Destiny Island cultivator can definitely win.

(End of this chapter)

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