Chapter 1724 Arrival
In the silent starry sky, three small transport ships are advancing rapidly.

It is said to be a small transport ship, but its length is nearly [-] meters, and its configuration is quite advanced.

It can be determined from the model of the transport ship that this is a private property and belongs to the citizens of Trobo.

The three transport ships are full of precious minerals and need to be sent to the ore refining plant to start further refining.

Refined special metals are extremely useful, and the supply in the market has always been in short supply, and the price is even more frighteningly high.

There are not many staff on the transport ship. With the rapid improvement of technology, many fields have realized intelligence, which greatly improves production efficiency.

Even a battleship with a body length of nearly [-] meters does not require too many people to operate it, and it is in automatic operation most of the time.

With money and leisure, the Trobo people either choose what they like to work hard for, or drive exploration ships one after another to find new resource locations.

This is a huge profit industry, and it has always been monopolized by special waves. After all, no one thinks too much money.

These three transport ships belonged to the private exploration fleet of the Trobo people. They kept searching in the starry sky, and finally found a special meteorite belt, and at the same time discovered this precious mineral.

According to the collected and analyzed data, the mineral reserves on this meteorite belt are huge. If the mining is completed, all members of the exploration ship will become rich.

Even in the technologically advanced Trobo galaxy, the gap between rich and poor still exists. Of course, in most cases, the Trobo people, as first-class citizens, are not short of money. The difference is that there is more money and less money.

No one will be unhappy when they can get a lot of wealth, at least when they look at an expensive commodity, they will not give up because of their cash.

In the leading transport ship at this time, more than a dozen Trobo people have turned on the autopilot and are holding a simple reception.

For the Trobo people, banquets and parties are an essential part of their daily life, and as long as they feel like it, they can drink happily everywhere.

At this time, the members of the fleet were all holding delicate wine utensils in their hands, enjoying the pleasant time leisurely with their faces full.

The precious plant extract from the primitive planet, after a series of careful preparations, turns into a delicious wine with excellent taste, which has always been respected by the Trobo people.

In the view of the Trobo people, tasting these fine wines collected by the lower races and crafted by Trobo bartenders, and enjoying the melodious and beautiful music, is undoubtedly the most pleasant enjoyment during the journey.

In a long life, it is important to find something you like, so that you will not feel empty and rascal.

"Kurt, what are you doing, can't such fine wine attract you?"

Seeing a fleet member sitting on a chair and concentrating on browsing the starry sky network, the captain next to him summoned with a dissatisfied voice.

"Oh, don't worry, I'm looking for the newly launched gene repair fluid, this product is sold in limited quantities, if you miss the time, you won't be able to buy it.

It is said that this product has a very magical effect, which can turn an untrained person into a strong super soldier in a short period of time. "

The crew member named Kurt replied, with a hint of expectation in his tone.

"Be a strong fighter, don't you want to be a fighter, that's not a good idea!"

The captain shook his head, recalling his past experiences, and expressed disdain for Kurt's answer.

"You misunderstood me, I don't like fighting, but my lovers like strong men, it will make them feel ecstatic!"

When Kurt said this, there was a burst of laughter in his mouth, looking very wretched.

"Please, can you stop mentioning your lovers, it will affect my drinking!
As far as I know, your lovers are all lower races, and they look strange. I really don't understand how you slept with them? "

Thinking of having sex with a creature covered with tentacles, the captain quickly shook his head, expressing that he couldn't accept it.

"Dear Captain, if you think like this, you won't be able to appreciate that wonderful feeling.

Did you know that it only takes a very small amount of investment to get them to serve you desperately.

Sometimes I don't even need to pay any price, they will come to me, just because I am a first-class citizen! "

When Kurt said this, the smug expression on his face became more and more intense, and he even hummed softly.

The other members also smiled when they heard the conversation between Kurt and the captain, but they couldn't hide the pride on their faces.

Although they seem to be working, they are working hard for themselves. The income of a day's work is comparable to the life savings of those low-level citizens.

A small amount of effort can get a lot of rewards, so no one finds it hard, but treats it as a kind of enjoyment.

Of course, there are also many Trobo people who don't like to work, either indulge in enjoyment, or concentrate on doing things they like.With money and status, it is easy for them to succeed.

The upper echelons of society are completely controlled by the Trobos, and it is absolutely difficult for lower-level citizens to enter this circle.

For example, the exploration and mining of this kind of meteorite zone is completely monopolized by the Trobo people.

They have enough financial resources to buy expensive exploration ships, and they also have the right to explore unknown areas without any difficulties.

If it is a low-level citizen, even if they collect enough money to get an exploration ship, they will be made things difficult in every way. Even if they get something by luck, they will not have the right to independently exploit it.

They either sell the mining rights to the Trobo people at a low price, or choose to smuggle them, but in this case, they are likely to lose their lives.

There are many similar unfair things, which also lead to great resentment among those lower races, but even so, the Trobo people rely on powerful force to suppress any opposing voices.

In the Trobo galaxy, there have been several rebellions of lower races. Although they were successfully suppressed in the end, some Trobo people were still affected and died.

In order to vent their anger, the Trobo people used many methods to punish the rebels, not just killing methods.

There are even members of the Senate who suggested that all other races be exterminated, leaving only the Trobos to rule this star field.

Of course, this proposal was rejected in the end, not just for moral reasons, because the lower races do have the value of existence.

Once there are no other inferior races, artificial intelligence will definitely not be able to take on all the jobs, and the Trobo people will have no object to show off their special status.

The lower races escaped the crisis of being exterminated, but their status declined again, and some races were even sent to planets with harsh environments, and they were not allowed to leave easily.

This is the status quo of the Tropo galaxy. As first-class citizens, the fleet members naturally have an indescribable sense of pride.

The reception was still going on, and Kurt finally found the product he wanted, and paid a price that the lower races could not imagine without changing his face.

The poor rely on mutation, and the rich rely on technology. This is what is being said.

It only needs to pay a fee that is insignificant to Kurt, and it can be exchanged for the cultivation results of the low-level citizens who have worked hard for many years, and the effect is even more obvious.

This is the gap in reality, and low-level citizens cannot surpass it at all, and can only be suppressed all the time.

Just when Kurt suggested to wait until the destination, and he led everyone to a place to feel the style of beauties from other races, the transport ship suddenly sounded an alarm.

Hearing the urgent alarm sound, everyone's expression changed, and they summoned the spherical workbench suspended above their heads and jumped in to see what happened.

A strange scene appeared before the eyes, making the fleet members stunned at the same time.

In the vast cosmic starry sky, a huge vortex appeared out of thin air. During the process of rotation, its volume continued to expand, and finally formed an existence similar to a wormhole.

In the wormhole that suddenly appeared, a huge and incomparably large building slowly appeared, even the largest super battleship of the Trobo people could not be compared with it.

Looking at the huge building full of mysterious majesty, a terrifying thought appeared in the minds of the fleet members at the same time.

War, I'm afraid it's coming!

(End of this chapter)

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