I have a city in another world

Chapter 1728 Victory in the first battle!

Chapter 1728 Victory in the first battle!

Looking at the burning planet, the patrolling team in outer space was stunned.

What exactly happened, why did such a big change happen in just a blink of an eye?

"Damn it, who can tell me what happened?"

The captain of the patrol ship was about to go crazy. The enemy launched an attack right under their noses, but they didn't notice it. This was simply the greatest dereliction of duty!

The basic duties have not been fulfilled, so what is the use of these patrol fleets?
Although extremely annoyed, the captain quickly issued an order, and everyone entered a combat state.

At this moment, they still haven't figured out where the enemy came from?

What method did they use to launch such a ferocious attack in the blink of an eye, and at the same time deceive the patrol fleet?
Although my heart is full of doubts, there is no doubt that this move is the biggest provocation to the Teruobo people!

A commercial planet was almost completely destroyed. In the history of the Trobo people, there had never been such a terrible disaster.

"Immediately search for the enemy's location, and immediately fight back without asking for instructions after finding it!"

Following the roar of the patrol fleet commander, the weapons on the three patrol ships were simultaneously activated, and hundreds of aircraft flew out from the interior of the patrol ships, swimming quickly in space.

It didn't take long for the fleet to discover an anomaly. There seemed to be something hidden somewhere in the space, only tens of kilometers away from them.

"Lock the suspicious location and launch a tentative attack!"

Following the order to attack, a vertical energy halo suddenly appeared in front of the patrol ship, and a dazzling light appeared at the same time.

In just a dozen seconds, a huge beam of light condensed and shot into the void ahead.

It was as if the water curtain was rippling, the huge beam of light collided and dissipated, and the curtain used to cover the whereabouts was torn, revealing the secret hidden behind.

The huge war building city was revealed in front of the members of the patrol fleet. Looking at the terrifying building comparable to a space fortress, while they were astonished, their hearts were full of doubts.

What kind of enemy is it that possesses such a strange weapon of war, and can they defeat each other?
In this face-to-face distance, dodging is no longer possible, only a desperate fight, only the brave are invincible.

"Don't hesitate, continue to attack, and send a signal for help at the same time!"

The captain's face was as gloomy as water, and he gave the order to fire at full power. He didn't believe that the enemy could withstand the attack of the patrol ship.

The beams of light on the three patrol ships flew out continuously, like a gust of wind and rain, dazzling light everywhere.

The attacked War Tower put up its shield, and while resisting the attack, three giant spears covered in runes flew out, heading straight for the opposite patrol ship.

Seeing the rune spears flying towards them, the members of the patrol fleet were full of astonishment, wondering what the point of this attack was?
But soon they discovered that they still underestimated the enemy, this was definitely not the original physical attack as imagined.

The rune spear easily pierced the patrol ship's energy shield, and the next moment it penetrated deeply into the battleship's hard shell, and then trembled slightly.

The frequency of the shaking became faster and faster, and tiny cracks began to appear around the rune spear. After only a dozen breaths, even the patrol ship began to vibrate.

"Damn, what's going on?"

Feeling the strange vibration of the patrol ship, a trace of panic flashed across the captain's face, and when he was about to order someone to find out the specific reason, the frequency of the vibration suddenly accelerated.

At the same time, some parts of the battleship actually made crackling sounds, making one's scalp tingle.

"No, the battleship is about to disintegrate!"

This idea flashed in the captain's mind, and then he heard a loud "boom", the patrol ship began to shatter from the position where the rune spear was, and the depressurized battleship immediately became a mess.

"Activate the survival equipment and escape from the battleship immediately!"

Finding that the situation was irretrievable, the captain gave the escape order without hesitation. In the constantly rising flames, the fleet members who activated their survival equipment continued to fly out, like blooming fireworks.

At the same time as the patrol fleet collapsed, countless beams of light flew out from the War Tower, blasting the fleeing fleet members one by one, turning them into silently burning fireballs.

At the same time, energy chains flew out one after another, binding these fleet members and pulling them back into the war building.

The fighting time between the two sides was extremely short, and the winner was soon decided. The space was full of broken wreckage, and there were burnt corpses.

After solving the outer space patrol fleet, the war tower turned to the commercial planet that was already full of ruins, and beams of light were cast from the sky to the ground.

In the teleportation light beam, countless figures rushed down like fish and were projected onto the ground of the commercial planet.

These teleportation light beams are like searchlights, constantly moving on the surface of the planet, and the monks of Loucheng are also distributed to different areas.

Before the garrison troops on the ground recovered from the attack, they saw a mass of monks descending from the sky.

They have different shapes, wear different styles of armor, carry swords and guns, and shuttle constantly among the ruins.

As soon as the two sides came into contact, fierce fighting broke out, and fighting was almost everywhere.

In the close combat, those members of the garrison were not the opponents of the wolf-like monks of Loucheng at all, and they were beaten back and forth.

In addition to the fierce battle on the ground, the battle in the air is also continuing. The monks in Loucheng either defend those aircraft with their bodies, or they also control the aircraft with strange styles to fight non-stop in the air.

At the same time, countless war beasts participated in it. They were either fierce and ferocious, or they were as huge as mountains, attacking all targets in this wasteland except the monks in Loucheng.

As time passed, the monks in Loucheng had completely gained the upper hand, and the remaining ground defense troops saw that they were invincible, and tried to hide and escape.

In less than half a day, this commercial planet was completely captured, and the remaining remnants could no longer make any waves.

In the bustling city of the past, Loucheng monks are everywhere, standing on the ruins of dilapidated buildings.

There were countless captives on the street. They gathered together and walked into the beam of teleportation light projected from the sky one after another.

These captives will be brought into the War Tower and imprisoned in a special prison inside. Before being released again, the captives will always be in a dormant state.

Under normal circumstances, the monks in Loucheng did not have the habit of detaining captives and routs. They either killed them on the spot or ignored them.

But the Trobo people have the ability to resurrect from the dead, even after being killed, they will be reborn through clones.

In this case, imprisoning it has become one of the means to solve the problem.

Of course, among the enemies, there are not many Trobos, and most of them are their so-called inferior races.

For this type of enemy, as long as they put down their weapons and surrender, most of the monks in Loucheng would ignore them, and they would just be imprisoned in a centralized manner or forcibly recruited as servants.

After the situation was brought under control, the search for loot began.

The war building city has a nearly infinite space, and any valuable materials can be collected within the range, as much as possible can be stuffed into it.

The beam of light that was originally used to transport the monks in Loucheng has now become a material delivery device, sucking all the spoils into the storage space.

For the Loucheng monks who participated in the war, there are too many materials to collect on a planet. If it is not for the limited time, they can only use violent collection methods to obtain more benefits.

In the process of material collection, the intelligence collection work against the Trobo people also started. Based on the existing information, it can be determined that the Trobo people control 25 planets, most of which are transformed planets.

Among them, there are five main planets, which are concentrated residences of the Trobo people, and have strong defense capabilities, which is by no means comparable to this commercial planet.

It is believed that the Trobo people have received the information of the invasion at this time, and a large number of fleets will arrive one after another, and a fierce battle will soon begin.

(End of this chapter)

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