Chapter 1731

In the conference hall of War Building City, a group of world master monks gathered here, discussing the action plan.

"Your Excellency Tang Zhen, are you sure you want to act alone?"

The master of the world who asked the question was puzzled, and he never expected Tang Zhen to make such a decision.

"After the last war, you probably have realized that when ambushing the Trobo fleet, we don't need to take action collectively, and half of the master monks are enough to complete the task.

The next time we meet, the enemy will inevitably change tactics, and we don't know about it at present.

In this case, leaving enough manpower to sit in command, and the rest sneak into the enemy's rear to play by ear, which may bring unexpected gains. "

Facing the inquiries from those world masters, Tang Zhen explained in a calm voice.

"This is true, but the problem is that you, as the commander-in-chief of this invasion, really don't need to take risks lightly. Even if necessary, you can let other people do it for you."

Luo Fei persuaded him, she knew Tang Zhen's character very well, and knew that if he went out, there would be another storm.

It's just that Tang Zhen has a special status now. If something goes wrong with him, even if the Loucheng Legion doesn't collapse, it will be greatly affected by it.

Hearing Luo Fei's dissuasion, Tang Zhen smiled and shook his head.

"It's not that Tang is conceited, I think there is no one who can keep me in the Tropo galaxy!
And I won't reveal my identity easily, so what's the danger if I act according to circumstances? "

After a pause, Tang Zhen continued: "So far, the information we have on the Trobo people is still limited, and the enemy is in the dark, which is very unfavorable to us.

After experiencing a failure, the Trobo people will definitely not give up, so when they send troops again, they will definitely do their best.

In this case, it is particularly necessary and imperative to find out the real hole cards of the Trobo people.

Ordinary monks are not qualified for this kind of work, especially some real core secrets, we have to do it ourselves to get it.

In addition, Tang has to fulfill his original promise to bring back those Loucheng monks who are living in a foreign land.

A man must do what he says, and this matter must be done by myself, and it must not be done by others. "

"As for combat command and negotiation, there is a war tower, Tang can teleport it back in an instant, and it won't affect anything, so you don't have to worry about it."

Hearing Tang Zhen's insistence, the other world masters stopped dissuading them, and some world masters were even eager to try, also preparing to go behind the enemy's rear.

After discussing properly, Tang Zhen disguised himself and quietly left Zhanpinglou City on the way.

He didn't act alone, and he was accompanied by five brothers who were brought out from the abyss and purgatory.

This is just what they said. From Tang Zhen's point of view, they probably couldn't bear the constraints of the War Tower and wanted to run out to get some air.

Only now did Tang Zhen know that although these five brothers were monks in Loucheng, there were only five of them in Loucheng.

After careful questioning, I found out that since the establishment of their Loucheng, they have not recruited any residents, and the five of them have always been working hard.

In their words, no one wants to be a city lord, let alone manage the operation of the Loucheng, so they simply don't recruit the residents of the Loucheng, and they are happy to be at ease.

Although they are single and weak, the five brothers have some abilities, and they have been promoted all the way to the level of world masters.

It can only be said that in the vast world, there are no surprises, and few people may not be able to achieve great things.

The means of transportation chosen by the six people was a small transport ship seized on the commercial planet, and the intended destination was one of the targets that War Building City would launch an attack on soon.

This small transport ship is intelligently controlled and can be driven by only one person. Tang Zhen himself has the power of the law on the mechanical side, and the operation is even more commanding.

The vast universe is empty.

Due to the invasion of the monks in Loucheng, the transport ships that appeared from time to time in the past have long since disappeared.

Under Tang Zhen's control, the flight speed of this transport ship has reached the limit, and it is afraid that it will be scrapped due to severe wear and tear after reaching the destination.

Tang Zhen didn't care about this. Compared with the importance of intelligence, the loss of transport ships is not worth mentioning.

Before he knew it, he was getting closer and closer to his destination.

Shi Guxing.

This is one of the industrial planets of the Trobo people. It is not only rich in minerals, but also has various large-scale factories. Countless lower races live and work here, supporting the operation of these factories.

Compared with the captured commercial planet, there are fewer Trobo people here, and the proud and noble Trobo people rarely come to such a smoky place.

While Tang Zhen and others approached Shi Guxing, the transport ship was also discovered by the outer space patrol here.

In normal times, the outer space patrol would probably not pay attention to these transport ships coming to Shiguxing, but the situation is different now, so Tang Zhen was interrogated as soon as he arrived here.

"The transport ship ahead, please allow the data link to pass, and accept our review."

In the transport ship where Tang Zhen was located, a cold voice sounded slowly. Obviously, the outer space patrol fleet did not intend to let him go easily.

For this situation, he has long been prepared, so when the outer space patrol team is interrogating, he only needs to use small tricks to easily confuse him.

After the transmission of the data link was completed, the transport ship driven by Tang Zhen soon passed the inspection, and the weapon that was originally locked on the transport ship was also released from the attack state.

This would be the best result, Tang Zhen would save himself a lot of hands and feet, and the outer space patrol team would avoid a catastrophe.

"You have passed the test, welcome to Shi Guxing."

After passing the test, Tang Zhen controlled the transport ship and flew slowly towards Shi Guxing.

Observing from a high position, the environment of this industrial planet is really unflattering, it looks yellow.

Except for the four giant forests that must be preserved, most of Shiguxing's area rarely sees green plants, and traces of the crazy mining in the past are everywhere.

Tang Zhen didn't know much about Shi Guxing, and he didn't have any clear purpose for the time being. After flying in the sky for a period of time, he randomly selected a huge industrial area, and controlled the transport ship to land slowly.

This is a site specially used to park aircraft. Immediately after Tang Zhen landed, the person in charge came to register.

Because pretending to be Kurt is using his identity information, even if the transport ship is parked here, it will not charge any extra fees.

The person in charge flattered Tang Zhen and the others in every possible way, as if it was a great honor for the transport ship to stop here.

Recalling Kurt's behavior style, Tang Zhen took out a metal coin from his pocket and threw it at the feet of the person in charge.

In addition to electronic transactions, the Trobo people also like to use ancient metal currency and banknotes doped with special elements for transactions.

Only because of the large number of planets controlled by the Tezobo people, it is impossible to fully implement electronic transactions, and in some backward areas, the original currency transactions are also preserved.

The metal coin that Tang Zhen threw out just now is a kind of tipping coin that the Trobo people like to use most, and it is almost equivalent to a month's wages of the workers here.

Every time the coin is thrown, the coin must hit the ground and make a sound, and then the tipped person bows to thank him before picking up the coin from the ground.

This is also one of the ways the Trobo people show off their identity, because only they are entitled to use this special coin.

Even if other low-level races get this kind of coins, they are not allowed to circulate and consume, and must be exchanged before they can be used.

"Thank you Mr. Kurt for your reward!"

When the person in charge registered the transport ship, he already knew Tang Zhen's disguised identity at this time, so he quickly bowed to thank him.

Tang Zhen didn't speak, but waved to the person in charge, and the six of them walked slowly towards the street ahead.

The area of ​​this industrial area is huge, and large-scale equipment can be seen from time to time, and heavy trucks carrying various raw materials can be seen everywhere on the streets.

Tang Zhen walked aimlessly for a while, and suddenly his eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at a young man in the distance.

The young man was very handsome, but his clothes were worn out, his face seemed to have not been washed for a long time, and it was full of stains.

Although it was deliberately concealed, Tang Zhen saw that she was a woman at a glance.

At this time, she was squatting on the ground, digging up the soil with a piece of iron, and the soil pit was more than half a meter deep.

While Tang Zhen was observing him, the girl had a joyful smile on her face, lay down on the ground, stretched out her hand and grabbed the dirt pit twice.

A fleshy white bug was picked up by her, and it was writhing, as if trying to escape.

The girl lifted the bug and threw it hard on the ground. The bug twitched a few times, and then fell silent.

After packing the bugs in the cloth bag beside him.The girl backfilled the soil into the pit, and then walked towards the distance with the bag.

Tang Zhen watched this scene intently, and after the girl left, he and the five Jiezhu brothers also followed slowly.

Before she knew it, the girl had already left the industrial area and walked towards an area full of various wreckage.

Only then did Tang Zhen notice that the hill-like wreckage was not a dump of rubbish, but a residence made of various utensils.

Some figures flashed from time to time on the ruins. If nothing else happened, they should be residents here.

 Thanks: "The Master of Xiaoyao Pavilion", "Aweizi" and "183*****72" for their rewards, and thanks to the book friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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