I have a city in another world

Chapter 1737 This is just the beginning!

Chapter 1737 This is just the beginning!
In front of the Star Film and Television Center, it has been completely turned into ruins.

The wreckage of the aircraft was burning, and the corpse had been completely reduced to ashes. The billowing smoke rose up, like a ferocious devil, brandishing its claws and claws to tear everything around it.

The onlookers in the distance, as well as the ground guard members who were lucky enough not to be within the attack range, felt their whole bodies trembling at this moment.

They never dreamed that they would see such a catastrophic scene. The man just waved his hand to create such a terrifying scene.

What kind of power is this, who are the opponents, and what does he want to do?
There are aerial projections around the film and television center, and they also saw the content of the live broadcast just now. Tang Zhen previously used the language of the wild war zone, and few people could understand it.

But this did not affect the speculation of the onlookers. Thinking of the secret rumors of the Loucheng cultivator's invasion, they all had a thought in their hearts that the war might really have come.

Originally thought that with the powerful power of the Trobo people, the war would not affect him, but it was only at this moment that the onlookers suddenly realized that the war was in front of them.

Panic and uneasiness surged wildly, and the onlookers began to become overwhelmed, and kept shouting to punish the murderer severely and protect their own interests.

Only by eliminating Tang Zhen and others can they feel temporary peace of mind, but they don't know the cause of this war, which is completely revenge against the Teruobo people.

Looking at the enthusiastic onlookers, Tang Zhen's eyes were cold. If these low-level citizens advance and retreat together with the Trobo people, they will inevitably be doomed.

As the first wave of enemies was wiped out, more reinforcements began to arrive one after another. As the capital of the industrial planet, it was impossible for the defense force to have only these people.

Seeing the aircraft of different sizes in the sky and more and more ground troops, the four brothers of the World Master, who had long been impatient with their skills, flew out laughing and rushed into the enemy group.

In the intensive attack that made the onlookers tear apart, the four figures shuttled non-stop, and the sound of explosions could be heard for a while, but they remained unscathed.

Watching the figure the size of an ant in the sky destroy the low-altitude patrol ship with a wave of his hands, the onlookers thought they had hallucinations, thinking that such a thing could not happen in reality.

It's just that the terrible explosion shock wave, as well as the affected ground buildings, all prove that this is not an illusion.

Starting from the Planet Film and Television Center, the area of ​​the battlefield became larger and larger, the ground was full of burning flames, and thick smoke rose into the sky in the city.

"You madmen, what are you planning to do?"

The Teruobo man, whose legs were weak from fright, rushed over and scolded Tang Zhen loudly without knowing where the courage came from.

"You think it's cruel?"

Tang Zhen turned around, looked at the person in charge with an angry face in front of him, and asked in a light tone: "If you are an aborigine who was invaded from the plane, you can say that, but as a Trobo, do you have any questions?" What qualifications do you have to say this?
During the rise of the Trobo people, how many planetary planes were invaded by you, and how many innocent people died at your hands?

The past of the Trobo people is also on the road of rising with white bones.

Killers, people keep killing them, I just charge a little interest! "

When Tang Zhen said this, he looked at the Trobo man and said in a cold voice: "Enjoy the rest of your life. Maybe it won't be long before the Trobo people will be like the race destroyed by you, forever." Become history!"

Hearing what Tang Zhen said, the person in charge of Trobo also sneered, shook his head and said: "You underestimate the Trobo people too much. We are immortal. You will only bring disaster to yourself again by doing this!"

"Isn't it the storage of mental fluctuations, so as to achieve false immortality, but have you ever thought about how to create clones if you only have ruins?

If your psychic fluctuation database is destroyed, can you still connect and download it to bring yourself back from the dead? "

After hearing Tang Zhen's words, the person in charge froze for a moment, then shook his head mockingly.

"You will never be able to do this, the greatness of the Trobo civilization, you barbarians will never understand!"

The person in charge argued hard, in his opinion, Tang Zhen was just wishful thinking.

"Is that so, then I will save your life temporarily, so that you can witness the process of the destruction of the Trobo people with your own eyes, and slowly experience the despair that goes deep into the bone marrow."

When Tang Zhen said this, he gently waved to Ellie next to him, and then walked away in the void under the complicated eyes of the people around him.

Seeing Tang Zhen leave, the people in charge breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, showing the expressions of the rest of their lives.

"This devil..."

Standing at the broken window, looking at the sea of ​​flames around him, the Trobo stood silently for a long time with an extremely complicated expression.

Although he refused to admit Tang Zhen's hypotheses, he knew in his heart that once this kind of thing really happened, it would definitely be a terrible disaster for the Teruobo people.


In the busy mine, a man with a sallow complexion is manipulating the machine to seal the automatically mined ore into a special box.

Through the operation screen of the machine, you can see that filaments are constantly popping out from the ore. Those are terrible radiation, which can cause great harm to the body.

Even if there is protection at work, injuries are still unavoidable. If it is not for lack of money, no one is willing to engage in this extremely dangerous job.

The man's body was also injured, coughing from time to time, and the clothes were stained with dark red blood, which seemed to be accumulated all year round.

After sealing the last box of ore, the man leaned back on the chair, staring blankly at the front.

His body was shaking slightly, and his fists were clenched tightly in unbearable pain, but he never made a sound.

Beads of sweat rolled down his forehead, the veins on his neck were bulging, and even his teeth were about to be crushed.

After a long time, perhaps because of the numbness of his body, he could not feel the pain gradually, and the man breathed a sigh of relief.

"Damn Trobo..."

The man said softly, his eyes full of hatred, as well as lingering helplessness and sadness.


Another pile of ore was delivered, and the man sighed, moved his numb and stiff body, and prepared to continue working.

But just when his hand touched the button, he suddenly heard a familiar language, which made his body freeze suddenly.

Turning his head slowly, the man stared intently at the image on the screen, listening to the language he hadn't heard for many years, unconsciously, tears welled up in his eyes.

"Loucheng World, Wild War Zone, my family, are you all right?"

While muttering to himself, the expression on the man's face became more and more excited, his fists were clenched tightly, and a trace of brilliance gradually appeared in his cloudy eyes.

When he saw Tang Zhen standing out of thin air and killing those aircraft and ground enemies with a wave of his hand, the man laughed out loud with indescribable joy and boldness in his voice.

"Hahaha, you are indeed worthy of His Excellency Tang Zhen, a legendary barbarian king who treats his enemies like ants even in the territory of the Trobo people!"

When the man said this, the expression on his face became more and more excited. He knew that Tang Zhen would not lie indiscriminately. It seemed that the Loucheng monk army had really invaded the Teruobo people's lair.

Although he had fantasized about this scene before, the man always thought it was impossible. After all, the war at the beginning was enough to prove that the monks in the barren war zone could not be the opponents of the Trobo people.

But today, something that he thought was impossible happened, and Tang Zhen issued the gauntlet in such a shocking way.

In a month's time, War Loucheng will come to the industrial planet, and every inch of the monks in Loucheng will be turned into scorched earth!

This is His Excellency Tang Zhen avenging them, complaining for those Loucheng monks who died with hatred, and guiding a way home for those lucky survivors.

With the words Tang Zhen said echoing in his mind, the man slowly stood up and walked out of the operating room where he had worked for several years.

Looking at the gray sky above his head and the desolate land around him, he just wanted to raise his head and shout loudly to express his excitement and excitement.

"Who is that, what are you doing? Why don't you hurry up and work, don't you want wages?"

Suddenly there was a sound of reprimand, and a supervisor who belonged to a third-class citizen came over and yelled at him loudly.

For this supervisor, a man without citizenship is a target who can be abused and bullied at will.

Engaged in such a dangerous job, one day he might die directly in the operating room. He looked down on this kind of low-level race who worked hard to make money.

In addition, the man looked at him very strangely, as if he was looking at a clown, which made him feel very uncomfortable, so he always looked for opportunities to make things difficult.

The man turned his head to look at the supervisor beside him. In the past, in order to make a living, he had to endure the difficulties of the other party, and he only insisted on the goal that seemed impossible to achieve in his heart.

But at this time when the other party made things difficult again, his heart was as calm as water, he just quietly looked at the other party for a few times, and slowly walked forward a few steps.

Seeing this, the supervisor squinted his eyes and snorted coldly: "It seems that you are really dissatisfied, that's fine, this month's salary is gone."

The man shook his head and smiled at the supervisor: "It's okay, I don't want the money, I will buy your life."

The overseer's face changed when he heard the words, and when he was about to say something, the man had already reached out and grabbed his neck, and threw him into the metal box containing the ore.

Amidst the screams and curses of the supervisor, the man entered the operating room and pressed lightly on the panel.

The huge mechanical arm began to seal automatically, and the voice of the supervisor became inaudible, and he was locked in the ore box emitting radiation.

After doing all this, the man clapped his hands, carried the clothes beside him, and walked slowly towards the outside of the mine.

The moment he walked out of the mine, beams of light suddenly shot up into the sky far away.

Around the beam of light, dense rings of runes danced, exuding a mysterious and strange aura.

But for men, these runes are so intimate, as if they are a passport to go home.

 Thanks to: "Master Xiaoyao Pavilion" for the reward, and to book friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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