I have a city in another world

Chapter 1744 The Catastrophe of the Traveling Planet

Chapter 1744 The Catastrophe of the Traveling Planet

After a fierce battle, the space was full of wreckage floating around, including many Trobo corpses.

After losing the shelter of the battleship, these Trobo people froze into popsicles in a vacuum and oxygen-free environment before they could activate their survival equipment.

Some corpses even emit a faint fluorescence, which is a special phenomenon that only appears under extremely low temperature conditions.

As for those Trobo people who did not die, they all activated their survival equipment one after another, and fled in all directions in the universe, as far as they could run.

Relying on the auxiliary functions of the survival equipment, even if they lose power and are trapped in space, they can still maintain basic vital signs until the arrival of the rescue fleet.

If there is no rescue for a long time, they can only face death in the end. The Trobo people will choose whether to keep the memory of this stage and wait until they are reborn to implant clones.

In the eyes of many Trobo people, no missing memory is the truly perfect life.

But when their enemies are the six world masters, they are doomed to have no possibility of escape, and death and rebirth will become a luxury.

Without Tang Zhen's instructions, the five Jiezhu brothers shot one after another, capturing the fleeing Teruobo people one after another, and throwing them into the opened independent space.

The independent space is a static prison. Once the Trobo people enter here, they will be like stone statues and wood carvings, and their thinking and metabolism will completely stop.

Seeing their companions being captured by the enemy one after another and thrown into the black hole-like space, the remaining Trobos ran desperately.

They don't want to fall into the hands of these terrifying enemies. With the opponent's brutal methods, there must be quite terrible things waiting for them!

Tang Zhen also flew out of the battleship. Although he won the encounter just now, the two battleships he controlled were also seriously damaged.

Although it can barely fly, it is a moving bomb. If it is attacked again, it may be difficult to escape the end of the explosion.

Their forward goal is the tourist planet, and the opponent has at least five outer space patrol ships, and the number of frigates is even greater.

If Tang Zhen continues to pilot the space battleship, he will inevitably encounter the enemy, and a new round of fierce battles will also be inevitable.

Tang Zhen would rather control a dark energy attack than control two scrapped warships. That would be equivalent to being a living target.

What's more, his main goal was to capture captives, not to fight enemy ships. He fought in full swing in space, wouldn't it scare all the Trobos away.

After making up his mind, Tang Zhen also joined the ranks of capturing the prisoners.

He shook his hands and threw out countless energy chains, which crossed the void in an instant and pierced the fleeing Trobo.

Amidst the screams of the Trobo people, the energy chains with barbs were pulled back one after another, and then a black hole appeared, swallowing the Trobo people into it.

In just a dozen or so breaths, all the Teruobo people were captured, and none of them slipped through the net.

"Okay, let's go to the tourist planet immediately, so as not to change things later."

With the passage of time, the invasion of the monks of Loucheng has become well known, and the Trobo people on the tourist planet may choose this place in order to avoid being affected by the war.

Hearing the words, the five Jiezhu brothers followed Tang Zhen one after another, turned into streamers and headed straight for the tourist planet.


The name of the tourist planet is very strange. It is said to be derived from a special plant here.

The mountains and rivers here are beautiful, the vegetation is dense, and the natural environment is definitely one of the best among all the planets of the Trobo people.

It is said that many Trobo people suggested that this place be the capital of the empire, but it was not realized because it was close to the edge of the galaxy.

Being able to allow the Trobo people to make such a suggestion shows the beauty of the scenery on the tourist planet.

At this time, on a certain mountain peak on the travel planet, there is an extremely gorgeous building, where exotic flowers and grasses are everywhere, beautifully pruned by gardeners of lower races.

In the starry night, this huge building exudes dazzling brilliance, dazzling like a bright crown.

On the grass in front of the building, there are groups of waiters of lower races, delivering all kinds of delicious food and wine.

Gorgeously dressed Trobo people shuttled back and forth, tasting carefully prepared delicacies, looking relaxed and relaxed.

Looking at the entire galaxy, the Trobos have the most noble status, and only Trobos are in their social circle.

Those lower races are vassals who serve them, and have never been truly respected.

Take banquets as an example. For the Trobo people, feasting with lower races is definitely the most shameful thing.

Therefore, as long as it is a banquet held by the Trobo people, there will never be a low-level race among the guests present.

For the Trobo people, this has become an established rule and has never been changed.

But at the banquet tonight, some Trobo people felt insulted because they discovered something that made people feel extremely angry.

A few guys with unknown origins, but one could tell that they were not Trobo people appeared at the banquet in a grandiose manner.

Their manners were vulgar and their appearances were ugly. They were standing at the dining table at this time, eating those carefully prepared delicacies without restraint.

The amount of food was so large that the Trobo people could not eat it at all. From the beginning of the banquet to now, few people have eaten it.

Even so, no one cares at all, and it will be thrown into the garbage collection truck at worst.

But when they saw these foods being tasted by the lower races, those Trobo people felt an indescribable anger in their hearts, as if this was a humiliation to themselves.

This is the food that one eats, how can the lower races have the right to taste it?
Several men and women who thought they should protect the glory of the Trobo people gathered around these strangers, full of excitement.

For them, the daily life is too boring, something like this can definitely stir up the already numb nerves.

They put on what they thought was the most elegant posture, showing the difference between themselves and these lower races, and then swept a few unfamiliar lower races sideways with contemptuous and critical eyes.

The more they looked at it, the angrier they became, and the more they looked at it, the more contemptuous they became. Finally, those Trobo people couldn't bear it anymore, and reprimanded them in a rather unfriendly tone.

"What's the matter with you? Who allowed you to appear here, do you know who you are?"

Hearing the words, those people of unknown origin looked at each other with a strange smile on their faces.

It seemed that they didn't hear the reprimand from the Trobo people at all. In front of those men and women, they picked up the delicious food again and started chewing in their mouths.

The already fat, tender and juicy food was splashed with juice from being chewed in their mouths, making weird chewing sounds constantly.

"My gosh, this is so rude, I can't bear to look at it!"

"Dirty things, this is also food you won't eat!"

"Get out of my sight, you filthy things!"

The few people on the opposite side were still indifferent, as if they were nothing but air, so they just ignored them.

Seeing that these lower races ignored her reprimand, a Trobo woman stepped forward and poured the drink in the glass directly on the face of the leader.

After seeing the woman's actions, the onlookers not only did not dissuade them, but showed excited expressions, ready to wait for a good show.

In this country that prides itself on technological civilization, the hierarchical differentiation is extremely obvious, and the Trobo people have countless privileges when facing lower races.

Not to mention throwing a glass of wine to insult the other party, even if the woman stepped forward and slapped a few times wildly, no one would think that she was disrespectful, but would appreciate her for safeguarding the honor of the Trobo people.

In the expectant eyes of the surrounding Trobo people, the glass of wine went straight to the man who was chewing food, who knew that the man's body tilted slightly, and avoided the oncoming drink.

The man turned around indifferently, took another piece of food and stuffed it into his mouth, took a bottle of wine from the table, smiled and looked at the woman opposite.

"You kind of thing, the uncle has long been tired of killing things that don't know how to live or die.

But since you dare to pour wine on me, if you don't punish you, how can I come out to hang out in the future? "

As soon as the man finished speaking, the wine bottle in his hand flew up and hit the Trobo woman on the head.


With a crisp sound, the wine bottle shattered into powder, and the blood and wine flew up.

The Teruobo woman was shocked. She never dreamed that this low-level race would dare to attack her.


The Trobo man who was hit by the wine bottle fell to the sky, blood gushed out like a fountain, and fell to the ground screaming.

The surrounding Trobo people changed their colors at the same time, looking at the lower race who had just attacked with murderous faces, and the anger in their hearts was completely burned.

This kind of behavior of the other party is the most serious provocation to the Trobo people, and it is absolutely unforgivable.

"Guard, where is the guard, come here quickly!

Catch these bastards right away, I will make them pay the price, and make their lives worse than death! "

The woman's friend yelled loudly and kept calling for the guards to come. The Trobo people next to her were also alarmed, and they all looked here.

"Damn, what a spoiler."

The man sneered, and suddenly an electromagnetic shotgun appeared in his hand, firing directly at the crowd in front of him.

Hearing a muffled "bang", those Trobo people around him were hit by bullets, and their bodies were torn apart in an instant.

"The work has started. If you continue to dawdle, His Excellency Tang Zhen will be impatient."

Hearing the boss's shout, the four brothers of the world master who were eating and drinking agreed, reluctantly left the table, and showed ferocious smiles at the Teruobo people.

Before those Trobo people came back to their senses, the five Jiezhu brothers were like wolves rushing into a flock of sheep, constantly catching the fleeing guests and throwing them into the independent space one after another.

In just ten minutes, all the Trobo people who attended the banquet were arrested, and the waiters and guards had long since fled without a trace.

The five Jiezhu brothers looked at the messy banquet venue, shook their heads with regret on their faces, and quickly left with a bottle of wine each.

(End of this chapter)

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