I have a city in another world

Chapter 1748 Whereabouts of Books

Chapter 1748 Whereabouts of Books

The Wolf Institute is also located on the tourist planet, but on the other side of the planet, in a place called Dream Beach.

The beach here is very characteristic. There are tiny crystals of various colors in the sand, which emit rainbow-like rays of light under the irradiation of light.

The beach is delicate and beautiful, and the sea water is also as charming as crystal. From a distance, it looks like gems inlaid on colored gold, like the most beautiful natural jewelry, exuding intoxicating brilliance.

There are also a lot of tourists here, far more than the number of people in the Xueshan Library. You must know that most people still prefer to visit mountains and rivers.

When Tang Zhen arrived at Mimeng Beach, it happened to be the time when the number of tourists was the largest. Those tourists on the beach did not realize that someone had just flown overhead.

On a cliff not far from the beach, stands a milky white building.

Perhaps the designer deliberately showed off his skills. The whole building was deliberately designed to look like a staircase, protruding towards the abyss in front, and more than half of it was suspended.

Under the main body of those suspended buildings, there is no support, and it looks precarious, making one wonder if the building will be blown down by a gust of wind.

Of course, these worries are purely unnecessary, because the building uses a special bio-memory alloy, which has a strong self-healing ability, even if the cliff collapses, the building will not have any problems.

When Tang Zhen arrived at the Wolf Research Institute, he was stopped without any accident. The guards here strictly prohibited Tang Zhen from entering on the grounds of private domain.

Before arriving here, Tang Zhen knew that he would definitely be blocked, so when he was rejected, he directly fought and knocked down the gate of the institute with a wave of his hands.

Alarms sounded everywhere in the research institute under attack, but the first ones to appear were not the guards, but more than a dozen intelligent guard robots.

This kind of guard robot is a super guard for all-weather combat. It is equipped with a variety of defensive weapons and has amazing combat effectiveness.

At the same time, there is also a super-powerful infrasonic weapon that can only be used after applying for permission, which can attack all targets within a radius of ten kilometers indiscriminately.

After these guard robots appeared, they immediately locked onto Tang Zhen, and beams of light beamed towards them.

According to the law of the Trobo people, private property cannot be violated. Tang Zhen's approach has already touched the cordon, so the guard robot directly launched a fatal attack.

Under normal circumstances, even a heavy tank can't withstand a salvo, let alone an unprotected individual.

Who knew that after this round of attack, Tang Zhen himself was not damaged at all, obviously this kind of attack didn't work on him.

"Intruders are more dangerous, use secondary weapons!"

The guard robot automatically judged, and then launched an attack again, firing out miniature missiles one after another.

Tang Zhen glanced at the figures in the building, waved his hand with a sneer, and then saw those tiny missiles flying straight towards the research institute as if being pulled by a rope.

When the guard robot found that the attack failed and the institute was in danger, it immediately fired dense laser beams in an attempt to intercept these miniature missiles.

When the guard robot intercepted, Tang Zhen's figure flashed and rushed into the research institute in an instant.

The guard robots behind him froze slightly, and then, like firecrackers being lit, they exploded one after another.

Originally ordered a modification at a high price to protect the research institute's guard robots from being turned into scrap iron, and they didn't even hold on for a minute.

Tang Zhen rushed into the building like lightning, locked onto a group of fleeing figures in a panic, and stretched out his hand to grab it violently.

Several members of the research institute were controlled, and their memories were searched in a very short period of time, and then they were thrown to the ground like garbage.

"It's not here, but was secretly transferred. It seems that these books are definitely not simple."

When Tang Zhen first selected the books, he carefully screened them, and finally found a clue.

It's just that he didn't expect that it would take such a lot of twists and turns to find these books, and even the Wolf Institute didn't have one.

Through memory search, it can be determined that the book was taken away by a group of people half a year ago, and there was no information after that. The staff here did not know the specific whereabouts at all.

Naturally, Tang Zhen would not give up so easily, so he simply arrested all the senior executives of the Wolf Institute and searched their memories one by one, only to find some useful clues.

The mysterious people who took the books were said to be connected, at least superficially, to a certain art company.

Now that he had a clue, Tang Zhen would not miss it. After leaving the Wolf Institute, he went straight to the only large city on the tourist planet.

This city is a transit point for the Trobo people to enter the planet. The landmark building is a suspended tower with a height of more than 1 meters.

Hundreds of hexagonal giant metal balls are connected in series by high-strength ropes, floating into the air like balloons, looking like a huge candied haws.

Tourists need to take a kind of anti-gravity cableway to go up and down the metal balls on each floor, and immediately fly along the steel cable into the air after starting to reach the designated position.

In addition to this anti-gravity cableway, you can also use a device similar to a beam of light to reach the restaurant in the cloud at the top in a very short time.

In addition to the suspended tower, there are many scenic spots in the city, all of which are products of high technology and change themes from time to time.

If it catches up with the theme of ghosts and ghosts, the whole city will become gloomy under the light and shadow technology, and real ghosts and ghosts will appear in the air and on the ground from time to time.

If it is the original theme, then all the buildings will become antique, making people mistakenly think that they have traveled to the ancient wilderness, and tourists are also dressed like ancient people, shuttling on the streets.

It is obviously not an easy task to be able to change the style of the entire city at any time. It can be said that the entire city is the crystallization of technology, and a lot of manpower and material resources have been invested.

Without a long life, a sufficiently stable environment, and sufficient financial support, such a miraculous city would not have been possible.

When Tang Zhen came to this city, it was just in time for the magic theme week, and the buildings in the whole city changed their appearance overnight, looking like a real magic plane.

Not only those buildings, but even the shops along the street have undergone a drastic change in interior style, perfectly fitting the theme of the city.

Pedestrians on the street are either dressed as magicians, swordsmen, assassins, elf rangers, in short, no one is dressed in modern clothes.

As long as you are in the city, you must follow the rules here, otherwise you will be refused entry, so as not to destroy the atmosphere created by the heavy money here.

Before Tang Zhen arrived, he had naturally heard about this information. In order to avoid alarming others, he also got a cloak to put on and flew over the city from a low altitude.

For this scene, the tourists and residents didn't care. With the technology of the Trobo people, it is not difficult to fly at low altitude to cover up their tracks.

They just glanced casually, then continued to wander the streets, entering the buildings on the side of the road from time to time to experience the strange and exciting medieval style.

After searching the streets, he managed to find the address of the art company, an old building with an oak plaque at the door and cursive writing.

Obsolete is just an appearance. The real wall is a high-tech material that can project three-dimensional light and shadow, allowing the building to change its style according to the mind.

Tang Zhen stood at the door and took a look, then pushed open the simple wooden door and stepped inside.

(End of this chapter)

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