I have a city in another world

Chapter 1750 Forced you to take action

Chapter 1750 Forced you to take action

Seeing the clerk's reaction, Tang Zhen knew he had come to the right place.

Right now, it can only be confirmed that the other party knows about the books, but how much they know and whether the books are in the store cannot be determined for the time being.

Although you can directly search the memory, it is easy to scare the snake. If the other party sees that the situation is not good and destroys the book in a hurry, Tang Zhen will be busy for nothing.

In fact, although Tang Zhen acted quickly, he still wasted some time, enough for someone with a heart to react.

If the other party's vigilance is high enough, it can be deduced from the encounter between the library and Wolfe's graduate student that someone has already focused on those books.

The other party's effort to transfer a few books shows that they have different meanings, and they must also attach great importance to them.

So Tang Zhen simply revealed his identity, let the other party know his purpose of coming, and planned to lure the snake out of the hole.

As long as the other party responds, he can follow the clues and find clues that are useful to him.

Sure enough, as Tang Zhen expected, when the clerk heard the name of the book mentioned by Tang Zhen, his expression became unnatural, and he even secretly winked at his companion.

From this, it can be seen that the relationship between the shop assistants is not simple. They have cooperated with each other for a long time, and they have already established a tacit understanding.

The shop assistants on the opposite side also responded. When the short sword shattered just now, they had already focused all their attention on Tang Zhen, with uncertain expressions on their faces.

Tang Zhen seemed to be unaware of it on the surface, but in fact he had been watching all directions, paying attention to every move of those shop assistants.

Soon he noticed that a clerk in the corner turned around secretly, and seemed to use some kind of object to send a message.

The mental power spread away, locked on the clerk, and the information exchanged by the other party also entered the eyes.

"Someone came to look for those books and caused trouble in the store, what should I do?"

"Steady the other party, let me figure out his origin, and then make plans."

"Should we control this guy first, if we let him continue to make trouble, our reputation will be ruined?"

"You play by ear, don't make too much noise, so as not to affect our plan."

"Understood, we have a measure."

After the exchange between the two parties was over, the clerk turned around and glanced at Tang Zhen, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

It seems that he has made up his mind and is going to give Tang Zhen some color.

The Trobo people are not monolithic, and there are also factional disputes, but most of these facts are hidden underwater, and few people know it.

At this point those customers were still waiting for an answer, wondering if it was a fluke or if the store was just selling the product in question.

This matter did not cause them any loss, and the purpose of staying at this time was just to watch the excitement.

The clerk who was in charge of explaining looked at his companion, only to see the other party secretly making a gesture, and immediately understood his companion's plan.

Reaching out his hand to signal the customer not to get excited, the clerk turned to look at Tang Zhen, and said in a disdainful tone: "Everyone, listen to me, it has been found out just now that this gentleman was sent by our competitor.

The purpose of this person is to make trouble and damage the reputation of our store, everyone must not be used by him, otherwise you will be really fooled.

As for the problematic antiques, they must have been tampered with, so he concluded that there was something wrong with the dagger.

Otherwise, how could he know there was a problem if he hadn't touched antiques before? Everyone just needs to think about it. "

When the customers next to him heard the words, they all showed sudden expressions, and seemed to think that what the clerk said made sense.

After all, what happened just now was indeed a little unreasonable. If Tang Zhen deliberately made trouble, then it would be justified.

So they looked at Tang Zhen one after another, with doubts and reprimands in their eyes, and some even spoke directly, asking him to prove his innocence.

It's not a big deal to watch the excitement, it's people like them.

Tang Zhen didn't bother to talk to these Trobo people at first, but thinking about the plan to lure the snake out of the hole, he decided to play with them for a while.

"Since you are so sure that the items here have been tampered with, you probably have enough evidence, then let me ask you, have you tampered with anything?
One or two items have been tampered with, but it is impossible for all the items to be tampered with, and that kind of thing will never happen.

So you only need to take out a genuine product to prove your innocence, then even if you did not deceive customers.

I have given you a chance to prove your innocence, what do you think? "

After hearing Tang Zhen's words, those customers felt that it made sense, and turned to look at the clerk again, wanting to see how he would respond.

The clerk was in a bit of trouble. What happened just now made him worry. If he picked out an item and it suddenly shattered, what should he do?
Seeing the embarrassment on his companion's face, another clerk stood up and said loudly to the customers: "Everyone be quiet, I just notified the ground security forces, and they will arrive at the scene soon to find out the cause and effect of the incident.

It is a matter of honor and integrity, and it must not be taken lightly.

Therefore, our store is temporarily closed. Please leave temporarily to avoid any misunderstandings. "

Hearing that the store had called the police, the customers stopped talking nonsense and turned to leave one after another.

As for whether the store really called the police and what happened next, those customers would not care at all, so as not to cause trouble for themselves.

The only regret is that I couldn't see the result immediately and couldn't satisfy my curiosity.

After all the customers had left and only Tang Zhen and the shop assistants were left in the store, the scene became quieter.

Tang Zhen just stood there quietly, looking at the clerk standing in front of him with a smile, wanting to see their next move.

"What is your origin, should I tell you now?"

The clerk said with a fake smile, compared to before, there was a trace of contempt and a triumphant smile in his smile.

Hearing this, Tang Zhen shook his head lightly.

"It can't be said that you are not qualified enough."

Hearing Tang Zhen's words, the clerk's face grew colder, and suddenly he took out a pistol and pointed it at Tang Zhen in front of him.

As he took out his pistol, the rest of the clerks also took out their weapons from under their robes and surrounded Tang Zhen.

The atmosphere in the shop became tense, but Tang Zhen, who was in the center, kept his face unchanged. His eyes swept over the other's proud face, and a trace of contempt flashed in his eyes.

"Just because you trash fish are threatening me with guns?"

As soon as the words fell, the clerks felt hot in their hands, as if they had grabbed a red-hot soldering iron in their hands, and threw the weapons on the ground in fright.

But even so, their palms were still severely burned, and the weapons that fell on the ground seemed to be melting, and they had been completely deformed.

Seeing this strange scene, the expressions of the shop assistants changed drastically, and they looked at Tang Zhen as if they had seen a ghost, with uncontrollable fear in their eyes.

This method is really too terrifying, it can destroy the enemy's weapons silently, so what else can be done against him?
In the heart of the clerk at this time, Tang Zhen's danger level has risen rapidly, and if he can be killed, he will definitely not hold back.

Reaching out to their waists again, this time they pulled out a high-frequency vibrating dagger, an armor-piercing army stab with terrifying speed, and swung it straight at Tang Zhen.

Using the store as a cover while carrying a variety of sharp weapons, these guys are not very good at first glance.

(End of this chapter)

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