I have a city in another world

Chapter 1755 Big Bear and Little 6

Chapter 1755 Big Bear and Xiaoliu

After Tang Zhen returned to the sea, he first contacted the five brothers of the world master.

He must return to War Tower City, rush to recall the reincarnation mirror guarding Tongtian Tower, and at the same time prepare for the upcoming battle.

The reason for summoning the mirror of reincarnation is naturally that the soul-devouring beast lives in it, and it is sleeping in the most secret corner, so it will not come out easily.

It's just that what happened this time was related to her, even if the Soul-devouring Beast couldn't figure it out.

He is familiar with the dispositions of the five brothers of the Lord of the World, and knows that they are suitable for destroying behind the enemy's rear, so Tang Zhen does not intend to take them back, but keeps them to continue to harm the Teruobo people.

After searching for each other's mental fluctuations, and when the mental fluctuations of each other collided with each other, Tang Zhen notified the five brothers of the world master of his arrangement.

First of all, listen to their own ideas. If the other party is unwilling, Tang Zhen will not force it.

As a result, after hearing Tang Zhen's arrangement, the five Jiezhu brothers readily agreed without any hesitation.

"Your Majesty Tang Zhen, don't worry, if you don't turn this tourist planet upside down, our five brothers will never leave!"

Hearing the sworn promise of the boss of the world, Tang Zhen couldn't help but mourn for the Teruobo people on the tourist planet. With these five unscrupulous masters, they might suffer a lot.

Because of the appearance of the five brothers, the current tourist planet has become a mess, and the ground guards attacked everywhere. As a result, they were either smacked up, or beaten to the ground, which is simply miserable.

After hearing that many Trobo people lost contact, a large number of tourists began to leave in a hurry, fearing that they would also be included in the missing list.

If this situation continues, it is estimated that before the army of monks in Loucheng arrives, this tourist planet will be in chaos.

The matter of the tourist planet was properly arranged, Tang Zhen took out his identity card, started the ultra-long-distance teleportation, and returned to the War Building City.

The scene in front of him changed, and Tang Zhen had already appeared in the huge square, surrounded by monks from Loucheng.

Although the interior of the war building city is huge, there are not many things for entertainment. In order to pass the time, most of the monks in the building city gather in the square to practice hard.

Compared with the cornerstone platform, the monks in the war tower city have more comprehensive skills and more materials that can be exchanged. Since the monks in the tower city are lucky enough to enter, they will naturally not miss such a godsend opportunity.

After seeing Tang Zhen's appearance, those monks in Loucheng saluted one after another. As the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, there were very few monks in Loucheng who didn't know him.

Tang Zhen was not in a hurry to leave, but chatted with those Loucheng monks he knew or didn't know, without any pretensions of a world lord.

While talking, another large group of figures approached. Tang Zhen glanced at them. It turned out that they were all residents of Sacred Dragon City, and some of them were particularly familiar.

"Big Bear, Little Six, where are you two going?"

Hearing the words, the two figures in the crowd suddenly stopped in place, and then turned to look at Tang Zhen's position.

The body is like a hill, and it is the big bear who has followed Tang Zhen since the establishment of the Holy Dragon City. After he was promoted to a king-level monk, the blood of the ogre king in his body was activated, and his attributes were extremely powerful. There are few rivals in the same level.

The young man named Xiaoliu was actually the special building that Tang Zhen built with the cornerstone of the giant building and a trace of his own blood.

Because the transformation was very thorough at the beginning, before the transformation, anyone would regard him as a normal Loucheng monk.

After the two saw Tang Zhen, a hint of surprise flashed in their eyes, and they hurried forward.

With the deepening of his cultivation, Tang Zhen either lived in seclusion or was away all year round, and had less and less communication with the residents of Loucheng, many of whom he hadn't seen for decades.

Local Tyrant Captain, Bone Cat, Lao Wan...

Decades have passed, and now Da Xiong is no longer the stupid big man who knows he wants candy when he meets him, and Xiao Liu is no longer the taciturn little boy who only knows to follow Da Xiong to make troubles all day long.

Seeing this scene, Tang Zhen couldn't help feeling a little emotional. He had obviously missed a lot of things by traveling around all these years.

"My lord, you are back!"

After saluting Tang Zhen, Big Bear scratched his bald head and asked Tang Zhen with a smile.

Although he is already a king-level monk, in front of Tang Zhen, Da Xiong is still the same as before, very simple and honest.

"I'm back, you two are in a hurry, what are you planning to do?"

Hearing Tang Zhen's question, Xiao Liu replied: "Brother Big Bear and I have pooled up some points, and we are going to take a look at the platform of Zhan Zhan Loucheng to see if there are monk skills suitable for us."

Although the two have their own talents and abilities, they are still monks in Loucheng in essence. In order to maximize their combat power, they naturally need to master the corresponding monk skills.

"This is a good thing, but although the war building city is good, the points required are far more than the cornerstone platform. Do you have enough points?"

Hearing Tang Zhen's inquiry, Daxiong and Xiong looked at each other with frustrated expressions.

It was Xiao Liu who spoke and explained to Tang Zhen: "My lord, although the two of us participated in the battle on the commercial planet, because there were too many monks participating in the battle, the gains were not very great.

Brother Big Bear knew that I wanted to exchange for a monk skill, so he took the initiative to give me his points, allowing me to learn the skill first and use it for the upcoming battle. "

After hearing Xiao Liu's explanation, Tang Zhen nodded, turned around and walked towards the exchange platform.

After walking a few steps, seeing Da Xiong and the two still standing in place, Tang Zhen smiled and waved: "Aren't you going to exchange the platform? What are you two still doing?"

When Da Xiong heard this, they hurriedly followed, their faces full of joy and excitement, like children led by their parents to buy candy.

Walking all the way to the exchange platform of War Tower City, I met more and more Lou City monks. Obviously, like Big Bear and Little Liu, they came here to exchange supplies and monk skills.

After seeing Tang Zhen coming, those monks in Loucheng gave way one after another, and at the same time stared at him intently, wanting to see what he was going to do?
The majestic world lord is the focus of attention wherever he goes.

Tang Zhen didn't care, and called Da Xiong and Xiao Liu to come forward and asked them what monk skills they wanted to exchange.

Big Bear spoke first, and said to Tang Zhen: "I want a monk skill similar to group buff, so that my subordinates can have faster speed and quicker response, and the longer it lasts, the better."

After awakening the blood of the ogre king, the ogre warriors under the command of the big bear are more and more. This time Tang Zhen launched an invasion of the Trobo people, among them was the ogre army led by the big bear.

This legion is full of ogres, the lowest level is the lord level, each of them is heavily armored, like a meat grinder on the battlefield.

Because the ogre is almost immune to physical damage and is equipped with a demon-repelling armor that can weaken energy attacks, even the monks of Loucheng are no match for the ogre army at all.

However, due to their huge size, the speed of movement and reaction speed have always been the disadvantages of ogre fighters. Even if their concussion hammers can easily smash heavy tanks, they must be able to hit the enemy.

After hearing Daxiong's explanation, Tang Zhen showed satisfaction. Obviously, Daxiong now knows how to think and understand how to improve the team's combat effectiveness.

Thinking of this, Tang Zhen looked at Xiaoliu, and he also cared very much about this young man who had a little connection with him.

"Tell me, what kind of monk skills do you want?"

Hearing Tang Zhen asking himself, Xiao Liu thought for a while, and then said in a slightly hesitant tone: "I have analyzed my fighting form, and found that after my body becomes huge, my defense is always a problem.

Especially when facing the weapons of the Trobo people, although the energy shield is effective, it simply cannot last for too long.

Although the injuries on the main body will gradually recover, they will still be affected during the battle, and in severe cases, they can even be forced to withdraw from the battle.

So I want a monk skill that can greatly improve my own defense, at least to ensure that I can persist until the end of the battle instead of leaving the field midway. "

When Xiao Liu said this, his expression was a little sad, but it was immediately replaced by determination.

Tang Zhen understands Xiaoliu's difficulties. After his transformation, his body is too large, and he is destined to become the focus on the battlefield. While possessing powerful destructive power, he will also be focused by the enemy.

Even if his defense is super strong, he might not be able to withstand the overwhelming attacks, and it is inevitable to leave the field halfway.

After hearing the request from the two, Tang Zhen was a little hesitant, because he was very familiar with the exchange skills of War Tower City. Even if the two had enough points, they might not be able to exchange them for suitable monk skills.

After much deliberation, only oneself can solve their problems.

 Thanks: "Lord of the Xiaoyao Pavilion" for the reward of "Life is just like the first time you see it", thank you book friends for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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