Chapter 1759 Trading
Hearing Tang Zhen's inquiry, the Soul-devouring Beast explained without haste.

"The special two-dimensional world of Soul Town uses books as the carrier to construct the content of this special world through words.

Words can create life, and nature can create everything, including what I call special power.

To stimulate and use this special power, the blood of our Soul-devouring beast family is the best medium.

As long as you have enough blood, you can travel unimpeded in the land of souls, and the guardians may not be able to do anything to you. "

"The simplest attack method is to use blood-condensed weapons to attack the enemy.

Or you can use the blood to build a special pattern and imprison the enemy in it. As long as the blood is not eliminated, the enemy will never be able to get rid of the shackles.

This is due to the characteristics of the two-dimensional world. Because there is no concept of height, the enemy will never be able to step out of this circle.

The more advanced attack method is to use the power of text simulation, such as writing special runes such as water, fire, humidity, etc., to obtain similar abilities and launch a large-scale attack. "

"And the top-level method is to change the plot through text books and create any imaginable disaster or item.

If this can be achieved and an attack is launched, the two-dimensional world carried by the entire page will become blank. "

After listening to the introduction of the Soul-devouring Beast, Tang Zhen realized that the blood of the Soul-devouring Beast was so useful.

No wonder the manipulator behind the scenes made a request that Tang Zhen must find the Soul-devouring Beast. It seems that this is the basis of cooperation.

Without the blood of the Soul-devouring Beast, it is impossible to enter the Land of Souls, and after entering, the blood of the Soul-devouring Beast is needed as a talisman.

The other party's calculations are good, but Tang Zhen may not let him get what he wants. The blood of the Soul-devouring Beast is in his hands, and Tang Zhen has the final say on how much to share with him.

In this case, even if the other party has the specific coordinates of the hometown of souls, they may not be able to take the initiative.

"By the way, how do you know this information?
According to what I know about you, you should actually be a four-dimensional creature that can change forms, right? "

Tang Zhen was curious, so he asked casually.

The Soul-Eating Beast shook his head: "Actually, our Soul-Eating Beast clan originally came from the two-dimensional world. We evolved and upgraded in the process of constantly devouring souls, and finally became a kind of existence close to a four-dimensional creature."

When the soul-eating beast said this, there was a hint of loneliness in his tone, and he sighed: "However, it turns out that the higher the dimension, the more dangerous it is, and it is far inferior to the low-dimensional world.

If it wasn't for constantly improving our own level, our soul-devouring beasts would not have encountered the Trobo people, and they were even made into special books that carry soul memories.

If I can choose, I actually prefer the low-dimensional world.

As long as you hide your tracks well so that no one can easily find out, you can even live the same life as the world.

As for resource issues, there is no need to worry, because the two-dimensional world belongs to the world of imagination.

As long as you master the laws of the dimensional world, you can realize the creation of ideas, and you don't need to worry about survival at all. "

Tang Zhen listened to the soul-devouring beast's explanation, but felt a little doubtful in his heart.

Since the Soul-devouring Beast has abilities similar to four-dimensional creatures, why not cross the timeline and find a way to prevent the original racial crisis?
When he raised this question, the Soul-devouring Beast showed a helpless smile, saying that ordinary four-dimensional creatures are not omnipotent, and there is no way to travel freely in the long river of time.

All the Soul-devouring Beast can do is to go back and forth in its own timeline, and it cannot be easily changed.

Because once you do that, it will cause a series of subsequent time collapses, and if you are a little careless, you will even take your own life.

What can really change one's own destiny and affect the trajectories of other low-latitude beings is actually the higher-dimensional ultra-life.

Because they have a true immortal body, they collapsed and died in the last second, and they will be reborn in the next second.

It's just that for such high-latitude creatures, low-dimensional life is similar to bacteria, and they have no interest in it at all.

The journey was long, and Tang Zhen had nothing to do, so he chatted with the soul-devouring beast.

Although the soul-devouring beast's racial inheritance is incomplete, it still knows a lot of strange and strange information, some of which Tang Zhen has not come into contact with, which makes him sigh from time to time and listen carefully.

After an unknown amount of time, the transport ship arrived at its destination.

The meeting place agreed by the mysterious person turned out to be a relic of a space battlefield, and the location was very hidden.

Looking around, you can see countless garbage scattered in the space, including the wreckage of various warships, as well as the corpses of all kinds of strange creatures. I don't know how many years they have stayed here.

In the extremely low temperature environment of space, these objects emit a faint light, forming a special sea of ​​starlight.

Tang Zhen didn't have to wait long before the biological battleship driven by the mysterious man appeared from the ruins and slowly approached his position.

Tang Zhen finally saw the true face of the biological battleship hidden deep in the trench. It turned out that it was a strange species that looked exactly like a lobster, but its appearance was extremely ferocious.

On the surface of the biological battleship, it seems to be covered with a faint energy shield, allowing it to move freely in the universe.

When the biological battleship appeared, Tang Zhen's transport ship received a message from the other party asking him to join the biological battleship.

Tang Zhen didn't hesitate, and the transport ship he was manipulating flew towards the biological warfare ship, and quickly entered it.

Putting the transport ship into the storage ring, Tang Zhen, led by the clone monks, came to the command hall where the aquatic creatures were again.

In the huge drop of water that fell from the sky, the aquatic creature seemed to have been waiting for a long time. After seeing Tang Zhen, his eyes widened, as if full of anticipation.

"Your Majesty Tang Zhen, you are safe and sound. If I guessed correctly, you should have obtained the blood of the Soul-devouring Beast, right?"

Tang Zhen nodded: "Fortunately, I didn't disgrace my life."

After hearing Tang Zhen's answer, the underwater creature danced excitedly.

He kept shuttling through the huge water droplets, like a frightened fish, making strange noises of "jiri gurgling" one after another.

If Tang Zhen's guess is correct, the other party should be expressing his excitement, but his behavior is a bit too weird.

"Hahaha, Your Excellency Tang Zhen is indeed extraordinary. It is my honor to have the opportunity to cooperate with you."

Having said this, the creature in the water reached out to Tang Zhen and said, "Please give me the blood of the soul-eating beast. As long as we wait for a moment, we will know the true coordinates of the hometown of souls.

To be honest, I have been waiting for this day for too long, and now I really can't wait. "

Tang Zhen shook his head, looking at the underwater creature, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Don't worry, since I've brought the blood of the Soul-devouring Beast, shouldn't you also let me read those books to make sure you didn't lie to me?"

Shuisheng stared at Tang Zhen with his light bulb-like eyes, and then showed a pensive expression.

Tang Zhen was wary of aquatic creatures, so why didn't the other party be wary of Tang Zhen.

According to the information he collected, it can be determined that Tang Zhen is definitely not an ordinary Loucheng monk. If those books fell into his hands, he might be able to complete the deciphering in an instant.

"How about this? I can give you three of the six books first, and you give me half of the Soul-devouring Beast's blood first. After we confirm that there is no problem, we can complete the next transaction."

Hearing the suggestion from the aquatic creature, Tang Zhen nodded, not worried that the other party would deceive him.

If the other party dares to do this, he promises that it only takes one second to turn this biological battleship into a new piece of space junk.

"Then the deal begins, here are the books you need."

The aquatic creature waved its hand, and three tentacles hung down, each of which was wrapped with a simple book.

"This is the soul-devouring beast blood you want. It's not easy to come by. Remember not to waste it."

When Tang Zhen said this, he threw a transparent bottle at the aquatic creature, which contained ten drops of the soul-devouring beast's blood.

The underwater creature stretched out its arm from the mucus bubble, grabbed the bottle suspended in mid-air, and carefully examined it.

After observing it for about 1 minute, the underwater creature let out a wild laugh, and unexpectedly, it hugged its head and began to cry while laughing.

Tang Zhen ignored it when he saw it, but quickly browsed the contents of the book to make sure that the aquatic creature did not deceive him.

There are indeed secrets hidden in the books, but because the six books are a whole, if you read these three books alone, you will not be able to gain insight into the real secret.

Tang Zhen asked the monster in the water for the remaining few books, but the other party shook his head, apparently not intending to continue the transaction.

"You and I both have reservations. This is precisely the best result. Otherwise, this cooperation may be broken up immediately."

Tang Zhen smiled when he saw this, and put away those books, waiting quietly for it to find the real coordinates of the hometown of souls.

For some reason, he always had a feeling in his heart that there was something wrong with the attitude of this aquatic creature, as if it was trying to play tricks.

 Thanks to: "Master Xiaoyao Pavilion" for the reward, and to book friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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