I have a city in another world

Chapter 1771 The Guards of the Death War

Chapter 1771 The Guards of the Death War

The prisoner had a look of anger on his face when he said this.

"War will bring benefits to the Trobo people, but it will also bring disasters. Your Excellency's appearance here is the best example.

Instead of letting this group of butchers kill everywhere, it is better to destroy them directly, so as to avoid the destruction of other planes.

What's more, they are not pure Teruo people, but have undergone special genetic modification, and it is no exaggeration to say that they are monsters.

Even if the Imperial Senate makes all kinds of sophistry and calls them the New Trobo people, it is destined to be unable to conceal the iron facts.

They are a brand-new killing race, a group of war machines that have nothing to do with the real Trobo. "

Having said this, the prisoner bowed to Tang Zhen.

"The purpose of my saying this is to hope that Your Excellency can stop the Starship Project so as not to bring more disasters to other races.

At the same time, I also hope that your Excellency will be merciful. The history of Turobo's civilization has been developed for tens of thousands of years. If it is destroyed here, it will definitely be a loss for all intelligent creatures. "

When the prisoner spoke, Tang Zhen listened silently. After he finished speaking, Tang Zhen shook his head.

"There is some truth in what you said, but some things cannot be stopped at all. Once the war starts, the result is full of unknowns.

As for stopping the Xingzhou project, I'm afraid it's too late.

If I'm not mistaken, the Starship Project should have started when I came here.

The hometown of souls was destroyed, and the allied forces of monks advanced step by step. The Imperial Senate absolutely did not dare to hesitate any longer.

If my guess is wrong and the Starship Project has not started, it can only be said that the Imperial Senate is full of idiots. "

After Tang Zhen said this, he turned and left.

Through the memory obtained by the Soul-devouring Beast, Tang Zhen is very clear about the specific content of the Starship Project, knowing that it is obviously too late to stop it at this time.

In fact, it is very normal for this kind of thing to happen. Be prepared for danger in times of peace and leave enough backers to have the capital to turn around after encountering an accident.

After winning the war of invasion, Tang Zhen will find a way to deal with these fish that slipped through the net. Even if the Starship Fortress is far away, there will be a day when traces of it will be exposed.

As for whether the Trobo people will be exterminated, it depends on their luck. If there are two or three kittens left, Tang Zhen doesn't need to mobilize his troops to hunt them down.

The Loucheng world has made countless enemies, and powerful civilizations can be found everywhere. If they were killed for fear of revenge, the Loucheng world would never develop to the point where it is today.

In the following time, Tang Zhen and the Soul-devouring Beast penetrated all the page areas of the Soul Village, and finally found the crystal nucleus of the same family as the Soul-devouring Beast.

These crystal nuclei contain the secret art inheritance of the Soul-devouring Beast family, Tang Zhen will not be contaminated, and hand them all over to the Soul-devouring Beast.

Obtaining these crystal nuclei is tantamount to gaining the control of the Soul Village, which can be taken away at any time.

After the soul-devouring beast told Tang Zhen how to leave and how to collect the books, he stayed in the land of souls and fell into a deep sleep.

She has absorbed too much blood of her own race and obtained a large amount of secret art inheritance. It will take at least a thousand years to digest it completely.

Time is completely negligible to the Soul-devouring Beast. Those giant dragons that have been sleeping for decades will be willing to bow down in front of the Soul-devouring Beast.

Counting the time, the controller behind the scenes and those prisoners should have left the village of souls.

Singing the spell taught to him by the Soul-devouring Beast, Tang Zhen's figure gradually faded away, and he left the land of souls in an instant.

After leaving this special two-dimensional world, his body fell into the water like a dry sponge, and began to change shape rapidly to adapt to the rules of the three-dimensional world.

As soon as his body returned to normal, Tang Zhen felt a crisis coming, and he teleported and dodged without hesitation.

Countless beams of light shot at the place where he stayed just now, surrounded by dense weapons, launching continuous attacks on him at a terrifying speed.

"A group of jumping clowns dare to be arrogant when they are about to die!"

Tang Zhen snorted coldly, picked up the heavy books floating beside him, and then centered on him, countless white flames burst out.

After coming into contact with these terrifying flames, the weapons that attacked Tang Zhen suddenly misfired, and turned into balls of molten metal in the blink of an eye, and metal vapor filled the entire space.

What followed were successive explosions, mixed with the screams of the Trobo people.

With just this wave of attacks, it is unknown how many members of the guard force were reduced to ashes, and you have no chance of escaping.

Tang Zhen looked around and found that he was inside a metal fortress, and the thick books that constitute the hometown of souls had been suspended on a metal platform before.

After solving the enemy who ambushed him, Tang Zhen's figure soared into the sky, and the metal barrier could not stop his progress at all, and he was pierced in the blink of an eye.

After rushing to the outside world, Tang Zhen realized that he was in the middle of the mountains. There were all kinds of armed chariots everywhere on the ground, and densely packed aircraft above his head.

At the same time as he appeared, dense attacks came again, and the target was naturally Tang Zhen who was suspended in midair.

"If you want to do this again, well, I'll play with you for a while."

Tang Zhen sneered, and a thick shield composed of countless runes appeared out of thin air, blocking those terrorist attacks with no dead ends.

It's as if raindrops hit the tiles, splashing water one after another, but the tiles have never been damaged at all.

Tang Zhen, who was in the center of the attacking position, looked like a dazzling sun at the moment. It was a strange sight caused by the collapse of the energy attack.

"Too weak, too weak, with this ability, dare to compete with my Loucheng army?"

There was sarcasm in Tang Zhen's tone, and he punched forward, and the mountain peak not far away exploded and was razed to the ground in an instant.

The guard troops and all kinds of chariots around the peak were buried by the rolling rocks, without any trace of life.

Witnessing this devastating scene, the members of the guards who participated in the siege were frightened, but even so, no one flinched.

Everyone knows that if they retreat at this time, it means giving up their last hope.

At the beginning of the establishment of the guardian force, it was to ensure that the hometown of souls would not be damaged in the slightest. When each member joined, he made an oath that he would use his life to guard this place.

Tang Zhen's sudden invasion slapped the members of the guardian force hard. As batches of soul data were erased, the members of the guardian force were even more ashamed and indignant.

This is the most ruthless mocking torture. The thing they swore to protect with their lives is now being wantonly destroyed by the invaders, and they are helpless.

Only the members of the guards know how they spent this period of time, gnashing their teeth almost every moment, suffocating all their strength, wanting to avenge their shame.

Before Tang Zhen came out, the guards issued a military order, and they were bound to fight to the death and capture and kill the invaders!

Seeing that Tang Zhen had killed nearly ten thousand members of the guards with one move, they became even more frantic, pouring ammunition desperately towards Tang Zhen's position.

The attacks became more and more violent, but what made people feel chills was that the intruder in the center was unscathed.

It seems that these attacks that can easily destroy a city are as gentle as a gentle breeze.

Then the intruder waved his hand again, and the attack from the other direction stopped suddenly.

Both people, horses and vehicles turned into crystal ice sculptures in an instant, and shattered in the shock wave, like bright gems.

This cruel and bloody beauty made the members of the guard even more desperate.

The strength of the invaders has far exceeded their imagination, and maybe they will die in the next second.

Sure enough, at the next moment, their premonition came true.

Countless wind blades shining with silver light appeared out of thin air and swept towards the remaining two directions overwhelmingly. They seemed to be the sharpest knives in the world, cutting flesh and metal to pieces.

"Request the close-in attack weapon to lock, turn on the super gravity field, use as much firepower as possible, and launch an attack on our position immediately!"

The commander of the guard force laughed miserably, and waved to the mecha troops around him, and then nearly a thousand Trobo ace pilots flew off the ground at the same time, launching a suicide attack on the invaders.

They had no way out, even if they couldn't kill the invaders successfully, they still had to risk their lives to inflict heavy damage on the opponent.

One after another silhouettes rushed towards the center of the battlefield like sharp swords, and then bloomed and fell like fireworks.

Just when the mecha troops were completely killed or injured, an overwhelming attack struck, completely covering all the land within a radius of [-] kilometers.

 Thanks to: "Master Xiaoyao Pavilion" for the reward, and to book friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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