I have a city in another world

Chapter 1793 The Method of Opening the Crystal Wall

Chapter 1793 The Method of Opening the Crystal Wall

In the underground secret room, Tang Zhen built a rune circle to prevent others from prying into his secret.

The closed continental water creation ball brought out from the ruins is currently placed on the table, and runes are constantly flashing on the energy crystal wall.

Through the creation knowledge learned these days, Tang Zhen can basically confirm that the closed continent is definitely the top creation ball.

Once this level of creation ball is taken out, it will definitely cause a sensation, and then cause countless people to covet and snatch it.

It can be said that the closed continent is already comparable to a small plane. Perhaps it is for this reason that Tang Zhen accidentally strayed into it when he opened up a space channel.

It's just that it's easy to get in, but very difficult to get out.

When he first opened up the space channel, he was able to stabilize the space channel with the help of thousands of Loucheng monks, allowing dozens of heavy warships to enter it.

And when I came out, I also spent a lot of energy, and this approach has considerable disadvantages, and the closed continent will be destroyed if I am not careful.

The Creation Ball is not a real world. Under its seemingly powerful appearance, it actually has a rather fragile side.

If Tang Zhen mastered the ultimate code of the Creation Ball, he could destroy it in an instant. It can be said that the life and death of all things inside the Creation Ball are completely within the creator's thought.

Too frequent internal damage will also make the internal structure of the creation ball unstable, and there is a danger of the crystal wall cracking after a long time.

When the crystal wall of the Creation Ball collapses, the contents inside will directly appear in this world, and appear in the original normal volume.

Dramatic changes will not only lead to the death of creatures inside the Creation Ball, but also cause great damage to the outside world.

According to the records in the classics, a high-level creation ball suddenly exploded that year, and a city was submerged in a torrential flood in an instant.

Countless piranhas wreaked havoc in the floods, devouring all kinds of creatures, causing huge losses.

To this day, that area is still a land of water, and there are swarms of piranhas, which cannot be exterminated.

In addition, because of the accident of the creation ball, the entire city was buried by the land that appeared out of thin air, as if a piece of a map was cut out, and then a new picture was pasted on it.

It is precisely because of these various reasons that Tang Zhen dare not crack the creation ball easily, lest it cause harm to the monks in Loucheng inside.

At this moment, Tang Zhen had only two options, either to obtain the ultimate control code of the Creation Ball, or to forcibly crack it.

Although time has passed and the creator of the closed continent has long disappeared, Tang Zhen can still exchange for the ultimate code through the balance of fate.

However, according to the consistent style of the balance of fate, I am afraid that it will cost another astronomical sum.

In order to invade the Tropo Galaxy, Tang Zhen had invested [-]% of his Destiny gold coins in the war, so even if the price was offered by the Destiny Balance, he might not be able to afford it.

After trying it out, it was exactly as he expected.

Even if he took out all the remaining destiny gold coins, he still couldn't lift the sinking end of the balance, and there was no sign of even moving it.

Seeing this, Tang Zhen could only choose to give up the shortcut and began to study the feasibility of forcibly cracking it.

But if it is forcibly cracked, it will put the Loucheng monks in the closed continent in danger. This is a hundred thousand king-level monks. If there is an accident, Tang Zhen will feel distressed to death.

Therefore, unless it was absolutely necessary, Tang Zhen would never use this method.

He would rather waste more time and think of other ways than to take the life of monk Loucheng as a joke.

In fact, apart from these two methods, Tang Zhen has another method, which is to find a way to find out the specific origin of the closed continent, and then find the real cracking code.

It's just that after many years, the land where the secret room is located is already in ruins. Tang Zhen's attempt to find and crack the code through clues is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Maybe the world's top builder can open the closed continent, but no matter the value of the sphere itself, or the monks in Loucheng inside, it is absolutely forbidden for the other party to know.

After researching for half a day, Tang Zhen couldn't find a satisfactory solution, so Tang Zhen could only give up temporarily.

After adjusting the state, Tang Zhen took out a low-level creation ball from the storage equipment, and began to crack it with the most brutal means, hoping to find a way to open the closed continent.


Before I knew it, more than a month had passed.

Tang Zhen was walking on the streets of the city. He was going to collect some materials to make final preparations for cracking the crystal wall that sealed the continent.

After this period of study, he has mastered all the basic courses of creation, and is now learning more advanced knowledge.

Regarding his learning progress, those creators who had contact with him were all amazed, thinking that it would not be long before he would be qualified to be a one-star creator.

This kind of learning speed is extremely rare in the entire academy, that is, Tang Zhen deliberately kept a low profile, otherwise he would have become famous.

It only took him more than a month to complete what other apprentices needed ten or even decades to complete. It would not be an exaggeration to say that he was a monster.

Tang Zhen himself didn't think it was a big deal. After all, his real strength lay there, and his current achievements were justified.

What's more, his goal is not only a one-star creator, but a top nine-star creator, there are still many things to learn.

It's just that this didn't delay him from carrying out his own plan. After thinking for a while, Tang Zhen had already formulated a solution to the problem.

It is absolutely impossible to contact the Loucheng world directly and let the monks of Loucheng break in forcibly. That will attract the attention of the powerful in this world, and it will be self-defeating if not done well.

When that time really came, Tang Zhen could only choose to fight head-to-head, and there was no guarantee of final victory.

Tang Zhen's plan is to use the closed continent as a transit point, allowing Loucheng monks to enter the closed continent, and then enter the world through the closed continent.

Although this process is a bit complicated, it will not attract the attention of the local powerhouses, and it can be done without anyone noticing.

The prerequisite for realizing this plan is to be able to freely enter and exit the closed continent, otherwise everything is just fantasy.

Tang Zhen came up with the idea of ​​cultivating a special creature that could lead people in and out of the Creation Ball freely.

Ordinary creatures can't do this at all, so Tang Zhen plans to breed a super-dimensional creature, similar to a soul-devouring beast, which can switch between three-dimensional and four-dimensional.

Although the idea is good, it is not easy to realize it. Fortunately, the most important material in his hand is the blood of the soul-devouring beast.

As long as the blood of the soul-devouring beast is improved, some special materials are added, and then combined with the creator's secret technique, a creation ball can be made to breed this creature.

Before purchasing the materials, he had deduced this set of manufacturing formulas countless times in his mind, and Tang Zhen didn't start to act until he was [-]% sure.

During this day, he went around the material stores in the city, searching for what he needed.

Then he went to the college's trading platform to post a purchase request, expressing that he would buy the materials he wanted at all costs.

At this time, there are only three materials short of the materials needed for the experiment, and they are all very rare items, which cannot be bought in ordinary shops.

High-level builders may have access to these materials, but for low-level builders, these three materials have not even been heard of.

Tang Zhen has already made up his mind. If he still can't get what he wants, he can only buy it through the balance of fate.

Although the number of Destiny Gold Coins is getting less and less, as long as he can complete his plan, Tang Zhen will never hesitate.

While Tang Zhen was waiting patiently, he suddenly received a notice that the materials he wanted were already available, but the owner wanted to negotiate the price with him face to face.

Tang Zhen was overjoyed when he heard the words, and quickly put down the work in hand, and went straight to the trading place agreed by the other party.

As a result, when he went to the place, he found that the trader was none other than the girl in black who had helped him identify the Creation Ball.

It's just that her current attire is completely different from that at the beginning. Her whole body is wrapped in a white dress similar to a tight jumpsuit, which undoubtedly reveals her slender legs and graceful figure.

The upper body is covered with a garment similar to a white feather coat, and a pair of huge wings behind it are folded up, trembling from time to time.

With the golden crown on the head and the pretty face full of heroism, it is really like an angel descending.

 Thanks to: "Xiaoyao Pavilion Pavilion Master" "161230210706931" for the reward, and thanks to book friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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