I have a city in another world

Chapter 1796 Low-key will attract people's hate?

Chapter 1796 Low-key will attract people's hate?
Hearing the young man's shout, Leia glanced out of the corner of her eye, her expression unchanged.

Anyone who is entangled with others all day will subconsciously feel disgusted, and it is extremely annoying.

Especially this person in front of him, who has a very bad reputation, but always stalks him.

It's just because of the relationship between the elders, Leia is not too rude, but keeps a normal distance, hoping that the other party will retreat in spite of difficulties.

However, there are always some people who will not give up until they reach their goals, because they know how great the benefits will be after their goals are achieved.

Ignoring the other party's question, Leiya walked up to Tang Zhen and nodded slightly to say hello.

When the young man saw this, a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes, but it was fleeting.

"We decided to act after sunrise tomorrow. If you want to go, you need to pay [-] gold coins, and then gather at the gate of the academy tomorrow morning."

After hearing Leiya's words, Tang Zhen took out a gold card and handed it to her.

"Here is the gold coin you asked for. I will arrive on time tomorrow morning."

After finishing speaking, Tang Zhen was about to turn around and leave.

"Wait a minute!"

After hearing Leiya's words, Tang Zhen turned around slowly, and asked the other party what else was going on with his eyes.

"In order to ensure your own safety, you'd better purchase all the materials and equipment you need according to the list I gave you.

This is for your consideration, but also for the team. If there is an accident, these materials will come in handy. "

While Leya was speaking, she handed Tang Zhen a piece of paper, which was written in delicate handwriting.

Tang Zhen glanced at it and expressed his thanks with a smile.

"Hey, are you going to explore the ruins? Take me with you. I have rich experience and I can guarantee Miss Leia's safety."

The young man on the side jumped out, his face full of urgency.

Leya frowned slightly. After thinking about it, she looked at the young man and said in a light tone: "You can participate if you want. This can enhance the strength of the team, but are you sure you can endure the hardship?"

Hearing Leya's questioning words, the young man's expression changed, and then he raised his fist and said loudly: "Leya, you don't understand me. In fact, I am very strong and brave.

When you encounter danger, you only need to hide behind my back, and I will protect you when the time comes! "

When the young man said this, his face was full of determination, and there was a trace of expectation in his eyes, trying to get Leia's appreciation.

As a result, the other party just nodded slightly, and then stretched out his hand.

The young man was overjoyed when he saw this, and hurried over, ready to hold Leiya's hand.

"I asked you to pay the gold coins. If you don't have any, you can give them to me tomorrow morning."

The young man froze, retracted his palm in embarrassment, and quickly took out three gold cards from his pocket.

"This is 30 gold coins. I want to go to three people. They are all my guards. They can definitely guarantee that you will not be harmed, Leia!"

Exploring the ruins is dangerous. In order to ensure their own safety, the youth will bring his own guards no matter what.

It's just that this matter must never be admitted, so she used taking care of Leiya as an excuse to prevent others from thinking she was incompetent.

It's a pity that in the eyes of Tang Zhen and Leiya, the other party's behavior is extremely ridiculous, and one can see through his inner thoughts with just one glance.

Tang Zhen didn't bother to pay attention to this kind of person and this kind of thing.

Seeing that he had nothing to do with him here, he turned and left, but he didn't notice that Leiya's eyes remained on him.

Tang Zhen's learning speed is fast and his talent is extremely high. Although not many people know about this matter, Leya is not included.

Her grandfather was the dean of the academy, and he acted eccentrically, but no one dared to question the science of creation.

Although her family background is extraordinary, but Leya herself is equally gifted, studies hard, and the young people who are uneducated and incompetent are obviously two types of people.

When Leya accidentally learned that Tang Zhen had completed the basic knowledge of the creator and was able to obtain the qualification of a creator in just over a month, she was shocked.

Even if she is extremely talented and has three real creators in her family to guide her, it took five full years to obtain the qualification of a creator.

Even so, it caused a sensation in the academy and was called a genius.

But compared with Tang Zhen's speed, her reputation as a genius does not seem to be true.

My grandfather mentioned Tang Zhen more than once, lamenting that if he succeeds in being promoted to the Creator and can maintain this speed, perhaps a legend will be born in their academy!
It's just that the science of creation is extensive and profound, talent can only determine the starting point, and whether one can reach the top of the creator in the end is something that no one can be sure of.

So even if Tang Zhen showed such a monstrous side, the academy didn't do much, and just kept observing secretly.

If he can maintain this speed after becoming a creator, then no matter how much resources the academy spends, it will support Tang Zhen.

After Leya knew about this, while she was secretly shocked and curious, she also became determined not to admit defeat.

Geniuses always like to compete with each other.

The last time she heard about Tang Zhen's purchase of materials, Leiya contacted Tang Zhen immediately, just to take this opportunity to take a closer look at what is different about Tang Zhen.

After some observation, Leiya didn't get much useful information, but felt that the other party was very mysterious.

So she decided to take the opportunity of exploring the ruins to observe Tang Zhen carefully, wanting to see what secrets are hidden in this man?
When Leiya stared at Tang Zhen intently, the young man next to him also noticed this scene. He was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Tang Zhen.

Different from Leiya's slightly curious and bewildered eyes, the young man's eyes flickered, and there was a hint of fierceness in them.

It was the first time he saw Leia looking at people like this, and a sense of crisis immediately rose in his heart.

As if thinking of something, a sneer appeared on the corner of the young man's mouth, but it was fleeting.

When I turned my head to look at Leiya again, I realized that she had already walked into the building, leaving only a graceful back.

"Leiya, you are mine, no one can take you away, anyone who dares to stop my plan, I will kill him!"

Thinking of the benefits he would get if the plan was successful, the young man smiled complacently.

Gaining both fame and fortune, embracing beauty, in order to get all of this, so what if you kill a few unsightly guys?

After Tang Zhen left the academy, he started purchasing supplies according to the list provided by Leiya.

Although with his strength, mountains of swords and seas of fire are like walking on the ground, but the craftsman's means should not be underestimated.

When he rushed out of the crystal wall that sealed the continent, he had to think about it for three days, which shows how difficult the creator's method is.

Although Tang Zhen has absolute confidence in his own strength, sometimes strength does not mean everything.

It's like having the brute force to break a monument, but not being able to operate a space vehicle freely, there is no connection between the two.

So the preparations that should be made still have to be done.

Because of the existence of the academy, the supplies in this city can be said to be quite rich, and the things listed on Leiya's list can basically be bought.

Even if there are some things that can be bought or not, Tang Zhen also collects them in his pocket. This long-lost shopping feeling also makes him quite touched.

From the day he became a monk in Loucheng, most of the things in his hands were obtained through war, and it seemed that he hadn't gone shopping for a long time.

I remember the last time I went shopping, it was in the original world decades ago, when I was still struggling to make a living.

Decades have passed in a blink of an eye, and many things in memory no longer exist now.

After being away from his homeland for many years, he has gradually forgotten the scenery of his hometown, and has long been used to wandering and fighting in various planes.

It's rare to calm down now, Tang Zhen couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional.

Although he has broken away from the level of ordinary life, his emotions belonging to normal people have never been erased.

"I haven't been home for decades, and I don't know what my hometown has become?
If there is a chance, I still have to go to the original world to take a look. Although the Great Thousand World is wonderful and gorgeous, the original world is my root! "

Tang Zhen sighed secretly, and was about to turn around and go back to his residence, but not long after he walked out, he found that he had been followed.

A trace of coldness flashed in his eyes, Tang Zhen remained calm and continued to walk forward.

(End of this chapter)

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