I have a city in another world

Chapter 1804 Undersea Continent

Chapter 1804 Undersea Continent
White didn't know what happened to his guard, otherwise, with his greedy nature and fear of death, he would definitely run as far as possible immediately.

Even if he wanted to plot against Tang Zhen, he would not show his face in public, but would hide behind the scenes and play tricks.

It's a pity that he doesn't know the truth, so he can only run farther and farther on the road to death, even his own father can't save him.

At this time, the house has returned to calm, because of White's explanation just now, everyone is entitled to treat it as a farce.

After all, it has nothing to do with him, and White has an extraordinary background, so no one wants to cause trouble.

In fact, anyone with a discerning eye can see that White is deliberately looking for Tang Zhen's troubles, and that young man named Tang Zhen is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

"Tang Zhen, come here, I have something to tell you."

Leya greeted Tang Zhen and invited him to come to a table in the corner and sit facing each other.

Seeing this, everyone cast curious eyes, and White was even more angry, but because of what happened just now, he couldn't speak at all.

Tang Zhen didn't refuse, and walked to the table under White's cannibalistic eyes.

"As for the questions you raised, I have already asked my grandfather, and while he answered them, he also greatly appreciated your ideas.

He asked me to tell you that if you have similar questions in the future, you can ask him directly instead of asking through me. "

This should be the kindness released by Grandpa Leiya. After he discovered that Tang Zhen has the talent of a creator and his ideas are very innovative, he planned to use this method to observe closely.

Tang Zhen did not refuse. In terms of cultivation, he might be able to crush [-]% of monks on this plane, but in terms of creation, he is indeed a pure newcomer.

Being able to have a college dean to guide him will be of great help to his studies, and he also knows that this is an opportunity that many creators can't wait for.

In the circle of creators, money is not everything.

If it wasn't for Tang Zhenyou's business card given by the dean, even if he spent more gold coins, he might not be able to get those creators and let them answer their questions.

The people next to them seemed to be busy with their own business, but they were actually listening to the conversation between Leiya and Tang Zhen, with uncontrollable envy on their faces.

At the same time, they also wondered in their hearts, who is this Tang Zhen? Not only does Leiya protect her in every possible way, but she can even ask the dean for advice at any time.

Perhaps only direct disciples and immediate family members can receive this enviable treatment.

Tang Zhen ignored the envious and jealous eyes around him. For a cultivator of his level, almost everything is regarded as an ant. How could such a small person care about right and wrong.

"After this expedition to the ruins is over, I will pay a personal visit to thank your grandfather for helping me."

As the dean of the Creator Academy, he has considerable influence in this world. Now that it is possible to have in-depth contact with the other party, Tang Zhen will naturally not miss such an opportunity.

You can even find a breakthrough from the opponent, and then cooperate with your own plan to complete the layout of the entire world.

Leia nodded, which was exactly what his grandfather wanted.

"In addition, my grandfather praised your tea leaves very much, and at the same time asked if you have any spare stocks. He is going to do an experiment to see if this kind of tea leaves can be cultivated."

Tang Zhen nodded, but he was not very optimistic about Grandpa Leiya's plan.

The things he took out were all treasures of heaven and earth, so how could it be said that they were cultivated by cultivation?

After the two chatted for a while, Leiya took out an item and handed it to Tang Zhen.

"This is the answer to your questions, as soon as you speak to it, the answer will be displayed on it.

If an outsider gets the item without knowing the corresponding question, they will never be able to see the contents inside. "

Tang Zhen took the book-like item, and read it carefully after getting the answer according to Leya's instructions.

After looking at it for a while, Tang Zhen's face beamed with joy. The dean of the college did not disappoint him.

To Tang Zhen's question, the other party gave a concise and precise answer, and at the same time pointed out some mistakes in Tang Zhen's experiment.

Even the other party had vaguely guessed the content of his experiment based on his questions alone, and at the same time gave guiding suggestions.

The content of these suggestions has gone beyond the scope of his questions, almost no different from personal guidance, and it also made Tang Zhen's understanding of creation more profound.

Seeing Tang Zhen's earnest study, Leiya smiled, and also took out a book to read.

After seeing this scene, the people next to them couldn't help thinking about it.

White's eyes rolled around, and he secretly took out the communication tool. He didn't know what he did, with a sinister smile on his face.


In the blink of an eye, three days passed. Tang Zhen and others traveled an unknown distance, and finally came to a huge island in the middle of the ocean.

According to Leiya's introduction, this giant island didn't actually exist, and there was a vast ocean nearby.

A group of collectors accidentally discovered a huge shipwreck on the bottom of the sea. During the excavation and exploration, they accidentally broke a creation ball.

How long has this creation been in existence, and who is the maker? Now it is impossible to judge.

But one thing is certain, a complete world has been formed inside this creation ball, so that immediately after it appeared, a super giant island was formed in the ocean.

The area exposed to the sea is less than one percent of the land, which shows how terrifying the land is.

Most of the creatures inside the creation ball were submerged by sea water, but there are still many creatures that survived and lived on this super giant island.

After the island appeared.Attracted countless monks to come to explore.It turns out they discovered another big secret.

It turns out that the structure of this land is extremely peculiar.There are countless wide passages that shuttle vertically and horizontally inside it.It should be formed by a special kind of biological erosion and devouring.

Over time, these passages have formed their own world, and there are countless strange creatures and plants living there.

Even if it sinks into the bottom of the sea, most of the passages are still preserved, and the purpose of Leya's trip is a secret passage under the sea.

Because of the huge area of ​​the seabed continent, these passages are rugged and winding, and it is impossible to find the exact location without a special person leading them.

When the big bird flew over the super giant island, it began to fly a certain distance towards the inside, and finally landed in a place similar to a town.

It is not accurate to say that it is a town, because the houses here are too scattered, sparsely built in a valley, not like a city with dense houses.

However, the total number of houses here is not much less than that in towns, and groups of collectors can be seen from time to time on the mountain roads.

In addition to these collectors, there are also some buildings in the valley. Those are the creator's private houses, and the door is guarded by monks or special creatures to prevent strangers from approaching.

On the square in the valley, there were many tourists like Tang Zhen who came from afar, and their means of transportation were also strange.

Except for a few native creatures, the rest are basically the works of creators, who have used their imagination to the extreme.

After landing, Tang Zhen and others were not in a hurry to go to their destination. They had to rest temporarily and replenish the items necessary for the expedition.

Entering the seabed continent is not a child's play. If you are not careful, you will be buried in the seabed, and even your bones will not be found.

Led by Leya, the crowd came to a hotel on the hillside, which was where they stayed the last time.

After stepping through the gate, Tang Zhen realized that there was something strange inside the hotel.

The shopkeeper took advantage of the winding passages of the mainland to open up a hall with an area of ​​nearly [-] square meters, with a flat and clean floor.

Around the hall is like a winding mountain road, there are guest rooms with a rough and alternative style.

In the hall at this time, there was a group of guests surrounding the circular guardrail. There were utensils similar to hot pots on the table, and there was a delicious smell wafting from time to time.

On the guardrail, there are objects that resemble fishing rods, thrown into the bottomless hole in the middle of the guardrail.

Seeing Tang Zhen's continuous sizing up, Leya explained: "This is one of the local characteristics. Fish and shrimp living in deep pits are caught on the spot, and then cooked directly in the pot, the taste is extremely delicious.

If you are lucky, if you catch those top-quality fish and shrimp, someone will buy them directly, which can be regarded as an extra income. "

(End of this chapter)

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