I have a city in another world

Chapter 1812 Discuss a statement

Chapter 1812 Ask for an explanation

The cave became quiet again, because the survivors could not break through the exit of the cave at all, so they could only wait for rescue in peace.

If an ordinary person encounters this situation, it is estimated that they will not last long at all, but it is nothing to a monk.

Even in this desperate situation before them, they can persist for a year or so, but if the time is too long, even monks will undoubtedly die.

There are some ordinary people among the survivors. Naturally, they cannot compare with the monks, but under the care of the monks, it is not a problem to persist for a longer period of time.

If this kind of thing were placed on the monks of Loucheng, perhaps they had already found a way to escape. The all-encompassing skills of the monks of Loucheng were enough for them to deal with various special situations.

But in the world of creators, monks pay more attention to strength than skills, and their fighting methods are also simple and pitiful.

Otherwise, just a simple fossil into mud magic can open up a new passage, so that everyone can see the light of day again.

"Let that Tang Zhen come out, we need to discuss with him!"

While discussing an issue with Leiya, there was a sudden shout from outside, which made Tang Zhen frowned slightly.

"What's going on, it seems to be those people who stole the colorful sea dragon?"

Leya showed a questioning look on her face, and when she turned her head to look at Tang Zhen, she saw that he had got up and walked out.

"These guys are looking for me suddenly, there must be some reason, let's go out and have a look."

While Tang Zhen was speaking, he had already walked outside the door.

But at this moment, he seemed to sense an unusual aura, which suddenly appeared and then disappeared instantly.

"It seems to be the breath of a king-level creature, but this breath is very strange. Could it be that sea monster?"

Tang Zhen thought for a while and denied this guess.

He didn't believe that after being scared away by him, the sea monster still had the guts to return to the deep pit. It would be a dead end.

Perhaps something came here quietly again, but these survivors were too weak to sense the existence of that thing at all.

Although he couldn't figure out what it was, Tang Zhen didn't care. As long as it didn't provoke him, he wouldn't bother to talk to him.

Creatures above the king level have not weak intelligence. It is estimated that after sensing its own existence, it should not dare to act rashly.

A group of people had already gathered in the open space outside the door.

The four accomplices of the dark and thin man stood together, reeking of alcohol, looking at Tang Zhen with angry and terrified eyes.

After seeing Tang Zhen appearing, they immediately shouted: "Tang Zhen, we didn't take the colorful sea dragon, and the culprit is already dead. Why don't you let us go?"

Tang Zhen glanced at the other party, frowned slightly and said: "How do you say that, could it be that some of your companions have encountered an accident?"

After being killed by Tang Zhen, there were still five people left on the other side, but at this moment, only four came, and it was obvious that there was a problem with the one that didn't come.

"At this time, you are still pretending to be confused!"

Although they were afraid of Tang Zhen's methods, when their lives were in danger, no matter how frightened they were, they would desperately fight for the chance to survive.

Because otherwise, they might literally die.

A man looked aggrieved and shouted in an indignant tone: "The person who took your things from you is dead, so why are you still forcing yourself on us?"
Don't think that because you are strong, you can bully us at will, it's a big deal! "

These four men looked very pitiful as they were being bullied, trying to gain the sympathy of everyone around them.

Seeing the four men's desolate tone and miserable appearance, everyone around them also showed their faces.

At the same time, he was secretly guessing whether Tang Zhen had really done something, otherwise why would these big men do this?

"Stop talking nonsense, what's going on, tell me directly!
If you babble any more, I'll just pull out your tongues! "

Tang Zhen said coldly, ignoring the other party's posturing.

The country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change. It is absolutely impossible for these guys to give up easily.

It is estimated that in private, they are still discussing how to deal with themselves and seek their own wealth.

Keeping them alive is because Tang Zhen doesn't want to leave a cruel impression on Leiya, which will be very detrimental to the next plan.

After hearing Tang Zhen's reprimand, the four men trembled, and said in a trembling tone: "One of our companions suddenly disappeared, and we were drinking together before, but when we woke up, we searched the whole place. The cave didn't see him either.

There is no exit here, and he can't get out at all. Apart from being killed and hidden, there is really no reason for him to disappear. "

When the man said this, he looked at Tang Zhen with obvious doubts on his face. After all, Tang Zhen was the only one who had a grudge against them.

"The legs grow on your own body, and your own person disappeared, and you come to me to settle accounts, what kind of reason is this?

Could it be that you think I'm easy to bully, or that I really dare not kill you? "

Tang Zhen's tone was as cold as ice. This matter really had nothing to do with him, so how could he let the other party talk nonsense.

"But...but here you are the only one who has a problem with us, and we can only doubt you..."

Hearing Tang Zhen's question, the four shrank their necks and said falteringly.

Leya came over, glanced at the four of them, and said in a calm tone: "Tang Zhen was with us before, and my companions can testify to this matter, so your companion's disappearance has absolutely nothing to do with him!"

The other members of the adventure group also nodded, saying that they could testify that Tang Zhen never left their sight.

The four men were stunned at the same time. If Tang Zhen really did not do this, then where did their companions go?

Could it be that besides Tang Zhen, someone else wanted their lives?

After thinking of this possibility, the four felt chills in their hearts, and everyone seemed to be someone who wanted to take his own life.

"You guys clarify the matter first, what exactly happened, don't rush to draw conclusions.

Don't forget the sea monster that appeared earlier, no one can confirm whether it really left.

If it is still here and secretly attacks your companion, everyone must be more careful. "

When Leiya spoke, she looked at the four men with serious expressions.

Because there were sea monsters before, it is not guaranteed that there will be other monsters, and the missing man is also very likely to be killed by monsters.

This island was formed after the Creation Ball shattered, and it bred all kinds of strange creatures. It is absolutely not uncommon for a monster they don't understand to secretly harm people.

The other residents also nodded one after another. It was a matter of life and safety, so they had to be more careful.

Looking at the deep pits not far away, their eyes are full of vigilance, for fear that a monster will crawl out of them in the next second.

After hearing Leiya's words, the four of them didn't dare to hide anything, and quickly recounted what happened just now.

In fact, they didn't know much, they only remembered that they drank together before, and when they woke up, they found that one of them had disappeared.

It was found that the accomplice was missing, and they didn't care at the beginning, thinking that the other party had gone to pee.

But after waiting for a long time, but no one came back, they realized that something was wrong.

After that, the four of them searched in the cave, but they couldn't find any trace of their companions after searching all corners.

They, who were already feuding with Tang Zhen, immediately thought that Tang Zhen was taking revenge on them, and after discussing with each other, they came directly to the door.

It's not that they are not afraid of Tang Zhen, but that they plan to use this method to make Tang Zhen under the supervision of everyone and dare not continue to do anything.

If they dare not speak out because of fear, then even if they are all dead, no one will know who the real murderer is.

So their behavior at this time is definitely not reckless.It is a choice that is finally made after careful consideration.

(End of this chapter)

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